  • Walking barefoot as a folk remedy

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    Walking barefoot is very useful, besides the procedure is easier and more accessible this is hard to imagine. It is especially useful to walk on wet grass, regardless of whether the dew is lying on it, it has wetted the rain or was simply poured from the hose. The more moist the grass and the longer you stroll through it, the better the results of this quenching procedure. The time of such walks can be from 15 to 45 minutes, and after you are finished, you do not need to wipe your feet, and you should immediately get yourself dressed.

    Traditional medicine also recognizes the benefits of walking barefoot, as this procedure can help to avoid not only colds, but also such formidable ailments as hypertension, myocardial infarction and angina pectoris. Scientists have noticed this phenomenon: if a man's legs accidentally found themselves in water at a temperature of about 12 ° C, the mucous membrane of the nose also gradually begins to "cool down."This reaction is especially strong if the water temperature is 4 ° C.As a result of this temperature shock, a person usually gets cold.

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    However, after regular water procedures, to be exact, foot baths with a water temperature of 12-14 ° C, the temperature of the nasal mucosa under unfavorable conditions ceases to decrease, and there are no catarrhal phenomena in humans. This is because repeated repetition of the irritating effect on the skin forms a conditioned reflex, stimulating a reaction that is favorable for the organism. Thus, systematically conducted procedures with the use of cold water cause the body to keep the skin warm. In addition, walking barefoot causes thickening of the outer layer of the skin on the feet, which makes them less sensitive to cooling. Thus, by experience, physicians found that short-term cooling of feet with water at a temperature of 10 ° C promotes an increase in the body's total temperature by 0.2-0.4 °.However, over time, hardening contributes to the normalization of body temperature, and its fluctuations gradually disappear.

    Walking barefoot on the wet grass, as we have already mentioned, not only strengthen the body, but also have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and many internal organs. The secret is that with this procedure there is a massage of active points located on the feet and responsible for the operation of many organs: the heart, eye, stomach, kidneys, brain, etc. It is a kind of acupressure of the feet, produced naturally.

    Walking enthusiasts are advised to walk on snow. However, many modern people are not able to do it, but walking barefoot on wet grass at their dacha is quite acceptable. Weak people and small children can be advised to walk barefoot around the apartment. It is better to start the procedure in the summer, walking around the room on the first day for 15 minutes, then add 5 minutes each day until the total duration of the procedure reaches 1 hour. If at first your legs feel cold, you can put on cotton socks. About a month later you can already walk barefoot in the country or in the garden.

    But it is most useful to walk on dewy grass, so folk healers and traditional doctors advise to walk barefoot in the mornings and evenings, when the grass falls on the grass.

    It is important to ensure that the shoes worn after walking barefoot are dry, otherwise the procedure will not be of use, but will help to supercool the body and cold.

    It is even more useful to walk barefoot on wet stones or sand in summer. In this case you will receive a full-fledged session of acupressure. Such an excellent opportunity can not be missed if you decide to rest on the seashore.

    You can also lay out a path from the stones in your dacha and even in the yard. In this case, before a walk, you need to water the stones with water from a watering can or a hose, and then proceed to the procedure. Depending on the fitness and condition of your health walking on wet stones can last from 3 minutes to half an hour.

    You do not need to despair if you are forced to stay in the city all summer: "beach" procedures for legs can be carried out at home. To do this, it is enough to pour river pebbles into a plastic or metal basin with a flat bottom, pour stones with cold water - and your "simulator" will be ready for use. The duration of the procedure is from 1 minute to half an hour. In addition, you will have a lot of advantages: walking on the spot on wet stones you can practice all year round.

    In addition to sand and stones, walks on the water are very useful. This procedure hardens not only the feet, but the whole body, activating the blood circulation, improving the functioning of the bladder, kidneys, stomach and other organs. Walking on water will relieve headaches, ease breathing and improve sleep. This procedure can be done not only on the seashore or river, but also in the bath. To do this, you need to collect cool water in it and perform foot movements that overcome the resistance of water.

    To begin with, the water level in the bathtub should reach your ankles. Then you can increase the amount of water so that it reaches the calves. A little later, pour a full bath so that the water reaches you almost to the knees. At first, the duration of "walks" should be 1 minute, then the procedure time increase to 5-6 minutes.

    The temperature of the water should be lowered gradually, and in winter it can add a little snow. After this procedure, you need to move: in the summer - take a walk in the fresh air, in the winter - walk around the room in which the window is open. You have to walk until your legs warm up.

    The foregoing quenching procedures, which you have done in the summer, will prepare you for walks in the snow and frost during the autumn-winter period. The main preparatory procedures should be cold foot baths or wet wiping them. Wipe your feet at night, using a rough towel moistened with water at a temperature of 18-22 ° C.The temperature should be lowered daily by 1 ° C.After that, your body will be ready for more stringent methods of hardening.

    With regard to walking on snow, it is best to choose for this recently fallen loose and soft snow, rather than frozen lumps or ice. In winter you can not walk barefoot in the days when a strong wind is blowing, in the spring the wind can not hurt you, so you can walk safely on the melted snow. The duration of the first walks in the snow should not exceed 4 minutes. Later, when the body gets used to the effects of cold, you can walk on the snow for an hour or more. It is important to know that during such walks you must be in continuous movement: stopping to talk to someone is unacceptable.

    You can not walk on snow in case you are frozen. First you need to make a set of warm-up exercises, then proceed to the hardening procedure. Walking in the snow is prohibited with abscesses on the legs or strong sweating of the feet.

    As for the place for walking, they can be a balcony or even a bath. In order to "walk" through the snow, it is enough to bring snow from the street, put it in a bath and walk along it. The first quenching procedure should last no more than 1 minute. Then, the "walk" time can be gradually increased. It is convenient to quench often sick children with the described method. Walking in the snow activates the work of the heart, improves blood circulation and the work of other organs and systems.

    After each walk, you need to rub your feet with a rough towel and massage the calf muscles, using the classic techniques of stroking, kneading and rubbing. Foot massage should last for 10-15 minutes.