  • Food products for a one-year-old child

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    The question of what products should be added to the baby's diet and at what age is decided individually by the doctor. His decision depends on the digestion of the child( which is easier to absorb, which is difficult) and what is on the market.

    This chapter is intended for parents who can not regularly consult a doctor and for the most part have to rely on their own knowledge. If you are in this situation, use your own common sense. Do not believe that there is a definite period for the introduction of each new type of food. Begin to give E new food gradually, even in the second year. Act particularly slowly and carefully with a child who has problems with digestion.


    Milk after a year. Milk contains almost all the elements a person needs: protein, fat, sugar, mineral salts and most vitamins. Children who receive a balanced diet that excludes milk are most likely to receive most of the needed from other foods. The exception is calcium. Milk is the only product that contains calcium in large quantities. Therefore, the child must receive from three quarters to a liter of milk daily in various forms.

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    Remember, however, that most children want one less week, another more, and that the surest way to keep their love of milk is to not make them drink when they do not want it. If in a week the child does not return to its norm( 750g), think about what other form it is possible to give him milk.

    Than it is possible to replace simple milk. Dry porridge during cooking absorbs a lot of milk. There are also razor puddings - from rice to pudding out.sweet cottage cheese. Vegetables and even chicken can be cooked not on water, but on milk. On milk you can cook pasta, potatoes, baked and mashed potatoes, and many other dishes.

    Can I use milk with seasonings? If a child receives a sufficient amount of milk with different dishes, it is better not to do so. But if necessary, you can cook on cocoa milk, hot chocolate or sweeten cold milk with a small amount of chocolate syrup. However, in children, chocolate often causes diathesis and gastric upset, so before two years it is better not to give it, and then inject it very gradually. Milk can be seasoned with vanillin or other ready-made malt seasonings. But whatever seasonings you use, do not make the milk too sweet, otherwise it can ruin the child's appetite. If you give milk through a straw, it may seem like a treat;

    Flavored milk can be eaten by a child as soon as the fragrance of novelty has eroded. Most likely it will happen in the event that the mother starts to force the child when he first drank less glass. If the mother constantly says: "Drink a little more chocolate milk( or something else)" - the child will quickly lose his appetite.

    A very useful form of milk is cheese.30 grams of cheese of almost any variety contains as much calcium as 250 g of milk. But there are two important exceptions. You need three times more processed cheese( 90g) to replace the amount of calcium in 250g of milk. In the curd, calcium is even less: you need 300g of cottage cheese to get the same amount of calcium as in 250g of milk.

    Curd almost contains no fat, it is easily digested, it can be eaten a lot of salted or mixed with mashed raw vegetables. In other cheeses a lot of fat, they need to be given gradually. Most likely the child will eat at first a little. Cheese can be rubbed and added to other dishes or eat pieces.

    Oil and margarine need to be introduced very gradually, adding little by little to vegetables and bread starting from the year. Cream, too, can be gradually added to cereals, puddings, fruit for a child who has a good appetite.

    The digestive system needs time to get used to the increased amount of fat.

    Meat, fish, eggs.

    Meat. Most children eat meat, minced or missed through a meat grinder: beef, chicken, young mutton, liver, bacon, veal, pork, when it is cooked for the whole family, or they can continue to eat meat from special children's canned food. Bacon contains a little protein, so it should not be given regularly instead of other types of meat. With pork you need to cut almost all the fat. Pork is an excellent source of vitamins, but it should be carefully prepared so that it is white, not pink. Improperly cooked pork can become a source of dangerous disease caused by a trichinella worm. Beef sausages and ham( not fried) should be given after two years.

    Many children who like meat, turn away from it, if it is not enough shredded or chopped. Pieces that are difficult to chew, scare them, children can choke on them. So continue to grind the meat for the baby until it turns five or six years old.

    Fish of white low-fat varieties, such as cod, halibut, flounder, can be given with caution from year on, boiled, baked or fried. It should be carefully kneaded to remove all bones. More fatty varieties of fish and canned fish can be gradually added from two years. Some children like fish, and then it once or twice a week perfectly replaces meat. But many children abandon it even after several attempts. Do not force them.

    Eggs. Eggs are equally valuable hard boiled and soft, in the form of eggs, baked, mixed with other dishes or served in drinks. If a child likes eggs, it is desirable that he eats one every day. If he wants, he can eat two.

    If the child does not like most of the meat and fish varieties or if you can not get them, the protein requirements will cover 750-1000 grams of milk per day and two eggs daily, as a child will receive some of the protein from the cereals and vegetables.

    If a child does not like eggs or is allergic to them, the more important that he regularly eat meat. Vegetables

    Variety of vegetables. In the first year the child probably eats the following vegetables: spinach, peas, onions, carrots, asparagus, asparagus, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, beets, celery, potatoes.

    Until a year the child should gradually move from mashed vegetables to chopped slices( of course, some vegetables can still be served with mashed vegetables).Green peas need to be crushed slightly, so that the child does not swallow it whole.

    Starting from the year you can give sweet or yams instead of usual white potatoes. If up to a year you gave only easily digestible vegetables, then you can gradually introduce less common and harder digestible ones, such as lima beans( in the form of mashed potatoes), broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, turnip, parsnip. The sharp taste of these vegetables can be eliminated if they are cooked, twice changing the water. Some children love them and absorb them well, but many will not touch them. Wait up to two years before giving corn in grains. Infants do not chew it, it goes undigested. Give the child only soft corn. Do not cut too close to the stem, then each seed will open. When in three or four years you start to give corn in the ear, cut each row of grains to open.

    For children with good digestion, easily digestible raw vegetables are given between year and two. The best is peeled tomatoes, lettuce, cut beans, grated carrots, finely chopped celery. Everything should be well cleaned. At first, move slowly and check whether the vegetables are digested. As a seasoning, you can use orange juice and sweetened lemon juice.

    At the same time, you can start to give the juice of raw vegetables. Raw vegetables and vegetable juices for children with good digestion are not only as good as boiled ones - they are better, because vitamins and mineral salts in them are not destroyed by high temperature and do not dissolve in boiling water.

    If the child temporarily refuses vegetables, recall the existence of vegetable soups: pea, tomato, celery, onion, spinach, beet, corn and soup, prepared from a variety of vegetables.

    Temporary replacement of vegetables. Suppose a child refuses vegetables in any form within a week. Will his food suffer? Vegetables are especially valuable because of a variety of minerals and vitamins, and also because of fiber. But fruits give a lot of vitamins and minerals and the same amount of fiber. If a child takes vitamin concentrates, drinks milk, eats meat and eggs, he gets those vitamins and minerals that can not compensate for the fruit. In other words, if your child does not like all vegetables, but loves fruits, do not worry about something that is missing him. Give fruit two or three times a day and for a few weeks or even months, forget about the vegetables. If you do not make noise because of this, it is very likely that over time the appetite for vegetables will return to the child.


    Fruits. During the first year, the child probably tasted homemade or canned apple puree, apricots, prunes, pears, peaches, pineapple, and in the raw kind of ripe bananas, apples, pears, avocados. By the year, some of these fruits are already given in pieces. Canned fruits, such as pears, peaches, pineapples, cooked for adults, are not very desirable for children, because they are too sweetened. At least drain the syrup. Raw fruits such as oranges, peaches, apricots, plums, pitted grapes are usually added between a year and two for children with good digestion. They should be ripe. Until three or four years, peel. If the peel remains, the fruit should be thoroughly washed to remove the chemicals that they were sprayed with.

    It is usually recommended to wait until two years before giving cherries and other raw berries( strawberries and strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and black currants, logan berry - a hybrid of raspberries with blackberries).Strawberry sometimes causes a rash. Little children swallow the whole berries, and they come out like that, so knead them so that the baby chews well. Remove the cherry bones until the child learns to spit them out. At whatever age you start to give berries, do it gradually and stop if they cause indigestion.

    You can give melons and watermelon from two years. Start with small quantities in the crushed form.

    Dried fruits, such as prunes, apricots, figs, dates, can be given as non-brewed, sliced ​​as a salad or whole. They should be washed well, unless the package says they are ready to eat raw. Dried fruits stick to the teeth for a long time, so do not give them often.

    Porridge and Dinner

    Kashi. A one-year-old child, probably already eating a variety of porridges from children's semi-finished or boiled - oatmeal or wheat, - those that the whole family eats. If they like him, give them once or twice a day unlimited time.

    Remember that small children like either very hard, or soft and liquid foods. They do not like the viscous consistency. So make the porridge liquid.

    If one kind of porridge is boring your child, try another one, which he did not like very much before. You can sometimes give boiled unpolished rice, hominy or semolina porridge.

    Children may like dry cereal( for example, buckwheat), because they are diverse and because they are eaten by other children. The most valuable are semolina porridge and oatmeal, because they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals( corn and rice are less valuable).

    Bread and porridge. If the child is fed up with the usual cereal for breakfast, you can give him toasted bread, a roll, a whole wheat flour cake, rye or rice flour or banana bread. Grain in a baked form is as valuable as in boiled. The fact that it is not hot does not reduce its nutritional value or digestibility. Spread bread with butter or margarine( starting from one year of age and in small amounts).You can spread bread with fruit puree or marmalade, if it makes it more appetizing.

    The problem of replacing porridge occurs most often at dinner and entails the question of what the dinner should consist of.

    Dinner."He was tired of dinners from porridge and fruit, and I can not think of what to give him," - often complain in the second year of the mother. Best of all, when the dinner menu is often changed and sometimes composed at the last minute. Breakfasts and lunches in this respect are more traditional.

    If you are going to give your child a few dishes for dinner, observe a simple rule, so as not to give two hearty meals in one evening, and in the other two light meals. Here's the rule:

    1) either fruits or vegetables and 2) a hearty dish with lots of calories.

    Consider a hearty dish. This dish can be a porridge that will make appetizing pieces of raw, boiled or dried fruit or a little unrefined sugar, honey or molasses.

    When the child is older, the porridge can replace bread or any kind of sandwiches. When he is a year old, he very slowly eats bread, and sandwiches always separate to get to the filling. But closer to two years he cope with these dishes well. Closer to two years, use rye, wheat, oatmeal and banana bread for sandwiches and sandwiches, and in two years you can add bread from wholemeal rye flour and nut bread. Spread some bread on the bread, margarine, cottage cheese or cream cheese. You can also add jam, jelly, marmalade, honey or a little sugar, if you want to make a sandwich more appetizing, but I would not smear them with a thick layer. Sandwiches and sandwiches can be made from a wide variety of foods, either alone or in a variety of combinations: raw vegetables( lettuce, tomatoes, grated carrots or cabbage), boiled fruits, sliced ​​dry fruits, peanut butter, eggs, canned fish, chopped poultry ormeat. Cheese can be smeared, grated or thinly sliced. By the age of three, most of the above products can be combined with processed cheese or a small amount of mayonnaise.

    A very satisfying dish, which you can sometimes give, is a broth or soup with rice, pearl barley or noodles;or vegetable soup, simple or with sour cream, where toss the toasted bread on cubes.

    In addition to the egg given for breakfast or instead of breakfast, an egg can be given for supper, boiled or boiled eggs, or in the form of scrambled eggs, on toasted bread or crumbled bread.

    Simple crackers, preferably whole wheat flour, can be given alone, or smeared with anything, or with a cup of hot or cold milk.(But in crackers from wholemeal flour, there are few calories.) With milk, you can also give bread, simple or toasty, with slices or slices slightly salted.

    If a child loves potatoes, this is a good hearty dish for dinner. Occasionally, you can give pasta, spaghetti or noodles.

    Instead of serving first a hearty meal for dinner, you can sometimes give boiled green or yellow vegetables or a vegetable or fruit salad. Then give the milk pudding: cottage cheese, boiled or baked, rice, tapioca or corn;occasionally the elder children - ice cream.

    An excellent hearty dessert for dinner - a banana. Bananas can also be given for breakfast instead of porridge.

    Sometimes it is possible to give sweet curd for dinner, preferably with fruit, for dinner, but there are few calories in curds, and it is not so rich.

    There are children who do not like dishes that contain starch, and they do not seem to need it. They get enough calories from milk, meat, fruits, vegetables to gain weight normally. Complex vitamin B they also get from this food. In other words, the least you need to worry about bread, cereals and other starchy foods in the baby's diet. Let him spend weeks without it, if he is all right.

    Parents who eat early can prefer that the main meal for the day, with meat, potatoes and vegetables, the child ate with them at this time. There is no harm in this if the child does not go to bed late.

    Then the dinner for him becomes an easy meal, like the dinner that was offered in this paragraph.