  • Flowers on the backyard and school plots

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    Before starting the planting of flowers near the house and at the manor, you need to think carefully about the placement of flowers, their assortment, that is, draw up a plan for floral decoration, linking it with the general plan of the manor.

    Flowers on the plot are planted for the purpose of flower-decorative design, camouflage of farm buildings, as well as the production of cut flowers and seeds.

    For decorative purposes, flowers are planted mainly at the entrance to the house and in front of its facade. The plan for decorative design should include a network of well-maintained paths. The width of the main path leading to the house should be such that two people can freely divide on it. It is good to pave this path, and even better - to lay out with concrete or limestone slabs. Good paths are obtained from the laid flat or in the Christmas tree bricks. The rest, secondary tracks can be just ground with a pebble, rubble, broken brick, or even better, when irregularly shaped flat stones are laid along the grass cover, between which the grass breaks through.

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    Along the paths you can plant small flowers: violas, daisies, daffodils, dwarf phlox, etc. In the background - along the fence, walls - place tall and curly plants.

    Make the facade as elegant and neat as possible. Here provide for the planting of beautiful groups of perennials, mixed curbs, the arrangement of herbs, but large flower beds do not.

    All the floral decoration will look much more effective if it is placed on the background of the lawn. Therefore, it is best to begin immediately with the sowing in front of the house of lawn grass. Preliminarily, the entire area is well leveled, fertilized and sown with bluegrass, fescue or a mixture of these herbs( 8-10 grams per square meter).If the size of the sites intended for planting flowers is significant, then they are left un seeded. If planting flowers take up a bit of space, then you can completely cover the whole area with herbs, and later, after the mass emergence of grasses, make a marking for the flowers and plant the seedlings, after having processed these areas with a hoe or shovel.

    It should be noted that the lawn only fulfills its role when it is regularly cut or mowed.

    If, because of the limited area or for some other reason, the lawn does not suit, then the flower beds are framed with strips of turf.

    As a rule, the site in front of the house is left open, limited to planting on its borders a hedge of dwarf shrubs. Sometimes in front of the house one or two highly deciduous shrubs or trees are planted, trying to place them on the side. The rest of the area is covered with lawn and flowers. And only in exceptional cases, when there is a need to protect the house from strong noise or dust from the street, use a closed way of planting the facade of the house, that is, before the house planted mostly trees and shrubs.

    For collections of flowers, seed and selection plants, a site in the background is assigned, where plants are placed mainly in an ordinary way, adhering to certain distances between plants and providing a convenient approach to them.

    For the decoration and disguise of unsightly household buildings, the most commonly used are climbing plants: wild grapes, kalestegia, hops, decorative beans, morning glory.

    Landscaping of the school site is aimed not only at decorative design, but also protecting the school territory from wind, noise and dust. In addition, planted plants are used as material for botany classes.

    On the school plot there is a fruit and berry garden and a nursery, a collection plot of agricultural and ornamental plants, a greenhouse;greenhouses, farm buildings and ornamental plantations. The size of the plot is 1-1.5 hectares. All;plantations should occupy not less than 50 percent1 of the area, including decorative ones - 7-8 percent.

    The school territory along the perimeter is planted with a protective strip of trees and shrubs. Trees are usually planted inside the fence, but if possible, they are carried out by the fence to increase the area under the flower beds.

    In flower beds a large place is assigned to perennials. Seeds of annuals are sown directly in the flower garden. The flowering of plants will come a little later, it does not matter, since school starts in September, and flowering plants will serve as a good visual material on botany.

    When decorating the facade, schools are limited to a small number of species and varieties of ornamental plants, so as not to create unnecessary variegation. Along with the flowers, a significant place is occupied by a lawn, against which there are flower beds, flower beds, flower groups.

    For educational purposes a special site is assigned, where the variety of species and varieties is not limited. Here there are sites for the laying of various experiments with flowers: on the study of the methods of their reproduction( seeds, cuttings, tubers, bulbs, etc.), the use of fertilizers, growth substances, etc.

    When placing flowers on the school site, along with plantingcultivated plants a site of wild natural flora, where plants are planted from local forests and meadows. Arrange Alpine hill, which is also planted mainly wild flowers.