  • Purification of the body by folk remedies and methods

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    Any mechanism works well if it's clean. The same thing happens with our body, which is thousands of times more complicated than the most intelligent and complex machine - it also needs to be cleaned from time to time. When we get sick, we try to put all our worries about our health on the attending physician, not thinking that they themselves must first take care of themselves and prevent the development of the disease, let alone transition it into a chronic form. However, we do not always have enough willpower for this, sometimes laziness, and sometimes we deliberately do

    harm to the body with excessive food, smoking, alcohol.

    It's not easy to save health. Only our perseverance, great desire and great willpower to defeat the disease.

    The basic condition of every healthy organism is its purity. Any delay in the body of rotting waste makes it difficult for health. Why are the chronic drugs so badly helped by most of the medicines of official medicine, even persistent treatment with herbs and traditional medicine does not always bring healing? The answer is simple. Because we are treating a slagged, toxin-poisoned organism. Therefore, before you start treatment for any disease, especially chronic, you need to cleanse the body, throw out of it everything that interferes with its normal life.

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    According to some scientists, 50% of the body's bioenergy expends on vision, the other half - on all other vital functions. But if the human body is cluttered with slag, most of the remaining 50% of bioenergy goes to its purification. What remains for him for normal life? Some 10-20%.So what kind of normal life can we talk about? How can diseases not prevail against him?

    When we clean the body of toxins, all purified systems will begin to operate at full strength, as a huge amount of bioenergy will be released.

    In a human body weighing 50-55 kg, 35 liters of liquid circulate, 5 of them are for blood, 2 for lymph, and 28 for extracellular fluid. Between each cell and body fluids there is a constant exchange. The cell receives nutrient

    substances and gives the decay products. If the intercellular fluid( washing each cell) is contaminated with slags, then, according to the law of diffusion and the difference in osmotic pressures, cell purification will be incomplete. Part of the products of decay( toxins) remains in the cell, disrupting its normal vital activity. Each year, the number of toxins increases, and the cell is getting worse with its duties. And there are billions of such cells in the body! More and more of them are out of order - there is pain and a violation of the functions of any organ. The body includes more and more compensatory reactions and, in the end, does not stand up - the disease fully comes into its own.

    Once the great Russian scientist VI Vernadsky( 1863-1945) wrote: "No species can live in the wastes created by it".These words can be put in the basis of the emergence and treatment of any disease. First cleanse, then heal.

    Old age is the accumulation of slags that are collected in the body as a result of malnutrition, bad habits and lack of regular cleansing.