  • Mustard is a healer

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    Mustard leaf is rich in vitamins A, B1?B2, C, PP, salts of calcium and iron. Leaves of mustard leaf are eaten raw( in the form of salad), as well as stewed or boiled, as a side dish to meat and fish dishes. Young leaves have a pleasant and sharp taste due to the maintenance of mustard essential oil in them.

    A mustard seed powder is known as a warming agent that causes blood flow. It is used for bathing and making mustard plasters. When hypertensive crises, angina pectoris put on the chest in the heart, on the back of the head;with pneumonia - on the chest;with neuralgias, muscle pains - on painful zones. For children, mustard compresses are used, which are applied for 5-10 minutes( 1t spoon of powder per 1 glass of warm water).Mustard is contraindicated in inflammation of the kidneys and pulmonary tuberculosis.

    Mustard oil is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids( linolenic, linoleic and oleic), which reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, thrombosis and relieve inflammation. In addition, mustard oil is rich in vitamins A, D( it is 1.5 times more in mustard oil than in sunflower oil) and E, as well as natural antioxidants - gamma and delta-tocopherols, which prevent cancer, normalize metabolism and stimulatesexual functions, slow down the aging process.

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    The table mustard contains:

    Vitamin B1 - it positively affects the activity of the muscles and nervous system. It is part of the enzymes that regulate many important functions of the body, primarily carbohydrate metabolism, as well as the exchange of amino acids. It is necessary for normal activity of the central and peripheral nervous system.

    Vitamin B2 - affects the growth and regeneration of cells. It is part of the enzymes that play an essential role in oxidation reactions in all human tissues, as well as regulating the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, fats. Important for maintaining normal vision.

    Vitamin E - beneficially affects the work of the genital and some other glands, restores reproductive functions, promotes the development of the fetus during pregnancy and the newborn baby. It is a natural antioxidant, prevents the oxidation of vitamin A and has a beneficial effect on its accumulation in the liver. Prevents the development of the formation of toxic to the body free radicals and fatty acid peroxides, oxidative damage to membrane lipids and cellular structures. Promotes the assimilation of proteins and fats, participates in processes of tissue respiration, affects the work of the brain, blood, nerves, muscles, improves wound healing, slows down aging.

    In addition, mustard contains iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and many other useful elements.