  • What do dolls do?

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    Features of the game and its educational value. In this game, children discover a new quality of objects - value. They are offered a Russian folk toy - a nested doll. The device of the nesting doll provides an element of surprise, a surprise ™ that attracts children, creates an emotional upsurge, stirs up interest.

    The rules of the game direct children to various activities with a toy( comparison of matryoshkas for growth).It is also important that in this game children can apply already acquired skills to distinguish the color and shape of objects. Success thanks to familiar actions inspires self-confidence, which, in turn, promotes cognitive activity in solving a new task.

    The game is plot-oriented. In it, life situations close to the experience of children are reproduced. The educational value of the game lies in the fact that it promotes the formation of friendly relations, teaches children to put their desires into the appropriate speech form( both in content and intonation).In addition, kids learn to fulfill each other's requests.

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    Play stuff. It is desirable to have a complete set of matryoshkas( souvenir), which includes 10-12 items. If you do not have it, you can use two or three sets of regular five-seat nesting dolls, which are available in all kindergartens. You should also have a bar or strip to separate one group of matryoshkas from the other.

    Description of the game and its techniques. The tutor places the chairs with the help of the little ones and, opposite them, puts a large table on a short distance. The children sit more comfortably, and the adult puts a large matryoshka on the table: "Look, what a beautiful woman has come to us!" Everyone admires the matrioshka and looks at it. The teacher asks what the matryoshka is wearing, what color is her dress, her handkerchief, etc. After admiring the toy, she raises it and says in surprise: "Something heavy. Maybe there is something there? Let's take a look! "Holding the lower part of the matryoshka with one hand, the other lifts the upper half, pronouncing with the children the following words:" Matryoshka, matryoshka, open a little! "The process of opening the matryoshka is deliberately slightly tightened to strengthen the expectation and curiosity of the kids.

    Having opened a large matryoshka and saw in it the next one, the children with the tutor are surprised and admiring it. A new matryoshka is placed next to, facing the children and is treated like the first one. The educator draws attention to the fact that matryoshkas of different sizes. He asks which of them is higher, what color is the handkerchief of the one who is higher, and the one that is lower. Then, picking up a new matryoshka, again he asks to find out if there is anything else hidden in it. Children again say the same words in a chorus( "Matryoshka, matryoshka, open a little!"), And the next matryoshka appears. This continues until all matryoshka dolls come out.

    Having arranged them in a row for growth, the educator draws the children's attention to the fact that each matryoshka is dressed in its own way and that each next matryoshka is smaller than the previous one for a whole head. After that, he divides the big and small matryoshkas into two equal groups and says that all nesting dolls, like children, go to the kindergarten, but only large nesting dolls will go to the older group, and small ones will go to the younger one. On the table there is a place for the younger and for the older group( fenced off with a stick, a bar, a dash, etc.).The educator calls the children one at a time and instructs them to take any matryoshka he chooses himself to an older or younger group. This issue is decided by the child himself. All other children together with the tutor check the correctness of his actions. When all the nesting dolls fall into the appropriate groups, the educator sums up, that is, he emphasizes: "Nested dolls were higher in the older group, they are bigger, and matryoshkas of smaller size came to the younger group, they are still small. They will grow up and go to the senior group. And now let our matryoshkas lead a little round dance, and we'll sing a song to them! "The educator beckons to several children, gives each of them two matryoshkas standing next to each other, and suggests showing how matryoshkas go.one by one. All children together with the tutor sing a song."Stop! Says the tutor."Let's play the loaf now."

    Called children put matryoshkas in mugs( in both groups), and on the table are formed two round dance."Let's play with you in the loaf and learn the matryoshka dolls", - the teacher offers the rest of the children. Babies form a round dance and play a familiar game. Then everyone takes their places, and the teacher calls new children who, picking up matryoshkas, singing the others( "That's such a breadth, that's such a dinner, loaf, loaf, anyone you want to choose!") Show how nested dolls play a loaf,that is, they expand and narrow the circle, jump up, bend, etc.

    "And now our matryoshka dolls will go for walks," the tutor suggests.- The elders will lead their little sister. First let's collect for a walk matryoshkas from the older group. "He instructs one child to build a large matryoshka doll for growth one after another. Then, summoning the kids one at a time, gives a new task: for each large matryoshka, to find, according to its growth, a pair of small ones. Calling one child, the teacher suggests that he take the largest matryoshka doll, go with her to the younger group and find her sister, that is, the largest among the nesting dolls of the younger group. Choosing a pair for a large nesting doll, the child takes both nesting dolls to the other end of the table. The first couple is ready for a walk. In the same way, the remaining pairs of matryoshkas are chosen. This is the solution of this teaching task.

    Then the educator calls other children who drive matryoshkas( walk with them) on the table. Nesting dolls move freely, run, jump, etc. At the end of the walk they are again built according to their height. This is done by other children, and all the others follow them and, if necessary, correct mistakes.

    "Now let's play differently," says the tutor."Nesting dolls will hide each other."He takes the smallest matryoshka in his hands, puts it opposite to the next one and asks on her behalf: "Sister, sister, hide me!" - "And you tell me what color a handkerchief is on me," Matryoshka answers, "then I'll hide!"A little matryoshka answers, and the one that is bigger opens and hides it.

    The teacher brings in two children and instructs them to play the two matreshk dolls that are next in growth. All the others carefully listen to the dialogue of nesting dolls. With the next pair of matryoshkas, another pair of children are acting, and the game continues until all of the nesting dolls are assembled into one big one."Here it is, our greatest beauty," says the tutor. Matryoshka is put in a prominent place, and the game ends here.

    Rules of the game.

    1. All actions with matryoshkas are performed by children only after the call of the tutor.

    2. Only children who play together and do not interfere with others are called to carry out assignments.

    Tips for the educator. The role of the educator in this game is unique. The adult not only organizes the game and training, but also is an active participant in it, setting an example of interest and aesthetic attitude towards toys.

    It is very important to maintain interest in the game from its beginning to the end and ensure the continued activity of all children. For a total, first, let's assign the instructions to individual children on behalf of the whole group, for example: "Who will we send to build matryoshkas? Let's send Misha, "and so on. Secondly, each time for a sketch of the correct execution of instructions, involve all participants in the game that have not yet been called. Thirdly, by invoking separate children, offer different variants of the teaching task to everyone else. Given that in each group there are self-confident or passive children who are inclined to refuse from unusual activities, they can be helped to call someone from the braver.

    We described here the simplest, original version of the game. When you repeat it, the learning task and the game actions become more complicated. For example, nesting dolls can scatter, some of them hide, and children should find out which one is not.enough. You can choose houses for nesting dolls using mugs of different / diameter, etc.

    The toy is not given to children for free use until the main learning task of the game and its rules are mastered.