  • Stop bleeding

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    Bleeding - a formidable complication of wounds, fractures of bones, as well as some diseases, for example, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, pulmonary tuberculosis. Massive bleeding can lead to the development of

    shock and create a threat to the life of the victim. That is why it is important to be able to quickly and correctly provide first aid for bleeding.

    Capillary bleeding does not pose a serious health hazard, as the loss of blood is small. It can be easily stopped by applying a pressure bandage, having previously smeared the skin around the wound with iodine and covering it with several layers of sterile gauze or bandage. If you do not have a bandage or gauze at hand, you can use a clean handkerchief.

    Venous bleeding is also best to stop with a pressure bandage. On the bleeding place, put a clean gauze or a piece of sterile bandage, on top - an unopened bandage, layers of gauze folded in several layers or a clean handkerchief, and then tightly bandage. Thus, it is possible to squeeze the lumens of damaged vessels and stop bleeding. If the bandage gets wet, then, without removing it, on top, put one more or more napkins and tighten them bandage. The injured limb should be raised.

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    Arterial bleeding, in which scarlet blood flows out of the wound with a pulsating jet, poses the greatest danger to life, as it can quickly bleed the victim.

    With this bleeding, especially when large vessels are damaged, everything depends on quick and competent first aid. For this, it is necessary, first of all, to know well the places of possible pressing of the arteries. Strongly pressing fingers on soft tissues above the wound site, the artery is pressed until they prepare and apply a pressure bandage.

    In Fig.points indicate the places where the arteries should be pressed to make the stop bleeding.

    When the head is injured, the temporal( 1), occipital( 2), carotid( 3, 4) arteries are pressed.

    Bleeding from wounds on the arm is stopped by pressing subclavian( 5), axillary( 6), humeral( 7), radial( 8), ulnar( 9) arteries.

    If the vessels of the legs are damaged, the femoral artery is pressed into the groin( 10) or in the middle of the thigh( 11), popliteal( 12), the back artery of the foot( 13) or the posterior tibial( 14).

    In some cases( bleeding from the femoral or brachial artery), a tourniquet should be applied. Therefore, it is necessary to know the rules for applying the harness.

    For injuries of the extremities, it is better to apply a standard tourniquet, which is an elastic rubber tube, to the ends of which a chain and a hook are attached.

    The tourniquet is placed above the bleeding site.

    On the skin, in order not to pinch it, put a cloth folded in several layers under the harness.

    Tours of a tourniquet do one near another. The most tight should be the first round, the second - with less tension, and the rest - with a minimum. Fix the ends of the harness with a chain and a hook on top of all tours. Tighten the tourniquet only until the bleeding stops and the pulse disappears below the place of application. Excessive tightening can lead to necrosis of the tissues.

    Remember: if the tourniquet is correctly applied, the pulsation of the blood stream in the wound stops, the skin below the harness is marble-pale, there is no pulse on the artery below the tourniquet, the sensitivity of the skin of the limb is preserved.

    Be sure to put a note under the harness, indicating in it the exact time of its overlap in the 24-hour period. When transporting the victim at an intermediate medical station or in a hospital, where he is taken, should know this time, since the tourniquet can be kept for no more than two hours.

    If necessary, leave it longer, press the finger above the fault location with your finger, remove the harness for 10- 15 min, and then re-apply it slightly above or below the previous location.

    If the does not have an standard harness, then from the improvised tools( belt, belt, kerchief, scarf), you can make a twist, which you can freely tie, putting a piece of cloth under the knot. In the resulting loop, insert a stick, pencil or pen and, rotating it, twist the loop to complete bleeding stop .After this, stick the stick to the limb and be sure to put a note indicating the spinning time.

    Do not apply a tourniquet to the wrist, forearm, or shin. In these parts of the extremities, the vessels are located between the bony formations that prevent the arteries from being squeezed by bleeding, so the tourniquet does not give the proper effect. When injuring the forearm or lower leg, the tourniquet is placed on the shoulder or thigh.

    In addition, arterial bleeding can be stopped by bending the arm in the elbow joint, and the leg in the knee joint. Pre-lay under the bend( in the popliteal fossa, elbow bend) roller of gauze, bandage or cotton wool, then flex flexibly and fix it in this position with a bandage.

    Internal bleeding( in the abdominal cavity, chest cavity, skull) presents special difficulties for self-help or mutual assistance, since it is almost impossible to stop them. To suspect internal bleeding is possible by the appearance of the patient: pale skin, puffy, cold sweat, breathing frequent, shallow, frequent and weak pulse. With such signs, urgently call an ambulance, lay the victim or give a semi-sitting position to ensure complete rest, and attach a bubble, a plastic bag of ice or snow or a bottle of cold water to the intended area of ​​bleeding( stomach, chest, head).If trouble happened far from the city, try to contact the medical institution as soon as possible.