  • Gynecology and Obstetrics

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    The sauna( sauna) in the life of many peoples not only played a hygienic role, but also was the place where people appeared and died. In particular, at one time in Russia it was customary to give birth to children in a bath not only among commoners, but also among boyars and royal families. Many other nations of the world adopted similar customs. For example, the Mayan bathhouse was also the birthplace of children. And the habit of Finnish women to give birth in the sauna has recently become the subject of doctors' attention. It turned out that the sauna, especially the home, from the bacteriological point of view is a sterile space. In the sauna it is easy to create good conditions for delivery: there is a lot of warm water, the necessary air temperature, a number of other necessary hygienic conditions, not only for the mother and the newborn.

    If during pregnancy the woman correctly used a sauna( a bath), childbirth at her pass much easier and on time process approximately on 1/3 is shorter. Pregnant women who visit the sauna during birth often suffer from pain that requires antispasmodics and analgesics. This is due to the psyche, an increase in the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus, a decrease in the excessive strain of

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    , a positive effect of the bath on the autonomic nervous system.

    The bath causes an increase in lactation in nursing mothers, which is noted in about 80% of cases.

    It is known that approximately one third of women have varicose veins during pregnancy. When a pregnant woman visits a bath, these disorders decrease, which is associated with an increase in the tone of the vascular system, which contributes to a decrease in the propensity to a collapoid state. Women who visit the bath are less likely to have thromboses and their complications, which indicates the effect on blood coagulation mechanisms. When visiting a sauna by pregnant women, they had a reduction in headache, fatigue and gastrointestinal disorders. The course of some infectious diseases during pregnancy is easier if the woman visits the bath. For example, the flu, women who visit the bath, are much easier to carry. Under the influence of the bath, skin diseases during pregnancy, such as hives, dermototoxicosis, pruritus and others, can regress or completely disappear.

    Bath is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. In general, we are talking about chronic processes. The positive influence of the bath on the course of gynecological diseases is associated with an increase in blood circulation in the skin, the inclusion of redistributive and compensatory mechanisms that change blood circulation in internal organs, with changes caused by rapid cooling. This leads to an improvement in blood circulation in chronic diseases of internal organs and removal of inflammatory components from tissues.

    Indications for the appointment of a bath in gynecology and obstetrics: primary and secondary sterility and infantilism, dysfunction of the ovaries and related disorders of uterine functions, primary and secondary amenorrhea, ovarian dysmenorrhea and insufficiency, chronic inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs, chronic complications after abortion, climacteric syndrome with the tolerability of hyperthermic procedures, normal pregnancy right up to delivery.

    Contraindications: acute inflammatory diseases, conditions after recent surgical interventions, complicated pregnancy.