  • Balanced diet

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    1) the balance between the energy coming from food and the energy consumed by the person in the process of vital activity 2) satisfaction of the body's need for a certain quantity, quality composition and the ratio of nutrients;3) adherence to diet.

    So, first of all about the balance of energy. All the necessary energy for human life comes from food. The energy expenditure of a person consists of the expenditure of energy on the work of internal organs, the course of metabolic processes, the maintenance of body temperature at a constant level and muscular activity.

    The Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has developed physiologically justified norms of calorie needs, depending on the nature of professional activity, sex, age and sports.

    Recall that caloric value characterizes the amount of heat released.

    According to the intensity of labor, the adult population is divided into five groups:

    1st - people whose work is not related to the expenditure of manual labor or requires little physical effort( mental workers, employees);2 nd - persons whose work does not require great physical effort( workers in automated processes, radio electronic industry, communications, telegraph, conductors, sellers, etc.);3rd - people whose work is associated with significant physical efforts( machine operators, textile workers, transport drivers, shoemakers, postmen, laundry workers, foreman of tractor and field teams, public catering workers);4th - workers of non-mechanized heavy labor( founders, carpenters, construction workers, agricultural workers, metallurgists, blacksmiths);5-th - workers who carry out especially heavy physical labor( miners engaged directly in underground work, steelworkers, excavators, logging workers, masons, loaders whose work is not mechanized).Caloric content characterizes the quantitative side of nutrition, which is determined by the need for energy. Knowing the chemical composition of food, it is easy to calculate by the special tables of the chemical composition of the main food products, how much energy material a person receives per day.

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    Daily need for adult energy in cities and villages with developed public services, kcal

    All food products, depending on their caloric content( indicated per 100 g of edible part) can be divided into five groups.1-st - very high caloric content( 450-900 kcal) - butter, vegetable, nuts, chocolate, halva, puff pastry with cream, fat pork, smoked sausage;2-I-big calorie( 200-400 kcal) - cream, sour cream, fat cottage cheese, ice cream, pork meat, sausages boiled, sausages, geese, ducks, fatty herring, saury, salmon, caviar, groats, pasta,bread, sugar, honey, jam, marmalade, fondant sweets;3rd - moderate caloric content( 100-199 kcal) - curd cottage cheese, milk ice cream, lamb, beef, rabbit meat, chicken, eggs, horse mackerel, mackerel, sardines, lean grass, sturgeon;4th - low calorie content( 30-99 kcal) - milk, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, cod, hake, pike perch, flounder, carp, pike, pasta "Ocean", fruits, berries, potatoes, beets, carrots, green peas;5th - very low calorie content( less than 30 kcal) - zucchini, cabbage, cucumber, radish, lettuce, turnips, tomatoes, pumpkin, sweet pepper, cranberries, fresh mushrooms. Reducing caloric content( malnutrition) leads to the consumption of not only carbohydrates, fats, but also proteins, to a decrease in the mass of skeletal muscles, resulting in reduced ability to work and increased susceptibility to infectious diseases. Excess caloric content of the diet leads to the deposition of fats and carbohydrates in the form of subcutaneous fat in fat cells, to weight gain, obesity.

    For the normal functioning of the body, it is necessary not only to provide the appropriate energy supply, but also a constant supply of all its nutritional substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts. You should know that some nutrients( mineral salts, a number of amino acids, vitamins) are not formed in the human body. They are irreplaceable nutritional factors and enter the body only with food.

    For a good digestion of food and vital functions of the body, has a balanced diet. This term refers to the optimal ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food. Normally, it should be 1: 1.1 : 4.1 for men and women of young age engaged in mental work, and 1: L3: 5 - in heavy physical work In the diet of healthy young people living in temperate climates and not engaged in manual labor, proteins should provide 13 %, fats - 33, carbohydrates - 54 % daily energy value of the diet taken for 100. Proteins of animal origin should be 55 % of total protein, and vegetable oils - up to 30 % of the total number ofin the diet.

    In nature, there are no products that contain all the nutrients a person needs. Therefore, in the diet, combinations of different products must be used.

    The food ration should meet the following requirements:

    1) the energy value of the diet should cover the energy expenditure of the body;

    2) the amount of balanced nutritional substances

    should be optimal;

    3) good digestibility of food is required, which depends on its composition and method of


    4) food should have high organoleptic properties( appearance, conformation, taste, smell, color, temperature), which affects appetite and digestibility;

    5) it is necessary to strive for a variety of food due to a wide range of products and various methods for their culinary processing;

    6) it is necessary to achieve( by choosing the optimal composition, volume, perfection of cooking) the ability of food to create a feeling of saturation;

    7) should strictly observe the sanitary and epidemic integrity and harmlessness of food.

    The diet regimen includes the time and quantity of meals, the intervals between them, the distribution of the food ration for energy value, chemical composition, food set and mass for meals.

    During the course of your life, it is necessary to be guided by the following rules of a rational food regime:

    1) 4 meals a day( breakfast, lunch, dinner, a glass of kefir before bedtime);one- or

    two meals is dangerous to health( threat of myocardial infarction, acute pancreatitis);

    2) the exclusion of food in between essential meals;

    3) the time between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner should be 5-6 hours, and the interval between dinner and the beginning of sleep 3-4 hours;

    4) the set of products at each meal should provide an optimal ratio of all necessary nutrients, a healthy person at breakfast and lunch should receive more than 2/3 of the total number of calories per day, and at dinner - less than 1/3;

    5) food intake at strictly fixed hours;the time factor plays an important role in the formation of conditioned reflex reactions( salivation, gastric juice);the body, as it were, is preparing to receive and digest food;

    6) take your time while eating;so, for food during lunch, you need to spend less than 30 minutes, not


    7) careful, unhurried chewing food( good teeth);

    8) the last meal( not later than 1.5-2 hours before bedtime) should include only low-calorie foods( milk, sour-milk drinks, fruit, juices);forbidden fried foods, foods rich in fat, coarse fiber, spices, salt;

    9) cleanliness, coziness of the dining room, good table layout;Exclusion of factors distracting from food( conversation, radio, television, reading, etc.).

    Remember that failure to comply with the rules of a rational diet regime is one of the main causes of the development of diseases of the digestive organs( peptic ulcer, chronic gastritis, colitis, etc.).

    Modern achievements of science indicate that by changing the nature and diet, it is possible to positively influence the metabolism, the adaptive capabilities of the organism and, consequently, have a favorable effect on the pace and direction of the aging processes. Irrational diet and disturbances of his regime are important sources of various diseases. What diseases can occur due to poor nutrition? First, the diseases caused by a deficiency or excess of various nutrients in the diet: alimentary dystrophy, obesity, vitamin deficiency, etc. Secondly, malnutrition plays a big role in the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, hypertensivedisease, diabetes, gout, cholelithiasis, liver and pancreas diseases.