  • Prevention of various diseases by folk remedies

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    People knew about the healing properties of water already in ancient times. Water procedures are simple, accessible and effective, they do not require any complicated equipment, no big time or money costs.

    In ancient Russia, also well aware of the property of water to heal many diseases. It was believed that she "casts out all defilements from a person", for which the "spoiled" must be dipped into the water with the head so that "not one of his hairs remains dry",

    Water is a great gift of nature, it is impossible to do without. She washes away the mud, refreshes, invigorates and brings relief. After a cool shower, fatigue goes away, and a warm bath can relieve pain. You can wash the infected wound with water. Water procedures stimulate blood circulation and strengthen the body.

    80% of our body is water, in it all the biochemical processes important for the body occur. It participates in the transfer and absorption of heat, transportation of organic substances and gases. Most degenerative diseases are associated with a lack of water in the body, and its regular intake and water procedures normalize blood circulation and purify the body of toxins.

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    Wiping, dousing, wrapping, bath, shower and other water procedures not only cleanse the skin, but also expand the vessels and relieve spasms from them. Thus, the blood and lymphatic systems are cleared, the metabolic processes are accelerated, which helps to suppress the vital activity of bacteria and viruses.

    With the help of therapeutic and prophylactic procedures, useful substances from the skin surface get inside the body. Hot baths and steam compresses help to relax muscles and ligaments, which increases the amplitude of movements in the joints. Cold douches and wipes activate the mechanisms of heat regulation and contribute to adaptation to unfavorable environmental conditions. With a contrasting soul, blood microcirculation improves, in addition, blood flows to the skin, and then "leaving" deep into the body, flushes out slags and other harmful substances.

    Hydrotherapy was adopted by traditional medicine and gained wide popularity in the XIX century, after the book of the German healer and priest Sebastian Kneipp was published. After reading this work, thousands of people learned about the benefits of wraps, wipes, compresses and medical baths.

    As for eastern medicine, for example, yoga worshipers refer water procedures to the means of so-called external purification and attach great importance to them. In the human skin is a lot of sebaceous and sweat glands, which remove from the body excess fluids, slags and toxins formed as a result of metabolic processes. Sebaceous glands continuously produce fat, lubricating the surface of the skin and not allowing it to dry out. If the skin is not cleaned in time, the gland functions will be disturbed, besides, organic substances accumulated on the skin will give food to microbes, many of which cause various kinds of diseases.

    Skin health - the largest organ - is no less important than, for example, heart, liver or kidney health. In addition, it is it that protects our body from the influence of the external environment and helps it to adapt to unfavorable conditions.

    According to the canons of yoga, you need to wash your body at least once a day. The profession here does not matter. Moreover, they consider purification of the body not only a hygienic procedure, but also a means of stimulating the immune and nervous systems, as well as their strengthening, which contributes to the health of the whole organism as a whole. As well as traditional physicians, yoga is referred to as quenching procedures, dousing, wiping, bathing and showering.

    For yoga rubbing use 2 towels made from coarse linen cloth. At the same time they moisten one thing in water, and others rub their skin dry. Such towels well remove the dead cells of the epidermis and stimulate the capillary circulation. It is recommended to lower the temperature of water gradually, since this procedure should always bring pleasure.

    Pouring is considered a more stressful procedure, so it should be carried out no earlier than you will master rubbing. Yoga is poured all over the body at once. If the water is too cold, they hold their breath after exhalation. After the procedure, you can wipe the body with a rough towel or completely do without it. In a city, it is easiest to take a shower, which is essentially one of the types of douche.

    But the best kind of yoga water procedures is bathing and swimming in open water. Of course, in India bathing at any time of the year can only bring pleasure, but in the climatic conditions of the middle zone of Russia this "pleasure" can be afforded only by "walruses" in winter.

    In general, the impact of water procedures is based on the contrast of water temperature and body temperature. In this case, the duration of exposure to cold water does not allow the body to adapt to the cold without limit. After bathing in the whole body, the heat should be felt. Do not just leave cold hands and feet: these parts of the body after bathing should be ground until they warm.

    Local procedures, such as foot and hand baths, compresses, inhalations, etc., play an important role in the treatment of water. When exposed to a certain area by cold or hot water, the vessels react only in the part that undergoes therapy. So, warming the epigastric region, you can achieve expansion of the stomach, and cooling the forehead - narrowing of the vessels of the brain.

    With the help of water, you can cure a variety of diseases, ranging from colds and ending with metabolic disorders. Water prevents premature aging and chronic fatigue syndrome, but with a serious approach to water therapy, a doctor's consultation is necessary, since most water procedures are not hygienic, but are treatment methods that have contraindications.