  • Tips for young parents

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    Even before the birth of a child, a woman already feels like a mother, because a new life arises in her body. Men have a different way: there are those who feel like a father from the moment of conception, while others discover paternity by taking the child in their hands for the first time, some really realize this only after some time after the birth of the child. Fatherhood is not born overnight, fathers are gradually.

    The feelings of the young father are diverse and contradictory. He understands his new responsibility, but his "ego" suffers. He is grateful to his wife and at the same time is jealous. He is proud of the consciousness that he has established himself as a man, but at the same time it seems to him that he does not need his wife. To dispel these doubts, I want to give some advice to young fathers.

    Attention and care are very much needed not only by your wife after childbirth, but also by your child - he feels your presence from the first days of his life. Even before the return of the mother with the child from the hospital, your accommodation should be brought in perfect order, everything necessary is prepared for the baby( I hope you and your wife did it in advance).

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    After discharge, a woman needs to rest for at least two weeks. In addition to sleeping at night, she needs a day. At this time, the woman should not be fully involved in housework: she is not recommended to wash floors, arrange large launches, wear and lift weights. In this situation, without the help of a husband, relatives, friends can not do. Since the appearance of a child in your home, young parents, grandparents and others simply have to understand that they now have a common cause and a common goal is to raise a child. First of all, we are talking about psychological difficulties. All members of the family have to learn new roles, and this requires both flexibility and sufficient maturity to, for example, briefly give up some joys of life.

    Tips for young fathers who work hard, and they do not always have enough time to communicate with their families: when you return home, buy food on the way. For the wife, pick up something tasty, loved by her, and, having come home, present with affectionate words. Do it not on the occasion of the holiday, but more often, simply because she is your wife and mother of your child, that you love her. On a day off, you can just take a walk with your wife if you have someone to leave your child with. You can stay with the child at home, and leave your wife for a couple of hours with a friend in the store and strictly order without a refresh not to return. Remember that women love with their ears. Kind and affectionate words from your lips are so necessary to her.

    About sexual relations. They can be resumed no earlier than 5-6 weeks after childbirth. Only let it be a holiday, not a fulfillment of marital duty.

    I want to remind you once again: if your wife is not getting enough sleep, make her sleep. Keep your wife at least briefly distracted from the child and the household, because the baby does not need love on the verge of hysteria, he needs a cheerful and contented mother. And then in your family there will always be peace and prosperity.