  • Why and how do the kidneys ache after poisoning?

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    If you have a complaint about the development of kidney pain, you should immediately go to a doctor. The causes of pain can be completely different. Often kidneys are hurt after poisoning, because of the defeat of other organs, etc.

    Pain characteristics in the kidneys

    Kidney pain is a symptom that accompanies various diseases in the organs that are responsible for the formation, accumulation and subsequent excretion of urine. With the development of pathology in any of the organs of the urinary system, sooner or later an inflammation is formed - especially with the ascending path of infection or the violation of the tone in the urinary canals.

    Pain in the lumbar region can speak not only of damage to the kidneys, but also evidence of damage to the liver, muscles, spleen, nerve endings, or vertebrae in the lumbar region. Pain in the kidneys with direct damage to the kidneys become a sign of glomerulonephritis or pyelonephritis, urolithiasis - in the movement of concrements through the urinary canals, hydronephrosis or nephroptosis, that is, the omission of the organ. Also the causes are benign or malignant tumors in the kidneys - primary or metastatic.

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    This is important! The pain also develops in renal colic due to a pronounced spasm in the musculature of the kidneys and ureters in the movement of a large stone or a variety of crystals of salts of different chemical composition. Pain in colic is sharp, it is impossible to tolerate, and patients constantly try to occupy a comfortable position to reduce the intensity of pain.

    The pain can also be caused by improper blood circulation in the walls of the urinary canals, various tumor neoplasms, and severe bleeding from the kidney vessel. When the kidneys are sick at poisoning, toxic reaction in the body to the introduction of drugs, heavy metal salts, with burns, the syndrome of prolonged squeezing, the pain is mostly blunt, it is bursting and localized in the lumbar region and in the lower part of the chest, andalso may not take very long. Against the backdrop of severe poisoning, acute kidney failure often develops. Due to disruption of the kidneys, there may be a delay in the body of toxic substances, which causes poisoning. At the same time, there is no consciousness, the skin turns pale and dry, a sharp ammonia odor from the oral cavity is felt, the muscles become sluggish, the pulse is strained, and the body temperature remains normal.

    How to deal with the development of pain in the kidneys

    With the development of any process of inflammation in the kidney during the examination, pain is established when the ribs are flicked in the zone of the last ribs on the left and right. In thin patients with a weak development of the musculature in the abdominal wall, there is the possibility of feeling the enlarged and painful kidneys in the hypochondrium on the right or on the left side.

    This is important! A frequent manifestation of the pathology of the kidneys is the formation of cold and loose edema in the periphery, which are located mainly in the morning and on the face. Development of puffiness is preceded by strong thirst, fatigue, nausea with vomiting, itching of the skin, especially in the legs and side of the abdomen. In addition, there are unstable blood pressure indicators.

    When developing kidney pain, it is better not to delay the visit to a specialist nephrologist or urologist. As a rule, after conducting a detailed interview and examination of the patient, the doctor gives directions for the delivery of laboratory tests of urine and blood. Biochemical and clinical analyzes are compulsorily carried out, and by the nature of the established disorders it is already possible to speak of the affiliation of the inflammation process and of its exact causes.

    If necessary, the patient is given a direction for ultrasound and tomography, for review and excretory urography, for cystoscopy and for ureteral catheterization.

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