
Hyperkeratosis of the skin - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Hyperkeratosis of the skin - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Hyperkeratosis( keratoderma, keratoderma, keratoma) is one of the forms of keratosis, a skin condition in which the skin is covered with dry coarse scales as a result of overproduction of keratin, resulting in a thickening of the granular layer of the dermis of the skin. Such skin seals can appear anywhere, especially in places of friction or irritation, but there are areas on the body more prone to the formation of horny growths: the heels, knees, elbows and forearms.

    Sometimes the symptom of keratodermatosis becomes noticeable on the face. Due to the violation of the protective properties of the skin, the pathogenic bacteria enter the pores. The dermis loses its moisture and inflames, enlarged porous pores appear. The secreted sebum is not excreted from the pores and there are gums( black dots).

    Most often, hyperkeratosis is combined with excessive dryness of the skin, but the problem of increased keratinization of the dermis arises not only because of its drying out, but also because the dead cells do not peel off. Lesions, as a rule, do not cause any symptoms, but sometimes are the cause:

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    • Itching.
    • Chronic inflammation of the skin.
    • Changes in skin color.
    • Hair loss.

    Causes of hyperkeratosis

    In general, keratoses are a group of various non-inflammatory skin diseases characterized by a violation of horn formation( excessive development of the stratum corneum or a delay in normal exfoliation).Keratoses are quite common, but their classification is unclear due to the uncertainty of the causes and pathogenesis of many of them.

    • Hyperkeratosis of the skin can occur in people who do not perform regular skin care procedures, such as peeling and cosmetic moisturizing. As a result of dehydration, dry and dead skin cells accumulate and create an unaesthetic horny layer on the surface.
    • Our skin is constantly exposed to unfavorable external factors, such as water and detergents, UF radiation( solar hyperkeratosis).As a result, the lipid layer of the dermis is broken and the moisture evaporates from the skin.
    • In connection with the violation of metabolic processes, skin cells begin to die very quickly and the horny layer of the skin becomes much thicker.
    • Hyperkeratosis can often develop independently, for no apparent reason. In these cases, the symptom is noticeable immediately after birth and is a hereditary disorder.
    • Constant irritation, incorrect wearing of shoes and clothes also cause skin thickening.
    • HPV or human papillomavirus promotes the appearance of hyperkeratosis. Another infection may become the cause of hyperkeratosis, for example, a yaw-induced hyperkeratosis caused by a spirochete.
    • It is also believed that the symptoms of thickening and dry skin can be caused by vitamin A deficiency.
    • Lack of estrogen hormones in women in menopause contributes to the occurrence of hyperkeratosis.
    • Aging of the body, hyperkeratosis is associated with age-related skin changes.

    Diseases in which a symptom of hyperkeratosis

    can occur • Ichthyosis is a hereditary chronic dermatosis.
    • Lishay - rashes of various etiologies.
    • Erythroderma.
    • Psoriasis is a chronic skin de-dramatosis of non-infectious nature.
    • Metabolic disorders, including diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, obesity.
    • Atopic dermatitis.

    To which doctor and in which cases to apply immediately

    Enhanced cornification of the skin is a common cosmetic defect. If hyperkeratosis does not manifest itself much and does not complicate the patient's life, then a doctor's consultation is not required. If there are significant symptoms, it is necessary for the doctor to see the dermatologist, and an endocrinologist may be required. If hyperkeratosis is not associated with any hereditary or chronic disease, it is enough to visit the cosmetologist's office. Experts will recommend you treatment and proper skin care.

    Treatment of hyperkeratosis

    Treatment of hyperkeratosis depends on its cause, location, type, and severity. If the doctor did not detect the disease, the cosmetologist will help cope with hyperkeratosis.

    Cosmetic procedures are aimed at softening the dermis and removing skin seals.

    • Oral preparations are often used to treat severe skin hyperkeratosis. Regular intake of medicines containing retinoids helps effectively combat dry skin problems. The most common of these is activetretin. It contains a substance analogue of retinoic acid.
    • Hyperkeratosis of the skin can also be treated with calcipotriol. It is an active form of vitamin D. This drug is applied directly to the affected areas of the skin. After about two weeks, the first effects of treatment are visible.
    • In smaller and less severe cases, the use of creams and ointments rich in fats is recommended. Such treatment will improve the lipid composition of the skin and retain moisture.
    • You should enrich your diet with fruits and vegetables such as carrots, spinach, cauliflower, plums, peaches or strawberries, lemon, as they contain a lot of vitamins A and C.
    • Improvements in skin condition can be achieved with rough peelingwith a massage shower glove. It is good to combine this procedure with a sauna or a bath.
    • Good dermocosmetics for dry skin and keratosis should contain at least one of these substances:
    - Shea Butter - olein, stearic, palmitic and linolenic acid is included in the composition. They are almost identical with the fatty acids contained in the stratum corneum of the dermis.
    - Salicylic acid 2% - facilitates the separation of keratinized skin scales.
    - Urea 20% - moisturizes and increases the flexibility of the stratum corneum.
    - Allantoin - accelerates and heals damaged skin.
    - Panthenol - effectively removes irritation.
    - Milk or glycolic acid - softens the skin.
    - Tretinoin - helps to smooth the surface of the skin.
    - Vitamins A, C.

    Other treatment methods depending on the location and type of hyperkeratosis:

    • Calluses or calluses - help the use of silicone pads, protective patches and special insoles.
    • Warts - are removed by freezing with liquid nitrogen( cryosurgery), burning with a laser, and also cut out surgically.
    • Chronic eczema - treated with corticosteroid ointments( prednisolone, hydrocortisone) or creams, which are rubbed into the affected area of ​​the skin.
    • Red lichen planus - for the use of immunostimulants( neovir, reaferon) and hormone therapy with corticosteroids.
    • Keratosis - can be treated with laser therapy, skin peeling or dermabrasion.
    • Seborrheic keratosis - removed with a scalpel or cryosurgery.
    • Keratodermatosis of the face( enlarged pores, gums) - for treatment you can use fruit piligs, microdermabrasion, vitamin therapy( mesotherapy) with vitamins A, C.

    . People's prescriptions for the treatment of hyperkeratosis

    • Calendula - can be a part of creams, oils, ointments. Calendula has been used to treat plantar hyperkeratosis since the 1980s. It has a strong keratolytic effect, as well as anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Birch tar - has an anti-inflammatory and restoring effect on the skin. It includes more than 10 000 useful substances.
    • Dandelion juice - effectively used to treat calluses and corns. Juice needs to lubricate coarsened skin.
    • Pork fat - well hydrates and protects the skin. They lubricate dry and rough areas of the skin at night. For convenience, you can wrap food film.
    • Badger fat - for lubricating cracked and bleeding skin areas.
    • Chamomile broth - used to treat facial hyperkeratosis. The broth is frozen and rubbed with ice cube by problem spots on the skin.
    • Soda peeling - suitable for sensitive areas with small thickenings of the skin, such as face, shoulders.

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