  • Physical regulators of biological processes

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    The most important of these is the Sun. In winter, the intensity of metabolic processes is lowered, because the Sun does not spoil us with its attention. Its maximum reaches its metabolism in the summer. In the spring and autumn, their patterns in these processes. Therefore, the Sun gives life, and is the cause of a number of diseases. In each geographical area of ​​our country, the impact of external factors on human health has its own characteristics.

    In addition to changes in the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field, changes in the flow of radio emissions from the Sun, artificial sources of various radiations, electromagnetic oscillations of industrial sources, especially in large cities, are unsafe for health.

    Combinations of natural electromagnetic fields with industrial effects can be strong negative factors affecting the health of a person.

    The most significant for health is air pollution in large cities, which, according to research scientists, affects the change in blood cells( their enzyme status), the state of the lungs.

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    According to Yu. P. Lisitsyn( 1986), human health depends:

    • from medicine - by 8-10 percent;

    • from heredity - by 20 percent;

    • from the environment - by 20 percent;

    • from the way of life - by 50 percent;

    • 80 percent of the most common diseases of modern humans depend on the environment( many scientists believe).

    According to the World Health Organization, the most common noncommunicable diseases in industrial countries are today:

    • cancer;

    • Atherosclerosis;

    • hypertension;

    • diabetes mellitus.

    These diseases largely depend on the person's lifestyle and on the factors that cause damage to the genetic apparatus - carcinogenic, chemical effects, ionizing radiation, etc. This causes a faster aging, exceeding the rate of normal physiological aging.

    In recent years, work has appeared that prove that the level of health to a certain extent depends on the occurrence of genetic defects.

    Genetics - the science of heredity - began to develop intensively and took its rightful place in fundamental science.

    All inherited makings transferred from parents, as well as their ancestors, were called genotype, and congenital makings that appeared under certain conditions under the influence of certain environmental factors are called the phenotype.

    A well-known scientist who has devoted many years to studying the patterns of age development, believes that successive age changes exhaust some energy reserves, genetically programmed "zygote potential" - the beginning of crushing of the egg after its fertilization or even genetically predetermined adaptive energy( UG Selye).

    IA Arshavsky revealed that in the process of development, a person has a genetically "stored" energy fund, which is even more increasing in the development process and grows the more, the more pronounced the motor activity. But this happens only when this activity does not exceed the limits of physiological possibilities.

    That's why especially children and young people need constant, but within reason, motor activity. Unfortunately, many people understand this rather late and begin physical exercises only in 40-60 and even in 70 years, missing the time when motor activity gives the greatest effect for increasing the stock of its "energy fund".

    The energy rule of motor activity is the law inherent in both animals and plants. IA Arshavsky emphasizes that in an adult human self-renewal processes are the main property of life.

    Movement plays a big role in the existence and development of the body, as well as its cells. For a person, motor activity is a movement in space, and for most of its cells it is an environment, for blood moves past cells, muscle contractions drive blood to the heart, etc. So any contraction of muscles and their active relaxation is necessary for the body to grow,development and renewal. And this program begins already with a zygote.

    Watch your little kitten: periodically his numerous jumps and pranks are replaced by the onset of rest and sleep. And small children - they are ready to run all day, jump and climb trees. This is also necessary for their growth.

    The need for movement is a powerful energy source necessary for vital processes.

    Motor activity allows to form and activate growth processes, physiological regeneration of organs and systems of our body, moreover, the activity of the neuromuscular system is higher, the higher the intensity of other body systems.

    Many physiologists call the human muscular system the "second heart" of the body. Indeed, muscle tissue accounts for more than 40 percent of the body weight in men and 30 percent in women. Muscular activity is regulated by the nervous and endocrine systems, and the energy base of this activity is provided by the movement of blood and the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

    From the state of the neuromuscular system, adaptive capabilities of a person largely depend. The quality of the neuromuscular system is not the same for all people: some have a powerful muscle mass, others have less muscle, some can quickly and completely relax their muscles if necessary, while others have a weak ability.

    Differences in people by their ability to speed arbitrary relaxation of skeletal muscles were discovered by Yu. V. Vysotchin, who proved that this is due to the inhibitory processes of the central nervous system of man.

    It turned out that this ability in many ways determines the ability of a person to urgent and long-term adaptation. From these abilities depends the speed of recovery processes, physical performance, immunological resistance.

    People who are able to quickly relax their muscular system in any situation, get less injuries, have fewer musculoskeletal disorders and heart surges, increased stress resistance and higher health indicators.

    Athletes with high rates of voluntary muscle relaxation differ and higher performance in sports, especially in barrier run and short-distance running.

    Strong but hypertrophied muscles are worse supplied with blood and therefore less workable.

    The speed of voluntary muscle relaxation is necessary not only for athletes to ensure viability - it is important for everyone.

    The fact is that under any extreme effects, stresses disturb the balance of nervous processes.

    Fast activation of braking processes allows to normalize this balance, thereby improving the adaptability of the organism to such effects as hypoxia ( lack of oxygen), hyperthermia ( overheating), high physical exertion, psychoemotional tension, and hypertension of muscles, which, in turn, leads to improved coordination of movement, increased economic efficiency of the heart, improved blood supply to the muscles and their energy supply, i.e., there is an emergency increase in performanceSTI and the normalization of the human condition.

    The researches conducted in the laboratory under the leadership of Yu. V. Vysochina allowed us to establish that, using certain exercises and influences, it is possible to successfully work on increasing the rate of voluntary relaxation and thereby improve its adaptive capabilities. The values ​​of this speed for each person are different and vary depending on the months of the endogenous year. In this paper, the term "individual year"( IG) is used for greater accessibility of the definition of its zones and the date from birth is counted.