  • When is it necessary to treat reactive arthritis in adults and children?

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    Reactive arthritis is still called arthropathy and refers to the most frequent rheumatological diseases that doctors of different specialties have to face.

    Under the diagnosis of reactive arthritis combine a whole group of diseases that are characterized by the same type of joint damage.

    In reactive arthritis, the symptoms of the lesion do not fall under the diagnostic criteria of other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, which is why this disease is classified into a separate group.

    Reactive knee and ankle joint clinic

    Reactive arthritis of the knee joint is most often manifested by pain that occurs suddenly, against a background of complete well-being, and has an intense character or arises as a periodic symptom a few days after the infectious infection.

    It should be noted that in terms of treatment, sharp pain in the knee joint is more favorable than sporadic occurrence of pain. Often the knee joint is characterized by severe symptoms.

    Reactive arthritis of the knee joint has an acute onset. Characteristic increase in temperature to 37.6 C, a violation of the general condition of patients, severe pain in the joint, which provokes lameness.

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    The tissues surrounding the joint become hot to the touch. Patients can not fully unbend the knee, become restless.

    Often this lesion develops after a cold, and can also occur with certain infections, for example, in dysentery or salmonellosis, parasitic lesions or psoriasis. Often such arthritis of the knee joint becomes a consequence of the transferred angina.

    Reactive arthritis of the ankle can occur against the background of osteoporosis or with dystrophic changes that result from a violation of blood supply to bone and cartilage joint tissue, with concomitant gout or Bechterew's disease, as well as excessive load on the ankle, which is observed with flat feet or long running.

    This disease manifests itself as aggression from its own immune system, when joint tissues are recognized as foreign structures.

    In the clinical picture of reactive arthritis of the ankle, the pain and impaired motor function of the joint comes to the fore, which subsequently causes the development of contractures - a significant restriction in movements.

    Principles of therapy for reactive arthritis

    How to treat reactive arthritis and what medications to use in treatment is determined by a rheumatologist after all necessary examinations.

    Diagnostic criteria are typical asymmetric lesions of the joints of the lower extremities, the volatile nature of the lesion, the presence of antibodies to a specific pathogen, as well as the presence in the history of the urogenital inflammatory process or infection of other localization.

    Patients are assigned a general blood and urine test, as well as an analysis of the etiological antigen. Before the treatment of reactive arthritis, tests are performed to exclude rheumatic diseases of another nature - it is important to timely exclude rheumatoid arthritis in the patient.

    In reactive arthritis treatment is carried out in two directions:

    • antibiotic therapy
    • articular syndrome therapy.

    Treatment of reactive arthritis includes azithromycin, doxycycline or alternative drugs - erythromycin, ofloxacin.

    To reduce inflammatory changes in the joints are prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticoids.

    Treatment of reactive arthritis in children should have an etiotropic direction. Antibiotics are prescribed, which can be combined with immunomodulators. In severe disease with excessive immunological activity, it is advisable to prescribe immunosuppressors. In addition, the reception of anti-inflammatory drugs is indicated.

    With reactive arthritis, the diet with an increase in omega-3 fatty acids improves cartilage and reduces inflammation. It is necessary to limit the use of sharp and smoked dishes, increase the number of fish, low-fat dairy products, vegetables and fruits.

    It is useful to use linseed oil. In arthritis, reactive treatment with folk remedies also has a positive therapeutic effect.

    It is recommended to use collections of medicinal plants containing burdock root, violet grass, birch leaves, nettle leaves, parsley, and these herbs can be used for a long time even after the abolition of antibiotics.

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