  • What can I get you, friend?

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    Features of the game and its educational value. This game is aimed at further development of meaningful, purposeful memorization and recall of objects. Children learn to use the techniques themselves, which contribute to the successful solution of the gaming learning task, which consists in reproducing from the memory the objects hidden from the eyes. The method enunciated to children is to examine each object, name it and convey its purpose in words, that is, say what it is used for in the given game situation. He helps the child to establish a connection between the appearance of the object and its purpose, which becomes a semantic support for memorizing the object and its remembering in the future. In the game actions of the child with the object, an active, independent application of this method is fixed.

    The game also contributes to the expansion of memory and attention. Multiple participation of the child in it allows you to remember a sufficiently large number of objects for a given age, which is not achieved by other means.

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    Thus, the game solves two very important tasks of memory development: mastering the reception of meaningful memorization and expanding the amount of memory..

    Participation in such a game has a positive impact not only on the development of memory, but also on the formation of important personal qualities. This is primarily the ability to make the necessary mental effort to solve the cognitive task, that is, the volitional qualities of the individual. In addition, the game contributes to the education of goodwill, attentive attitude to another person, needs, desires( which is expressed in its very name).After all, in the course of the game, the children perform two different roles in turn-they then express their & lt;desire, then fulfill the desires of others. This enriches children with new social experience.

    Play stuff. For the game, ten to twelve children familiar to children are needed, the purpose of which is easily determined by them. This is necessary in order that the use of each object could serve as a semantic support for memory.

    You can use figurative toys depicting household items, familiar types of transport, fruits »vegetables, animals, and some other children's toys( matryoshka, small naked, pyramid, ball, ring, etc.).Such a set can be made up of thematic sets of toys( hairdresser, Doctor Aibolit, sets of dining room and tea utensils, soldiers, airplanes, etc.).If it is difficult to pick up such toys, you can replace them with real objects of small dimensions. For example, a cup, a toothbrush, a comb, a pencil, a glue brush, a bell, natural fruits or dummies( walnut, apple, lemon, orange, banana, cucumber, carrots, etc.).

    When compiling a set of toys, you must adhere to the following requirements:

    1) children should understand the purpose of each subject and easily transmit it by word and movement;

    2) the purpose of the items included in one set should be different( one should avoid that homogeneous objects fall into one group);

    3) it is desirable that between two objects of one set it is possible to establish a situational connexion( a plate-spoon, a bunny-carrot, a tub-a naked).

    Let's give an example of possible sets of toys: an apple, a saucer, a car, a horse;carrot, hare, naked, bath;plane, dog, comb, mirror.

    All selected items must be proportionate in size, have a clear, easily identifiable shape and small size. They are placed in a small bag of dense fabric, which has already been used in other games( "Bag, let!", Etc.).

    Of the listed items and toys you need to make two sets of five or six items in each. All material should be placed in a beautiful box with compartments for each set and bag.

    Description of the game and its techniques. The game can be conducted both with the whole group of children, and with a small subgroup( four to six people).Let's describe the variant of the game with the whole group.

    Children sit on chairs, arranged in a semicircle, and the teacher - opposite them for a small table. He offers kids to play a new game with interesting subjects. Exciting the curiosity of the children, the teacher slowly takes five or six items out of the box, puts them on the table, and then on the table appears a bag familiar to all, which reminds them of the game "Bag, let it go!".

    The teacher removes from the box and puts in a single row items from the first set so that all participants in the game they are clearly visible. He suggests that children carefully consider these subjects. With your questions( "Do you like these objects? What are they called? What do they need? Do you have the same thing at home?", Etc.), the adult encourages children to lively cognitive communication. Such communication helps to create a holistic image of each subject and actualizes the practical experience of its use.

    To show the children what value the intention has to remember the necessary subjects, the teacher uses the following method. He beckons to his three children( two sit on each side, and one next to him) and invites them to look again at the objects, and then close their eyes, turn their backs on the table and in turn name what is on the table. All other participants in the game, the teacher asks not to prompt or interfere with them to name objects. Called children take turns performing the task. When they turn back to the table, they are convinced together with everyone that many items have not been named. The educator explains that without the intention to remember something, then to remember, to keep all the objects in memory is not possible.(You do not just have to look at objects, but try to memorize them.)

    "Now we hide all the items in this bag. Let them rest there and wait until we do not remember them. And as soon as we remember, we will immediately get and show what they are doing with them, "says the tutor and takes a bag in his hands. Each of the three children called in turns takes one item and, turning to the bag, asks to let him in, while informing him of his appointment. For example: "Pouch-bag, let my apple in, I'll eat it later!" Or "Pouch-bag, let my machine go, I'll go on a visit to her."

    When all the items are in the bag, the teacher explains the basic rules of the game to the children."Now we will find each other what everyone asks. You can ask for any object that is in the bag, but only one. If someone forgot that he is in a bag, we will all help him, but first he himself must remember. We will remember what lies in the bag, get different objects for each other and show what they are doing, "says the tutor and removes two items from the table, leaving only four( not more).He takes a bag in his hand and, turning to each of the children in turn, asks: "What can I get you, my friend?" The child calls an object, the teacher gives him this subject and asks him to show what he is going to do with it. For example, if a child has asked for a carrot, the adult asks what he is going to do with it - he will eat or bun him? Depending on the answer, the child performs the selected game action - either jumps like a bunny, and gnaws a carrot, or he( for fun) eats it. After completing the imaginary actions, the child gives the toy, and she returns to the bag, and the tutor turns to the next participant in the game: "What to get you, my friend?" If the child named, for example, a cup, he should show how he drinks tea from it, if he calledmachine, show how he goes by car, etc.

    After completing all the game actions, three children return to their places, and the tutor calls the following children. Taking out the hidden objects from the bag, he suggests looking at them and remembering. Hiding the objects again in a bag, the adult asks the children the same question: "What to get you, my friend?" The game repeats itself.

    All the other children( together with the educator) observe their peers and evaluate their actions, encourage the correct solution of the problem and expressive execution of the movements.

    Then the educator causes four children( two of them sit opposite all, and two on each side).The teacher takes another item from the bag, asks the children to say what it is for, show how to use it, and puts it in a bag( thus there are already five subjects there).To one of the children he gives a bag of objects and instructs them to give out to the children what they ask. The teacher warns that you can ask for any subject, but not the one that is already named( that is, someone who already asked for it).

    The game is repeated in the same version, but only now the items are not given by the educator, but by the child.

    Having fulfilled the wishes of three of its partners, the child passes the bag to one of them and expresses his wish to receive some of the items not yet named. If someone has difficulty in remembering subjects, the teacher turns to the other children and asks them to remember which item has not yet been named.

    Thus, repeating the game and each time adding one subject, the educator involves all the children of the group in it.

    Rules of the game.

    1. To express their wish( what to get out of the bag) can only the one to whom the presenter refers.

    2. You can request any of the hidden items, except those that have already been called.

    3. It is not allowed to tell each other.

    Tips for the educator. This game is a transition between the story game and the game-task. She prepares children for active acceptance of the educational task and for cognitive communication.

    When playing the game, pay special attention to the playing of the destination items. For young children this is of two kinds. First, it is the semantic support for memory and, secondly, motivates the solution of the problem. In addition, this playing imparts an emotional relaxation to the solution of a learning problem that is quite difficult for the kids and supports the activity in the game of all its participants - both those who observe this interesting spectacle and those who play it. Therefore, when children play the game, avoid everything that can destroy the imaginary situation and the inclusion in it of the child- remarks, direct demands and instructions. And, on the contrary, in every possible way support the initiative actions of the child in this direction, tell him how you can beat the purpose of this or that subject.