  • How to Get Pregnant Fast - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. MF.

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    In the life of almost every woman there is such a time when there is a desire to become pregnant. At the same time, thoughts may arise, "will I be able to quickly conceive and give birth?", Especially in women whose past women's health has malfunctioned in the form of frequent inflammatory diseases of the genitals, menstrual disorders, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, endocrine disorders andsimilar.

    How to understand if you can quickly get pregnant, or you already need to go to the doctor

    If you and your partner have good health and no symptoms bother you if you do preventive examinations at a gynecologist at least once a year, ifyou and your partner have no bad habits - the chance to quickly become pregnant and even "fly"( get pregnant, being protected) you have a huge.

    You can initially assess your ability to quickly become pregnant by some of the parameters presented below.

    Chances of getting pregnant quickly decrease if:

    1. You have an irregular menstrual cycle or often there are malfunctions of the menstrual cycle,
    2. instagram viewer
    3. Menstruations with clots or are very painful,
    4. There are abnormal discharge from the genital tract in you or a partner,
    5. There are discharge from the mammary glands,
    6. YouFor a long time, they were drinking contraceptive pills( taken ok),
    7. Often the headache,
    8. There is excess weight or excessive weight loss,
    9. You often experience stress and nervous,
    10. You periodically have pains at the bottomis not dependent on menstruation, or there are untreated endocrine diseases,
    11. You or your partner have hard work and an irregular working day or there are bad habits of

    In all these cases, except for the latter, you and the partner should immediately be examined by a doctor, respectively, a gynecologist or urologist, an endocrinologist, a neuropathologist depending on the disturbing symptoms. Timely advice from a doctor and timely treatment measures will help you get pregnant quickly and not lose time.

    Do not delay the visit to the doctor if you can not get pregnant more than a year, and at the age of 30 - more than 6 months with a sexual life without contraception. Interrupted sexual intercourse is not considered an effective method of contraception, so if if you do not become pregnant within a year or two, being protected by interrupted intercourse, then the probability of quickly becoming pregnant without treatment is very small .

    To understand the process, how it turns out to get pregnant

    In the ovaries of a woman, immature eggs are laid from birth. With the onset of the menstrual cycle( 1 day of menstruation - this is the 1 day of the menstrual cycle), one or several eggs under the action of certain hormones begin to ripen, the follicle( the vesicle in which the egg ripens) grows to 22-24 mm and under the action of another hormone burstsovulation), in its place a yellow body is formed, it also produces various homins necessary to become pregnant. The slightest violation of the hormonal balance can lead either to the fact that the egg does not ripen, to the fact that the follicle does not burst or that the yellow body will produce insufficient hormones( deficiency of the yellow body).This all, of course, prevents you from becoming pregnant.

    Spermatozoa after ejaculation fall into the mucous contents of the cervix, and here they can be obstructed: if the mucus is too thick or too liquid, if the acidity is broken( all this may be a consequence of inflammatory and other diseases) - spermatozoa simply do not enter the uterus, become pregnantIn this case again it does not work out.

    If the spermatozoids have got into the uterus, but there is anatomical pathology of the uterus( with the bicornic uterus, with the bending of the uterus), it's impossible to quickly get pregnant again in a natural way.

    Suppose spermatozoa passed the uterus and got into the fallopian tubes, where they ozhidat egg, but the cavity of pipes is narrowed or soldered due to chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs - then spermatozoa simply can not connect to the egg or, worse, a fertilized egg can notgo down to the uterus and it will attach to the ovary - an ectopic pregnancy will develop that requires an emergency interruption. In such cases, when planning pregnancy, laparoscopy is necessary, and with tubal and peritoneal infertility laparoscopy is enough to become pregnant.

    Or spermatozoa are inferior and they generally can not get to the ovule on time and quickly die.

    Or a fertilized egg that has entered the uterus can not attach to the endometrium due to endometritis, adenomyosis or endometrial hyperplasia.

    As mentioned above, in order to become pregnant, it is necessary to connect the egg and sperm. But the egg ripens only once a month, and to get pregnant, you need to catch this moment.

    When to have sex, to get pregnant.

    To quickly become pregnant, it is necessary to calculate the so-called fertile period - the cycle days, most favorable for conception. This is 3-4 days before and 2 days after ovulation. It's up to a few people to determine the day of ovulation. Ovulation divides the menstrual cycle into two parts. The length of the first half of the cycle for each woman is individual( but should be the same from month to month for one woman), and the length of the second half of the cycle is, as a rule, 14 days. With a 28-day menstrual cycle( always from 1 day of menstruation), ovulation most often occurs on the 14th day from the beginning of menstruation, with a 30-day cycle, on the 16th.

    A little to orient and predict the onset of ovulation is possible on the basis of basal temperature charts and tests for ovulation( tests are sold at the pharmacy).

    Bad habits prevent fast becoming pregnant

    As soon as a desire to become pregnant a couple should fight to reconsider their lifestyle and stop using alcohol, nicotine and caffeine. All these substances act on the central nervous system in such a way that the normal functioning of the endocrine system( organs that produce hormones) is disrupted, the hormonal equilibrium that it takes to become pregnant becomes abnormal.

    How to get pregnant with an irregular cycle?

    To plan pregnancy with an irregular cycle or problems with hormones is difficult enough, because in addition to the need to control the arrival of ovulation, you also need to monitor your health. At the stage of pregnancy planning, every woman should lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and maintain a hormonal balance. The complex "Time Factor" helps to adjust the production and the natural ratio of progesterones and estrogen in the body. Biologically active substances in the complex will help not only to alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, but also to normalize the cycle, and, accordingly, give the opportunity to designate days suitable for conception.

    Day regimen to quickly become pregnant

    If you want to quickly become pregnant, it is very important to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. The fact is that there are such groups of hormones that are produced precisely in the dark during sleep( prolactin, for example), and they greatly affect the possibility of becoming pregnant.

    Nutrition, diet to quickly become pregnant

    First of all, you should exclude coffee and other caffeinated products, all products containing preservatives and artificial dyes, soy, if possible, to limit the sugar and flour products of the premium grade. All of them increase the load on the liver, which, in turn, responds to this by excessive production of androgen hormones that suppress ovulation.

    Food should be balanced against vitamin-mineral composition, vegetables, fruits and greens( especially rich in folic acid parsley, cabbage, potatoes) should be predominant in the diet, necessarily daily consumption of vegetable oils( vitamins A and E) - all these vitamins are necessary toto become pregnant.

    In no case should you refuse meat, proteins in the diet of those who want to become pregnant should be mandatory. In addition to meat, it is desirable to use nuts and legumes( peas, beans, beans, but not soybeans).

    Diets "for weight loss" prevent getting pregnant!

    A man whose woman wants to become pregnant needs to completely abandon the beer. Beer, in addition to alcohol, contains estrogen-like substances( similar to female sex hormones) and reduces the quality of sperm.

    Recommendations for a man

    For the development of full sperm, in addition to proper nutrition and avoiding bad habits, pendulum movements of the testicles and exclusion of their overheating are necessary. Thus, a man should wear wide pants and trousers, rather than narrow trunks and jeans at least for the time of pregnancy planning, to refuse for this period from saunas and baths. The more often a man has sexual intercourse, the more sperm is produced for the next. But, to conceive, sex life is needed no more often than 1 time per day in the fertile period of a woman( before and after it can be more often).With a slight deviation of the spermogram from the norm, it is recommended abstinence 2-4 days before the ovulation in a woman, but not longer( with longer abstinence, the sperm counts deteriorate).

    Stress prevents fast becoming pregnant

    Stress interferes with pregnancy, disrupting the proper functioning of the endocrine system. If you want to quickly become pregnant - reconsider the views on life and as much as possible to limit stressful situations and the reaction of your nervous system to them. This is a vicious circle: nerves - you can not get pregnant - nerves about the fact that you can not get pregnant, and you can only break it yourself. If necessary, you need to consult a therapist.

    Folk remedies to quickly become pregnant

    In what cases is the effective use of so-called folk remedies to become pregnant:

    If you can not get pregnant, but have not been treated yet, you can recommend only vitamin vitamins and vitamin collections of medicinal plants from folk remedies. Such widely used folk remedies, as the boron uterus, red brush, sage, have clear contraindications and each herb is used only for the appropriate reason of infertility and treatment should be carried out only on certain days of the menstrual cycle. The fact that a friend or a friend helped to become pregnant, for example, a bovine uterus, does not mean that it will help you become pregnant, but will not provoke breakthrough uterine bleeding( as is very often the case).

    After a complete examination, you can ask your doctor to recommend a suitable phytopreparation taking into account your tests and contraindications. But just ask in the formulation "phytopreparation" and not "folk remedy to get pregnant", doctors pathologically negatively refer to the words "folk remedy", and phytotherapeutic agents for treating gynecological diseases are used widely enough, although in essence it is one and the same.

    Do not drink sage to get pregnant, if you have progesterone insufficiency( low basal temperature in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle or low progesterone by analysis), this will only aggravate the situation and give up the day when you can become pregnant.

    Do not drink the uterus during menstruation and discard it, if you have a sick liver or during the treatment with a hog uterus, you feel heaviness or pain in the right side. As already mentioned above, any excessive load on the liver prevents you from becoming pregnant.

    Strictly follow the advice of your doctor and the recommended dosage.

    Kake will quickly become pregnant after taking ok.

    . Among women, there is an opinion that if you want to get pregnant quickly, you need to take 3 months( oral contraceptives) and you can get pregnant in the next one after taking an OK cycle. This opinion is both true and not true. Yes, there is such a method of treatment of anovulation based on the "rebound effect", the meaning of it is that during the reception of the hormones necessary to become pregnant gradually accumulate in the body and after the reception of the egg begins to intensively mature, ovulation occurs. BUT: Firstly, not everything is ok for this. Secondly - if you already have ovulation and the reason that you can not get pregnant in obstruction, for example, the fallopian tubes or worse in hormonal disturbance - you will only lose time, and in the second case - even harm yourself. At all do not take ok without consulting a doctor and a full survey!

    How to Get Pregnant After an abortion

    After abortion, a woman soon starts to think about how to get pregnant, and not in vain. Often, abortions greatly reduce the chances of getting pregnant quickly, but there are also diagnostic benefits: infertility after abortion is secondary infertility, that is, once you quickly became pregnant, you could still get sick, and the reasons preventing pregnancy became apparent later. Such reasons may be: incorrect abortion( too traumatic, or with uncontrolled use of potent drugs) or gynecological or endocrine diseases that have appeared. If you have had an abortion, contact your doctor after 6 months from the first unsuccessful attempt to become pregnant.

    How quickly to become pregnant after a miscarriage

    If you have previously lost a pregnancy( there was a miscarriage), it is an occasion to take responsibility with responsibility to attempts to become pregnant again and before planning it is necessary to go through a full gynecological examination and consult an endocrinologist and a geneticist so that the accident does not happen again. Often, miscarriage is a consequence of the reasons:

    • is primarily sexual infection , so before planning, they must be identified and treated.
    • endocrine disorders ( if you were able to conceive, it is likely that the disorders are minor, but any endocrine diseases progress during pregnancy and it can result in miscarriage.) For example, with hypothyroidism, you will be able to conceive, but during pregnancy the need for thyroid hormonethyroid - thyroxine, greatly increases, hormone is not enough, miscarriage proceeds
    • genetic abnormalities in the fetus .
    • 2 and more miscarriages are an occasion to pass tests for antiphospholipid syndrome .

    How to find out if you are pregnant with

    If you are building a basal temperature chart for each cycle, it's quite easy to learn about the pregnancy that has come in. If the length of the 2-phase cycle( from the date of confirmed ovulation by tests for ovulation) is more than 16 days, the basal temperature is increased, a great chance that you could get pregnant

    And once again about nerves and stress, this is very important if you want to quickly become pregnant. According to my personal statistics, couples who are desperate to become pregnant can not become pregnant, even if all the tests are in order( the so-called idiopathic cause of infertility).If the doctor is puzzled why you can not get pregnant - it's time to take up your worldview. Create a positive attitude( meditation, auto-training, yoga will help), repeat to yourself: everything will be fine! And you will succeed!