
Drugs for memory improvement - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Drugs for memory improvement - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    You suddenly noticed that they became absent-minded, forgetfulness appeared, they hardly remember the names of friends, phone numbers? As a rule, such problems first arise from the fourth-fifth decade of life. Age, you will say and be right, but only in part. Memory impairment is a symptom of many diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous and even endocrine systems, and it is necessary to go to the doctor at the first signs of memory impairment.

    But the question "how to improve memory?" Can become relevant in a younger age. Such important events in the life of students as exams, when you need to remember large amounts of information, also make high demands on the functional resources of the brain and, in particular, on its ability to remember. What, apart from regular training, can memory be improved?

    In this case there is a special group of drugs, with a different mechanism of action - nootropics( "noos" - thought, mind, "tropos" - direction).The effect of these drugs is not instantaneous, but accumulative, on average, develops after 1 month from the start of admission.

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    The pharmaceutical market has a large number of products in this group, but not all of them can be recommended for admission without consulting a doctor, a number of drugs may, if unreasonably applied, cause significant harm instead of the expected benefit.

    Tablets for memory improvement

    Consider preparations that you can purchase in a pharmacy without a prescription:

    Bilobil ( tanakan, memo, gingoginka, bilobil forte, ginkgo biloba).Capsules 40 mg
    This is a herbal preparation of complex action - extract from the leaves of the plant Ginkgo Biloba, containing substances that can mainly affect the vascular system of the brain, improve the fluidity of blood in the smallest blood vessels that nourish blood nerve cells. The drug has an easy antidepressant effect, increases the ability to memorize.
    Recommended in the elderly, with age-related changes in the cerebral circulation, manifested by dizziness, memory loss, sleep disturbances, anxiety, tinnitus, with the consequences of traumatic brain injuries, after a stroke. At a young age - with increased fatigue, reduced concentration of attention.

    Multiplicity of intake 1 capsule 3 times a day. Duration of admission is 3 months. It is possible to repeat courses on the appointment of a doctor.
    - susceptibility to increased bleeding
    - under 18 years of age
    - exacerbations of peptic ulcer of stomach or duodenum
    - acute myocardial infarction
    - gastric erosion
    - acute cerebrovascular accident
    - intolerance of
    preparation components - pregnancy andBreastfeeding
    Special instructions: Ginkgo biloba preparations should not be taken without consulting a physician to patients who are constantly taking medications that dilute blood( aspirin, warfarin andetc.), antidepressants, diuretics of thiazides, gentamicin, anticonvulsants.

    Glycine 100 mg. Tablets are sublingual. This is the safest drug, tk.is included in the metabolic processes of brain cells like a natural molecule of the body( amino acid glycine).Easily removed from the body, does not accumulate in tissues, does not cause addiction.
    You can take glycine, not only for diseases, but also for healthy people in situations of increased mental and mental stress, emotional instability, prolonged stress, sleep disorders, students during the exams.
    Reduces the toxic effect of alcohol.
    Healthy adults, children and adolescents can take glycine to increase mental performance, improve memory, attention 1 tablet 2-3 times a day from 2 weeks to 1 month.
    For diseases of the nervous system with sleep disorders, excessive psychiatric excitability, children under 3 years of age are prescribed ½ tablets 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks, then ½ tablet once a day for 7-10days.
    Adults and children over 3 years of 1 tablet 2-3 times a day 1-2 weeks.
    The course of treatment can be extended to 1 month, if necessary, repeat after 1 month.
    If sleeping, take ½ tablets or 1 tablet immediately before bedtime or 20 minutes before bedtime.
    - intolerance of the components of the preparation

    Aminolone ( 250 mg, tablets).Gamma-aminobutyric acid. Affects the processes of metabolism in the cells of the brain, promotes the absorption of glucose - a source of energy for nerve cells. It improves memory, thinking, helps restore impaired functions after a stroke.
    It is used in the prevention of motion sickness in transport, with alcoholic lesions of the nervous system, with residual effects after craniocerebral trauma, in the complex treatment of hypertension due to a slight hypotensive effect.
    Reception: inside, 30 minutes before meals.
    Children: 1-3 years 1-2 grams per day, 4-6 years 2-3 grams per day. From 7 years and over 3 grams per day.
    Adults 3-3.75 g per day
    Daily dose divided into 3 divided doses.
    Course of treatment: 2-3 weeks - 2-4 months.

    Prevention and treatment of motion sickness syndrome:
    Children 250 mg 3 times a day.
    Adults 500 mg 3 times a day.
    Course 3-4 days.

    General anesthetic preparations

    Eleutherococcus extract ( tablets, liquid extract)
    It is prescribed when overfatigue, after the transferred infectious diseases, restores physical and mental performance, increases the adaptive capabilities of the body.
    Multiplicity of admission for adults for 20-40 drops of extract 2 times a day for half an hour before meals
    or tablets 100-200 mg 2 times a day.
    For children from 12 years old, 1 drop of extract for 1 year of life.
    Course: 2 weeks.

    Contraindications: Do not take children under 12 years of age, with individual intolerance to the components of the drug, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with acute infectious diseases, myocardial infarction, heart rhythm disturbances, insomnia, high blood pressure, cerebral vascular diseases.

    Long-term use of eleutherococcus leads to cardiovascular and nervous system depletion, so it can only be taken after a doctor's examination and consultation.

    Recipes of traditional medicine to improve memory

    Infusion of flowers of clover. Collect the heads from flowering plants, dry, pour into a thermos 2 tbsp.crushed flowers, add 2 cups of hot water and insist for 2 hours. Strain, take 1/3 cup for 30 minutes before meals 3 months.

    Decoction of ashberry bark.1 tbsp.l.dry crushed rowan bark pour 250 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes. Insist 6 hours, take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day for a month. The course should be repeated 3 times a year.

    Young pine buds. In the spring, eat 3-4 kidney buds 2-3 times a day before eating.

    Drugs that can be taken only after consultation with a doctor

    This group of drugs is prescription and prescribed by a doctor only for any diseases, because the drugs are not harmless and have contraindications and side effects.

    Pyracetam( luetzelam, memotropil, nootropil, cerebral, escotropyl, noocetam, stamine).
    A classic representative of nootropic drugs, is available in capsules for oral administration and ampoules with a solution for parenteral administration. The course of treatment in the interval from 2-3 weeks to 3-6 months. Dosage individually depending on the indications. In chronic conditions, treatment should be repeated.
    Has high-dose psycho-stimulating effect. Contraindicated in severe kidney disease, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, hemorrhagic stroke, chorea, depression with mental agitation, allergies to the drug.

    Encephabol( pyrithinol).Produced in tablets for oral administration and as a suspension. It is widely used in pediatric practice from the 3rd day after the birth of with congenital pathologies of the brain , as well as with a delay in mental development. At adults - at infringements of cognitive functions of a various parentage. Duration of admission is from 8 to 12 weeks. If necessary, on the appointment of a doctor, the courses are repeated.
    Contraindicated in severe disorders of liver and kidney function, blood diseases, autoimmune diseases, allergic reactions to the drug.

    Fenotropil. Pills. The pronounced effect on the memory function, the speed of thinking, the concentration of attention, as well as the general toning and moderate psychostimulating effect with increasing work capacity and resistance to stressful influences.
    Assign for diseases of the brain , proceeding with a violation of mental performance, memory, attention, increased mental exhaustion due to craniocerebral trauma, stroke, neuroses, and also as a means of increasing the functional capacity of the organism in emergency conditions.
    Contraindicated in children, with pregnancy and breastfeeding, with severe liver and kidney damage, high blood pressure, acute psychosis, panic attacks, with individual intolerance.

    And, finally, one can not help but warn that, even such a seemingly harmless symptom, like forgetfulness and bad memory, can be a symptom of a serious illness. It is with memory impairment that Alzheimer's and other dementia begin, so brain tumors, some mental disorders - depression, neuroses, are important, so it is important to call a neurologist in time to make the necessary examination. Especially should be alarmed by a sudden deterioration in memory. Now doctors have special tests and questionnaires that reveal the severity of violations of higher brain functions, and help establish a timely diagnosis.

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