  • Treatment of anemia( anemia)

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    What about is an anemia of ?Disease caused by a decrease in red blood cells in the blood and a decrease in hemoglobin. The sufferer of anemia is easy to recognize by appearance: the skin of such a person is pale, the hair is usually fragile and often falls out, the nails are broken. Patients with anemia complain of rapid fatigue, they are often tormented by headaches, dizziness and even fainting, flies before the eyes, in severe cases, there are difficulties in breathing and swallowing. Sometimes there are strange gastronomic predilections: there is a desire to eat lime, chalk or spicy, strongly salty foods. Sometimes, there is a sharp muscle weakness.

    The causes of anemia are very diverse: anemia can occur as a result of blood loss( eg, in wounds, nasal, pulmonary, gastric, hemorrhoidal, uterine and other bleeding), malnutrition or lack of vitamins, as well as hemopoiesis. Anemia can develop and with some infectious or chronic diseases( tuberculosis, dysentery, etc.), and poisoning with fungi, drugs and poisons. But the most common anemia associated with iron deficiency and vitamin B12.In addition to the symptoms characteristic of all types of anemia, there are specific signs in this form: a burning sensation in the mouth and in the tongue, diarrhea, and in neglected cases, the nervous system also suffers in patients - the gait becomes shaky and uncertain, there is a feeling of running chills on the skin.

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    There are many forms of anemia associated with increased destruction of red blood cells, which is usually accompanied by icteric skin color, which is why they are often confused with various liver diseases.

    Significantly less common anemia due to lack of folic acid in the body. Anemia often develops in elderly people suffering from a dysfunction of the stomach, as well as with some helminth diseases, sometimes during pregnancy.

    Patients with anemia need to work out a rational mode of work and rest( that is, do not overload the body with work).Nutrition should be adjusted so that you can get as much animal protein( up to 120 g per day) and vitamins along with vegetables and fruits. But fats need to be limited - only 40 g per day.

    Do not forget that in the milk there are 12 kinds of vitamins, including vitamins of group B, which means that the milk diet is useful for anemia patients. Animal protein, contained in dairy products, is perfectly absorbed by the body, and the presence of iron in curds, yogurt, whey, sour cream will help to fill its deficiency in the body and increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

    Before all, we must try to eliminate the causes that caused the appearance of anemia. If anemia is associated with severe blood loss, bleeding should be stopped. In case of lack of vitamins and iron in the body, you need to properly adjust the diet. With anemia with malnutrition, it is easy to cope by transferring the patient to 5 meals a day with foods rich in proteins and vitamins. Anemic protein is especially useful protein of animal origin.

    If possible, drink more cream, eat a lot of butter, liver, soaked in milk. Milk should be drunk with small sips, not with a volley. Extremely useful pumpkin porridge on milk, and in general, all vegetables and fruits are yellow.

    For the speedy recovery one recommended means can be recommended: insist on the leaves of forest strawberries and the thread this infusion instead of tea with milk and sugar.

    Since the hemopoiesis is often disturbed in patients with anemia, and blood does not have time to develop in the body, anemia is often accompanied by low pressure, characterized by fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, loss of appetite. At low pressure from anemia, you need to eat as much milk products, especially yogurt, and drink whey. Of the folk remedies, the following helps: in a glass of milk, boil 2 to 3 cloves of finely chopped garlic and drink this mixture for 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day.

    Patients with anemia often suffer from painful headaches. The forehead becomes cold at this point, the pupils dilate, the pulse falls. Improve the condition will help the following actions: lay the patient on the bed, so that the head and legs are on the same level, tighten the head with a handkerchief, give the patient a strong coffee with milk, and after half an hour, when the pain is a little quiet, offer a glass of hot milk.

    Characteristic for anemia and syncope. In this case, bring the patient to consciousness and immediately give him a cognac with milk in a 1: 1 ratio.

    Anemia can be congenital. Usually this is noticeable already in childhood: these children are paler than their peers, they are faster tired, play less, suffer from sleep disorders, they have nosebleeds, fainting, they have lower hemoglobin in their blood. Usually doctors appoint an anemic diet to anemic children, which includes beef meat, liver, nuts, vegetables, fruits and milk. It is not a bad idea to give the prepared formula to small patients from time to time: beat the egg yolk from 3 to 4 tbsp.l.sugar in a strong foam, mix with half a glass of warm milk and let's drink 2 times a day for half a glass of the mixture. Children are very fond of yoghurts. Often include them in breakfast, especially yogurt with strawberries.

    We also recommend drinking warm milk mixed with fresh raw eggs to anemic children. For 2 cups of milk, take 1 egg and shake well. The child should drink up to 1 cup of this mixture 3 times a day, which not only increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, but also helps to quickly gain the missing kilograms.

    In case of anemia caused by frequent and profuse nasal bleeding, just like with other types of anemia, milk is consumed inside to supplement the lack of vitamins. With another bleeding from the nose, you need to put the patient, throw his head back a little, and put a towel soaked in cold water on the bridge of the nose. To stop bleeding - to drip into the nose of lemon juice mixed with fresh milk in a proportion of 1: 1.Lemon juice will help to narrow the blood vessels in the nose, and milk will soften the action of the lemon.

    Often after injury due to a large loss of blood, there are symptoms that indicate the presence of such a patient's anemia: when you try to get up dizzy, darkens in the eyes, there may be fainting, the skin is pale. Together with medicinal preparations it is recommended to give such patients sweet tea with milk, liquid milk porridges, chocolate.

    Iron deficiency anemia is very common, in which a special diet and iron-containing preparations are prescribed. Suffer it, as a rule, mostly women. The body of a healthy man loses about 1 milligram of iron per day - with urine, then, with hair falling out. Physiological iron waste is easily covered by iron contained in food. Women are another matter. For information: no matter how much iron is contained in food, no more than 2 milligrams are absorbed into the body. Women, in addition to natural physiological waste, lose iron even with menstrual blood. If the menstruation is abundant and prolonged, then by the age of 35-40 the iron reserve in the body can be completely depleted. In addition, the beautiful sex actively consumes iron during pregnancy and childbirth. It should be noted that iron from plant products is practically not absorbed, so you should give preference to such products as meat, eggs, cottage cheese, whey, cheese, buttermilk - they will become for you sources of well-digested iron and protein needed for the formation of hemoglobin.

    As a fortifying and increasing amount of hemoglobin in the blood, it is possible to recommend the following composition to sick anemia, both for children and adults. To prepare a nutritional therapeutic mixture will require a glass of melted interior lard and 3 large sour apples. Cut the apples finely and add to the pork lard. All this peretopite on low heat, carefully making sure that the mixture is not burnt. Then remove the overheated mass from the fire, lightly cool and add 4 egg yolks, well mixed with 2 tbsp.l.cocoa. The entire mass should be mixed again and stored in a glass container in the refrigerator. This medicine should be consumed 3 times a day during regular meals for 1 to 2 tsp.and be sure to wash down with hot boiled milk.

    When anemia is also good for treating warm milk, which adds a healing tincture on the garlic cloves. One head of garlic is cleaned, denticles very finely cut with a knife, folded into glassware and pour one glass of vodka. Close the crockery with a stopper or lid and allow the mixture to stand for 20 days in the refrigerator. When the tincture is ready, add 2 tsp.for a glass of boiled warm cow or goat milk and take 2 times a day before meals - in the morning and in the evening. This medication is recommended for adults. Especially it is useful for the elderly.

    In nutrition of anemic elderly people, milk and dairy products should play an important role. To increase the level of protein and iron in the body, it is recommended to include daily dairy dishes in your diet and to eat curdled milk, sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese. You can use the recipe of folk medicine: mix a glass of kefir and 1 tbsp.l.liquid honey( if honey is candied, melt it in a water bath).Take this mixture 3 times a day - and soon you will feel relief.