
What to drink and eat before the bath, in the bath and after the bath

  • What to drink and eat before the bath, in the bath and after the bath

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    Depending on whether the digestive system functions normally or if there are disruptions in its activity, diseases, peculiarities of its work, everyone decides what and when to eat before a bath, what to eat in a bath and what food regime to follow right after the bath. However, there are a number of general recommendations in this regard.

    You should not go to the bath immediately after a plentiful meal( after dinner, dinner).One of our ancient clinics recommends taking bath procedures 4-5 hours after a plentiful meal.

    Mentioned earlier, Antonio Sanchez wrote: "Many go to the bathhouse soon after lunch or dinner. But then the bath becomes harmful. .. From this the great heaviness is made in the whole body. .. The boiling in the stomach is damaged. .. This abuse is as harmful as the reasonable use of the bath is. "

    When visiting a bath with a full stomach, unpleasant consequences can occur, especially if the stay in the steam bath or bath procedures lasts a long time. When exposed to high temperatures on the skin, blood from the internal organs flows to the skin, the work of the internal organs decreases somewhat. Digestion slows down, as this process requires abundant supply of digestive organs with blood. The food lump, especially in the overcrowded stomach, stops

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    for a long time, the undigested food begins to ferment( especially carbohydrate), then gets undigested into the thin and then into the large intestine, and the entire digestive system begins to suffer. Painful symptoms intensify if a person's bath procedures are generously diluted with tobacco smoke. A smoker in a bath, especially in a steam room, breathes heavily, his head starts to hurt. And if the full stomach, tobacco smoke( which also partially falls into the stomach) is added more alcohol( which is practiced in the bath by many), the bath from the health-improving institution turns into an institution extremely harmful.

    Do not eat foods that are difficult to digest for a long time. This is primarily meat products, legumes, various kinds of smoked products, whole grain products, heavily roasted foods and.containing a large number of tannins;products containing many fats, especially animals( cakes, ice cream, creams, etc.);products stuffed with preservatives, food additives, dyes, artificial flavors, etc. As before the bath, and in general in the diet should be as much as possible to abstain from eating foods with food additives, it is necessary to eat natural products and best fresh, minimally processed, cooked at home. Let it become an integral part of your lifestyle.

    In general, on the use of industrially prepared foods containing food additives, it is necessary to dwell in detail, since more often bath buffets offer to their visitors exactly such products: all sorts of chips.

    What do food supplements mean to you? These are chemicals by which products are laundered( rid of dirt, pesticides, mold), processed to prevent decay;apply illuminators, dyes, to give the product an attractive appearance;apply a layer of a chemical to prevent loss of moisture;saturate the product with aromatic substances to give it an attractive smell;stuffed with taste substances to simulate real taste;use antioxidants, so that the product does not lose its external characteristics as a result of oxidation;Process the product with oil derivatives to protect it from rancidity;use antimicrobial agents to protect against microorganisms, and so on. All the food additives, preservatives, colorants, flavors, antioxidants and many others that can be used are impossible to list - there are a lot of them, but they are all artificial substances harmful to humans. American doctors warn: "Avoid food supplements whenever and wherever you can. Remember, the risk-benefit ratio depends on what you put in your mouth. Learn to understand food. Do not spoil your health. "

    It is doubly dangerous to use such products in the bath. The fact is that under the influence of bath factors( temperature, humidity, etc.), all processes in the body change drastically, especially metabolic processes, and under certain conditions, nutritional supplements in these altered conditions can greatly harm the body.

    The same applies to beverages that are not less, and often even more saturated with additives, gases.

    Especially cautious with the intake of such juices and water should be obese people with obesity, as well as other diseases of metabolism, liver and kidneys.

    The most common drink of many sauna visitors is beer, and quite a few do not deny themselves and the reception of alcoholic beverages, including strong ones. Healthy young people tolerate such frivolity quite well, although they do themselves harm. As for the elderly, and even those suffering from all kinds of ailments, it is very dangerous for them to take beer and alcoholic drinks, since this can lead to even tragic results.

    And it's quite dangerous to take in the sauna all sorts of stimulants, and so on.

    It is dangerous in the bath to take many medications: the fact is that the absorption of drugs in the bath drops sharply, as blood from the stomach and other digestive organs flows to the skin and the functioning of these organs falls sharply.

    You can not go to the bath and with a completely empty stomach. Russian physician G. Sobolevsky 200 years on

    nd got1 gopal before the bath to do enema to those who suffer from constipation. He wrote: "With an aggravated stomach and guts in the bath, there may be a rush of blood to the head," and the digestive organs will cease their work.

    What and when can you eat before visiting the sauna? On a bath day in the morning, it is better to follow a sparing diet.

    For breakfast it is desirable to use fruits, vegetables, wild, to which you can add fish with seafood, eggs, dairy products, cereals.

    Then dinner. It is desirable that at the dinner table there were no temptations: wine, fried, smoked, salted, pickled, sweet products. It is better to eat foods that are easily digested: vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese, sour-milk products, egg products, etc.

    What can I eat during bath procedures? In many regions of Russia, it was customary to serve a few pieces of radish at the entrance to the bath to each visitor, and in the home baths, when receiving a welcome or honored guest, the wife or daughter of the host gave him a radish. By the way, that truly Russian custom, along with Russian baths, migrated to some European countries, where they also serve radish in a bathhouse.

    Why is the radish served in the bath? Apparently, the reason for this lies in the chemical composition of the plant. Radish - this is a vegetable plant, which the person began to cultivate for 1,6-2 thousand years BC.According to Avicenna, in ancient times not only cultured radish varieties were used, but also wild ones. Nowadays, rarely does anyone eat the tops of a radish and its juice. Obviously, our ancestors were more reasonable. We read

    from the same Avicenna: "The spring radish leaves, if you boil them and eat them with olive oil and mourri( sauce), are more nutritious than its root."Avicenna recommended eating radish leaves "after consuming other dishes, because they help to digest food, and the juice of leaves opens clogs in the liver and stops jaundice. .. Radish stimulates appetite and stops pain in the liver. .."

    Radish and its juice have long been usedand our ancestors "from cadavers and consumption", and outwardly they rubbed themselves in a bath "from aches and irritation of the skin with a cold."In the Russian folk medicine clinic we read: "With juice, the rotting ulcers are washed away, then rotten meat is expelled from them."

    Radish and especially its juice activate the pancreas, it has a beneficial effect on the activity of the intestine, strengthens peristalsis, is useful for those who have difficulties with cleansing the intestines. Rare juice is a good body cleaner from harmful substances.