
Location and designation of important points on the body

  • Location and designation of important points on the body

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    Anatomically-topographical localization of recommended points for influencing muscle tone is presented below and is given according to the data of the staff of the reflexotherapy department of St. Petersburg MAPO.

    Points of influence for relaxation or stimulation of the neck muscles:

    FU-TU( Figure 78) - in the neck region at the side of the abdomen of the sternocleidomastoid muscle at the level of the line of the upper edge of the thyroid cartilage parallel to the collarbone.

    TIAN-DIN - at the posterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle at the level of the line of the lower edge of the thyroid cartilage, parallel to the collarbone.

    Fig.78. The main points of influence on the front surface of the trunk and their effect on muscles according to numbering.1 - large thoracic;2 - small thoracic;3 - biceps brachium;4 - sternocleidomastoid;5 - subcutaneous neck.

    Fig.79. The main points of influence on the posterior surface of the trunk and their influence on the muscles according to the numbering.1 - trapezoid;2 - sternocleidomastoid;3

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    - deltoid;4 - supraspinatus;5 - muscle lifting the scapula;6 - diamond-shaped;7 - deep backs;8 - subacute;9 - large round;10 - the widest.

    VAN-GU - at the posterior margin of the mastoid process at the level of FEN-CHI.

    FEN-FU - on the midline between the occipital bone and I cervical vertebra at the level of FEN-CHI.

    Points of influence for relaxation and stimulation of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and upper extremities:

    CZI-QIAN( see Figure 78) - in the anterior section of the axilla at the level of the apex of the axillary fold between the large pectoralis and biceps muscles of the shoulder.

    ZHOU-JUNE - in the second intercostal space in the area of ​​the location of the large pectoral muscle.

    DA-ZHUI( see Figure 79) - in the middle of the distance between the spinous processes of the VII cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae.

    JIANG-YU - in the region of the shoulder joint between the head of the humerus and the acromial process of the scapula.

    FEN-CHI( Figure 79) - in the indentation formed from above by the occipital bone, medial trapezius muscle, and laterally - posterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

    JIANG-JIN - on the most elevated part of the forearm at the level of the middle of the distance between JIANG-Yu and DA-ZHU.

    DA-ZHU - at the level of the interstitial interval of I-II thoracic vertebrae.

    JIANG-ZHUN-SHUU - in the middle of the distance between DA-ZHUU and JIN-JIN and at the level of DA-ZHU.

    NAO-SHU - under the blade spine at the point of its transition to the acromial end of the scapula.

    JIANG-ZHEN - at the top of the armpit from the back with a freely lowered arm.

    GAO-JUAN - at the inner edge of the scapula at the midpoint of the distance between the spinous processes of IV-V thoracic vertebrae.

    GE-GUAN - on the inner edge of the lower angle of the scapula at the level of the interstitial interval of VII-VIII vertebrae.

    BI-NAO( Figure 80) - in the place where the deltoid muscle is attached to the same tuberosity of the humerus.

    Fig.80. The main points of influence on the back of the hand and their effect on the muscles according to the numbering.1 - deltoid;2 - long radius extensor of the hand;3 - brachial;4 - extensor of fingers;5 - extensor V of the finger;6 - interosseous;

    7 - leading I finger;

    8 - short flexor I of the finger;9 - triceps brachialis muscle.

    Fig.81. The main points of influence on the front surface of the hand and their effect on the muscles according to the numbering.

    1 - shoulder;2 - long palm;3 - hand flexor flexor;4 - square pronator;5 - deep flexor of fingers;6 - superficial flexor of fingers;7 - wormlike;8 - biceps brachium.

    ЦЮЙ-ЧИ - on the top of the fold at the maximum bent arm in the elbow joint.

    SHOW-SAN-LEE - between groups of muscles of the anterior and posterior surface of the forearm into three transverse fingers( II-IV) distal to the TSY-CHI.

    Wai-Guan - in the middle between the ulna and radius bone, three transverse fingers( II-IV) are proximal to the arm and wrist joint.

    YAN-CHI - in the region of the wrist joint between the tendons of the common extensor of the fingers and the extensor of the little finger.

    CHE-GU - in the first interdigital space at the level of the top of the skin fold with the first finger on the elevation of the first interosseous muscle.

    SHAO-HAI( Figure 81) - at the level of the elbow fold outward to the elbow from the biceps tendon of the shoulder.

    CHI-TZE - at the level of the elbow fold outward in the radial direction from the biceps tendon of the shoulder.

    NEY-GUAN - between the tendons of the long palmar muscle and the radial flexor of the wrist by three transverse fingers( II-IV) proximal to the wrist joint.

    DA-LIN - between the tendons of the long palmar muscle and the radial flexor of the hand at the level of the wrist joint.

    LIAOTUN - on the palmar surface between the III and IV metacarpal bones are proximal to their heads.

    SHI-SEAN - on the palmar surface at the tips of the end phalanx of all fingers.

    Points of influence for relaxation and stimulation of the muscles of the gluteal region and lower extremities:

    ZHI-SHI( see Figure 79) - at the level of the interstitial interval II-III of the lumbar vertebrae on the line drawn through the GAO-JUAN and GE-GUAN.

    ZHI-BIAN( Figure 82) - at the entrance level to the sacral canal on the line through GAO-JUAN, GE-GUANG and ZHI-SHI.

    Fig.82. The main points of impact on the back surface of the foot and their effect on the muscles according to the numbering.

    1 - large gluteal;

    2 - double-headed hip;3 - semitendinous;4 - middle gluteal;5 - small buttock;6 - popliteal;7 - triceps;8 - interosseous.

    Fig.83. The main points of impact on the front and outer surface of the foot and their effect on muscles according to numbering.1 - quadriceps femur;2 - tailor;3 - long leading;4 - peroneal;5 - long extensor of fingers;6 - calf;7 - anterior tibia;8 - long extensor I of the finger;9 - long peroneal;10 - short fibular;11 - is a large gluteal;12 - the middle gluteal.

    HUAN-TIAO - at the intersection of the line connecting the anterior upper axis of the ilium and the ischial hill with the perpendicular recovered from the top of the large trochanter, or 1/3 the distance from the top of the large trochanter to the entrance to the sacral canal.

    CHEN-FU - on the gluteal fold between the long head of the biceps femoris and the semitendinous muscle.

    YIN-MEN - in the middle of the posterior surface of the thigh between the long head of the biceps femoris and the semitendinous muscle.

    CHEN-JIN - in the center of the largest shank diameter between the calf muscles.

    CHEN-SHAN - at the point of convergence of the lower margins of the abdominals of the gastrocnemius muscle.

    UN-QIAN - on the plantar surface of the foot in the interval between II and III metatarsal bones, proximal to their heads.

    BI-GUAN( Figure 83) - at the perineal level at the outer edge of the sartorius muscle( the muscle to look for when throwing a leg on the leg).

    FU-TU - midway between the upper edge of the patella and the perineal level at the midline of the thigh.

    CZI-MEN - in the lower corner of the femoral( Scarpe) triangle between the inner edge of the medial broad muscle and the anterior edge of the long adductor hamstrings.

    HE-DIN - over the middle of the upper edge of the patella when the knee is bent at the knee joint.

    DU-BI - at the level of the lower edge of the patella, its lateral ligaments in the recess with the leg bent at the knee joint at an angle of 90 °.

    YAN-LIN-QUAN - at the point of attaching the tendons of the long extensor of the toes and the long fibular muscle anteriorly and downward from the fibula head.

    YIN-LIN-ZUAN - behind the posterior margin of the lumbar bone at the level of YAN-LIN-QIAN.

    CZU-SAN-LEE - lateral to one transverse II finger massed from the lower end of the scallop of the tibia.

    CZE-SI - between the tendons of the long extensor of the 1st finger and the long extensor of the fingers at the level of the ankle.

    ЦЮ-СЮ - between forward front edge of external ankle and lateral edge of long extensor of toes.

    ZHUN-FEN - in the depression between the anterolateral margin of the medial malleolus and the medial edge of the tendon of the anterior bolepeter's muscle.

    NEY-TIN - in the second interdigital space at the level of the transition of the body of the main phalanges to the base.

    KUN-LUN - between the posterior edge of the lateral malleolus and the heel( Achilles) tendon at the level of the ankle.

    PU-SHEN - on the outer border of the skin of the dorsum and plantar surfaces of the heel bone under the KUN-LUN.The entire boundary line of the foot to the fifth finger also belongs to the point.