
What vitamins are needed and how to take them correctly

  • What vitamins are needed and how to take them correctly

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    About what natural vitamins are useful, each of us is told since childhood. Here is a strawberry, here is blueberries, and there are currants, apples, and fresh cucumbers. We begin to realize the role of parental instructions only with the years when we come across shop nitrates, questionable quality frozen fruits, chemist's colored vitamins.

    That's why you should know about those natural vitamins, which, with the onset of summer, become available to us. Saturating them with the body, we will certainly be able to strengthen health, protect ourselves from frequent illnesses with the advent of autumn, and of course, improve mood and well-being. Moreover, there are individual vitamins responsible for each of these items.

    Immunity at 100%

    Every year we are attacked by a variety of strains of influenza, viruses of overseas names and unusual forms. And our body gives up. With the first cold snaps, we begin to sneeze, cough, sniff and fall into a cold depression. The reason is hidden in the usual indifference to one's immunity. To save on pharmaceuticals and to feel really toned all year round - it is enough to eat deliciously in the summer and stock up on the yummy for the winter. So, the main assistants in the fight against viruses are raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, currants, apples, nuts, carrots, and red peppers. These are the main products that can take care of your health today. In this case, apples should be without powders, strawberries - clean without chemicals, and carrots - a young summer, because in autumn many of its vitamins, it already loses.

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    In general, for our immunity meet the vitamins of group A and C. In particular, vitamin A is fighting with all the strangers that get into our body, that is, it is responsible for the strength of the immune response. Whereas vitamin C is the reinforcing element of our immune system. Provitamin A is found in dill, carrot, as well as tomatoes, peaches and oranges. Vitamin C is rich: greens, vegetables, fruits, fresh juices, berry puree, onions, potatoes and sauerkraut.

    Apricots for the heart, zucchini - for the kidneys

    It turns out that many of the fruits and vegetables that are habitual for us have the ability to positively influence these or other organs. So, natural radish increases appetite, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, promotes food through the intestines, has a diuretic and choleretic effect. And in 40 - 50 g of fresh sweet pepper contains a daily dose of vitamin C, necessary for the life of the body.

    Zucchini also have choleretic and diuretic properties, excrete salts of heavy metals and harmful cholesterol, and therefore are useful in diabetes mellitus, anemia of blood vessel diseases, kidney, liver, stomach diseases.

    Another miracle product - tomatoes. They are rich in lycopene, a pigment that is a powerful antioxidant. It helps prevent prostate cancer, stomach, rectum, mouth, lungs, cervix, lacteal and pancreas. The use of fresh tomatoes and juice reduces the risk of diseases of the circulatory system, normalizes the work of the pancreas, stomach, prevents the development of glaucoma.

    Very useful are orange delicacies - apricots. They contain enough potassium necessary for the "nutrition" of the heart muscle. These fruits also perfectly clean the gastrointestinal tract. Gooseberry berries help the body cope with chronic constipation, atherosclerosis, hypertension, anemia. And July apples are useful in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, help to cope with some cancers.

    Strawberries strengthens the libido

    An amazing product is called a strawberry dietician. In June-July, when there are so many of them in our markets and beds - you need to stock up on this treasure and get the most out of it. Firstly, strawberries are a powerful anti-inflammatory drug. Therefore, it is prescribed for a sick stomach, as a medicine. Secondly, strawberries interfere with the development of influenza viruses, and therefore, sipping sweet berries in the summer, you ensure your health in the winter.

    In addition, strawberries have a sugar-reducing effect, and dietitians include it in the menu of patients with diabetes mellitus. It is also a natural diuretic and has a beneficial effect on the liver, allows you to fill iron deficiency with anemia and is an excellent preventive tool for atherosclerosis and hypertension. And, according to the latest research, the use of a sufficient amount of strawberries significantly increases libido, both in men and in women. The reason for this action is in zinc, a high percentage of which have berries seeds.

    However, next to all the benefits, strawberries have one significant drawback - it is a strong allergen. Therefore, people prone to allergies should be very careful with these berries.

    To men - dates, women - watermelons

    It is known that vitamins can positively influence the beauty and health of the female body and the endurance and attractiveness of the male. Scientists found that there are fruits and vegetables that are more suitable for men, while others are better for women. Consequently, dates, persimmons, melons and apples, recommend a strong half of humanity, because these products help the body recover and maintain tone throughout the day with significant stress and stress.

    But currants, pineapples, bananas, watermelon and peaches are "female" vitamins, they cleanse the body of pesticides and radioactive substances, well affect the skin, promote the growth of nails and hair, and stimulate the production of estrogen, the hormone responsible for femininity.

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