  • Development of child speech 5-7 years

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    After a year or two, your child will go to school. You will have new worries, joys, perhaps griefs, which will be much less if the kid is prepared for training activities.

    The school from the first class makes quite high demands on the students, and the child, who first crosses the threshold, must meet these requirements. Without the formation of certain skills and first-graders, it will be very difficult to enter the rhythm of the work of a modern school and not to fall behind comrades in class.

    The degree of the child's preparedness for learning largely depends on the parents. Even long before entering the first class, parents tell the child about the school, teachers, school orders, what the children are doing in the classroom;educate him for readiness to study, develop mathematical ideas, teach to read and write, develop attention, work capacity, cognitive interests and activity.

    The development of the speech of the senior preschooler, the ability to coherently, consistently, logically state their thoughts, the development of phonemic hearing are the most important moments in the preparation of children for school.

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    The child's coherent speech is the result of mastering all aspects of the native language by him: phonetics, vocabulary, grammar. The requirements of the primary school to the level of development of the first class student's coherent speech are very high, since in the lesson he should be able to retell the reading, tell how he solved this or that problem.

    The child can master the letter and the letter to the full extent in the event that he is able to hear and distinguish sounds. Otherwise, when writing, he will skip, rearrange letters. That is why it is so important throughout the preschool years to pay much attention to the development of the child's speech, including the sound of her speech.

    The vocabulary of the child, as well as the assimilation of the grammatical structure of the language, depend on the conditions of life, upbringing, and also on the efforts made by adults in this direction. If during the previous five years you were engaged with a child, then his speech by the time of admission to school will reach a certain perfection. By this time the child has acquired a sufficient vocabulary, less and less allows grammatical errors in the coordination of words, in the use of case endings, prepositions. He answers questions with detailed phrases, uses complex and complex sentences. He can independently compose a story on a picture, retell a familiar tale or story, share his impressions of the cartoon, the book. A child can fantasize, compose a fairy tale. Here, for example, what kind of fairy tale Cyril invented: "One uncle as a child ate only cakes and sweets. And when he grew up, he turned into a big-big cake in the shape of a man. The children began to run after him and shout: "My uncle, give me a finger, give him a bite to eat." And he ran away from the children, they still caught him and broke off pieces. Then the man cake ran to the police and told everything that happens to him. And he asked the militiamen to stand up for him, and the militiamen themselves broke off pieces and enjoyed it "(VS Mukhina" Gemini ")

    As we see, the oral speech of children of this age hardly differs from that of adults.the fact that a six-year-old child has a sufficient lexical stock, he has not yetand can quickly pick up the right word. Sometimes children mix words that are close in sounding( excavator and escalator) and misuse them. Many grammatical errors are also encountered in the speech, most often the child incorrectly uses the endings of the nouns of the plural in the genitive case( many glasses)

    Almost all the children clearly and correctly pronounce all the sounds, the mixing of hissing and whistling sounds, sounds [p]( [p '] & gt;and [n]( [n ']).During this period of life, the child can already change the volume and the pace of speech as necessary: ​​speak loudly, quietly, in a whisper;quickly, slowly( and to speed up his speech it is easier, than to slow down);he can use intonational means of expressiveness. However, some children may still have some shortcomings in the pronunciation of sounds. If the child still has shortcomings in speech, we must try to eliminate them before entering school, as this will largely determine his progress in school.

    And although the child's achievements in mastering all aspects of speech are significant, nevertheless, special exercises are necessary with the preschooler-they will help to consolidate what has been achieved. Undoubtedly, the tasks should now be more complex, as the child grew up, he already knows and knows a lot.

    Clear ideas about subjects and sufficient knowledge of the surrounding make the child's speech meaningful. But the content should be built in a logical sequence-the child must learn not to miss the main episodes, not to rearrange them, to finish the sentence.

    The content of speech depends on the ability to use the wealth of language facilities.

    The task of parents at this age stage is to improve the child's coherent speech. This work should go in several directions: the expansion of the vocabulary( the mastering of children by the most elementary means of artistic expression-epithets, comparisons, synonyms, antonyms);the development of the ability to tell, accurately and consistently transmit the content of artistic works;formation of grammatically correct speech;further improvement of sound culture.

    Getting acquainted with the richness, artistic means of the language enables the child to consciously treat his speech. He chooses a more appropriate word, the most vivid, the most accurate for expressing one's thoughts.

    The proposed tasks will cause the child to take an interest in the word, show him how many faces he shares with the same word, make his speech emotional and bright.

    Ask the child to choose words that are close in meaning but different in sound( synonyms).For example, call the phrase a sad boy and ask: "How can you call this boy differently? Sad, unhappy, distressed. The weather is overcast, but in another way it can be called rainy, cloudy. By the way it is afraid you can pick up words that are close in meaning, like cowards, fears, frightened, trembles, etc.

    Guys select with interest the words( adjectives, adverbs, nouns) of the opposite meaning( antonyms) to the named words. First, give an example: "One boy is weak, and the other is strong.""The knife can be sharp, but it happens. .." - "Dumb," adds the child."One boy runs fast, and another. ..( slowly).""The tram has an entrance and there is something?"( Exit.)

    Children like this game and they usually enjoy playing it. One can not just allow a child to facilitate his task and, in response, pronounce the words with a particle not( not strong instead of weak, mild instead of dull, not fast, instead of slow).

    The variant of this game is to form verbs with the opposite meaning: "The crane was opened, and then. ..( closed)", "The boy came, and then. ..( left)", "The plane flew off, and then. ..( flew) "," Grandma first put on glasses, and then. ..( removed) "(villages - rose, bought - sold, lost - found, etc.).

    Promotes the expansion of the vocabulary of the child and the classification of objects according to certain characteristics. Offer the child to list items that can be soft, sweet or round, or give a qualitative characteristic to any object. For example, a child should say what a table can be( round, square, straight coal, wooden, dining, writing), or to name what a river can be( broad, deep, sinuous, clean).Incomplete answers are supplemented, inaccurate-corrected.

    Often children even of the seventh year of life use the general word instead of the exact title of the subject. So, instead of the word spruce( pine, birch) the child speaks a tree, instead of the word chamomile( aster, cornflower) -color. Strive for the child to accurately name the item, and if he does not know his name, call it yourself and ask for it again.

    Teach a child to select generalizing nouns for words that denote homogeneous objects or phenomena.

    • "Say what( who) this is."Name an item and ask the baby to choose a general word."The chair," you say."Furniture," says the child."Sparrow".(The bird.) The beetle.(Insect.) The Perch.(Fish.) The bow.(Vegetable.) The pear.(Fruit.)

    Children happy finish the phrase started by an adult: "My grandmother went to the store and bought. .." The child lists what exactly my grandmother bought. Complicating the task, you can suggest to name only fruit( plum, apples, pears, peaches).Ask the child what they grow in the garden."Beets, onions, carrots, cucumbers," the child lists. Then change roles: let the child begin the phrase, and you finish.

    To expand the preschooler's dictionary it is necessary at the expense of not only nouns, but also adjectives.

    • "Guess what it is".What are the main qualities of an object, and ask the child to determine what kind of subject it is. For example: round, juicy, red, grows on the bed.(Tomato.) In describing the subject, the child must indicate those basic, characteristic qualities by which one can unerringly guess what is at stake.

    Exercise your child in the formation of adjectives. Ask him: "What is the name of the hat made of fur( fur), a blouse of wool( woolen), a pillow from down or feathers( downy, feathery)!" Note whether the child coordinates the words correctly. This task can be changed a little.

    Put several items in front of the child( for example, a cup, ruler, napkin) and ask him to first determine what they are made of, and then form adjectives: "The ruler is made of plastic. It's plastic. "

    Encourage him to properly name and use adverbs. Ask him to answer the questions: "How does the girl wash dishes?"( Cleanly, quickly, slowly, neatly), "How does the baby talk?"( Bad, good, clean, fast, expressive);"How does the girl run?";"How does the boy sing?"

    Children are very fond of "playing" with words, forming new ones. This should be used in the tasks that you give the child.

    Name an object, for example a house, and then ask the child how you can tell about a big house( domicile), about a small house( small house, small house).In a more complex task it is required to form one of two words: "The doll has blue eyes. How can you say differently about the doll with blue eyes? "(Blue-eyed.)" The bear has short paws. Otherwise, how can you say about him? "(Korotkolapy.) First give a sample of the formation of such words, and then suggest that the child do it alone: ​​long.hair - long-haired, large head-large, yellow skin-yellow-skinned, etc.

    All the tasks that children do, should not pass without a trace. New words, epithets, comparisons, children include in their speech, they are used in retelling tales, stories.

    A great influence on the enrichment of the children's dictionary is provided by reading works of fiction. Do not leave words that are incomprehensible to the child without explanation. Those words that he met in the work of art, it is necessary to include in his active vocabulary, to repeat them in a variety of combinations, having previously explained the meaning.

    The richest material both for the development and enrichment of the dictionary, and for the education of the sound culture of the child's speech are puzzles, nursery rhymes, poems, counters, tongue twisters. When learning proverbs, sayings, you need to explain their meanings, and in the future, make sure that the child correctly uses them in his speech.

    By 6-7 years, children, as a rule, successfully master the grammatical structure of the language. But nevertheless, mistakes in speech are still encountered: they incorrectly use the names plural nouns in the genitive case: windows instead of windows, apples instead of apples, doors instead of doors. Some children misuse descriptive endings: mother, father, and forest, instead of mother, father, and forest.

    If you incorrectly use plural nouns in the genitive case, practice the child as follows. Say the phrase: "I have a pear."The child must put the noun in the plural: "I have many pears."The ability to correctly use case endings, the necessary prepositions are worked out with the help of specially formulated questions, when answers to which the child must choose a noun with the desired ending( excuse): "Who has a long tail?"( In a fox.) "Who needs a hat?"( To a girl, to the boy.) "What do we write?"( Pencil, pen.) "Where can children play?"( In the street, in the room, in the garden.) Wrong answers are corrected.

    The child of the senior preschool age should be given tasks for the independent compilation of sentences from several words, with special attention to be paid to correct matching of words in gender, number, case, to the correct use of prepositions.

    Ask the child to make a sentence of several words: a boy, write, a letter. The child composes the sentence: The boy is writing a letter. Gradually you can complicate the task.

    The speech of the child depends on the speech of the adults surrounding it. If parents incorrectly put stress in words( the chauffeur, the store), change the cases of non-inducible nouns, then it is not surprising that the child admits these errors in his speech.

    The expansion of the child's vocabulary occurs with a direct perception of the surrounding reality. Communication with adults enriches it, gives him a lot of joy. Joint trips are very much given to both the kid and the adult. Share your impression of what you saw, ask how he relates to this. The child expresses his feeling, joy from the seen and cognized child in the figure, in the song, in the poem:

    Hello rivers!

    Hello mountains!

    And warm forests!

    How good that you are!

    La-la-la-la! La la la la!

    I will grow up and visit all-all!

    La-la-la-la! La la la la!

    V. Mukhina "Gemini"

    Walking extends the knowledge of a small man, as it were, opening a window into the big world. Tell him about the seasons, point out the characteristic signs of spring, summer, autumn, winter. For example, in the spring, pay attention to the fact that the days are getting longer, and the nights are shorter, the sun shines brightly, the snow melts. Give the child the opportunity to see how nature awakens at this time of the year: there is grass, buds swell on trees, birds fly in, insects wake up, people take off warm clothes, etc. Then you can learn a poem with a child, read a story. When looking at pictures, pay attention to how children are dressed at different times of the year than they do. Ask the child what else he knows about this or that time of year. Complete his story. Such observations with special exercises on the development of speech will contribute to a more accurate and complete retelling. You can offer the child to retell not the whole story, but only that passage, which says, for example, about spring. You can offer the child to retell, for example, on his own behalf or from a third person( on behalf of a boy, a girl).

    A good exercise for the development of speech-viewing pictures and making them a story. Gradually, this task becomes more complicated. The child can be offered not only to tell about what is depicted in the picture, but also to describe subsequent or previous events. In addition, you can ask him to give a description of the picture from memory: first the kid carefully examines it, then the picture is removed, and he tells what is depicted on it.

    When a child composes independent stories, composes them according to pictures, ask him where the action takes place( in the forest, in the yard, on the street, in the room), at what time of the year( winter, summer, spring, autumn), ask to describe the appearance of the hero, his clothes, his mood.

    At the same time, teach the child to concisely transmit the content of fairy tales and stories.

    At this age, children are already unmistakably distinguish a fairy tale from a story, poems from prose. However, after reading the artwork, you should still ask the child what you read to him: a fairy tale, a story or a verse.

    When reading works of art, pay attention to the language of the child used by the author, for example, when describing nature, an object, a phenomenon( birch curly, the wood fell asleep).Offer the child and himself to compare the objects well known to him, the phenomena of nature, to pick up epithets to them: "How can you say otherwise about this birch( clouds)?With what can they be compared? "

    Simultaneously with the enrichment of the dictionary, the formation of grammatical correctness of speech, the development of conversational and coherent speech, accustom a six-, seven-year-old child to correctly hear and distinguish sounds, distinctly and distinctly pronounce them in words, in a phrase.

    So, a child of the sixth year of life can be suggested to select from a group of words, phrases, from a small poem only those in which there is a sound [w] or [x], for example, from the phrase "The beetle fell and can not stand up. He is waiting for someone to help him. "

    Ask the child to name toys or objects surrounding him that start with a particular sound. For example, clothes that start with the sound [w]: a fur coat, a hat, a scarf;furniture;from the sound [s]: a chair, a bench, a table.

    Gradually, these tasks become more complicated. So, when looking at pictures, the child lists first those objects, in the names of which, for example, there is a sound [c], then a sound | s], a sound [w], a sound [g].Or you can offer such a game. You call the word, the child defines the last sound in it and selects another word for this sound: "Tank".(Cat.)

    At this age, children, as a rule, correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language, clearly and distinctly speak words and phrases, they can use moderate tempo, the necessary loudness of the voice, and speak quite expressively. However, some children experience imperfections in the sound side of speech, so work on its development should be continued. Pay special attention to the correct, clear, clear utterance of sounds, words and phrases. If there are shortcomings in the pronunciation of sounds, all measures should be taken to correct them.

    Pronunciation in whisper of phrases, proverbs, sayings, tongues, small verses also contributes to the development of more subtle movements of the muscles of the tongue, lips, which in turn leads to the most distinct and clear utterance of sounds, words, phrases.

    • How fully and accurately he gives a description of objects, whether he knows by characteristic characteristics to identify him, to pick up words that are close in meaning. Is the child able to use the voice apparatus( raise and lower the power of the voice), accelerate and slow down the speed of his speech, depending on the content of the statement?

    • Is it possible to clearly and clearly answer the questions of adults, what answers do they most often use: short or detailed?

    • Can you think of the beginning and the end of the story by the picture?independently make up a story, a fairy tale, is it clear enough, consistently conveys their content?

    • What does grammatical error in speech allow-does it properly align nouns with other parts of speech( in gender, number, case), correctly use prepositions, does it correctly emphasize words?