  • Cough syrup - inexpensive, good and effective

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    Cough is an unpleasant symptom that accompanies us during colds, flu, bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis.

    It should be noted that cough therapy in adults and children with different diseases differs. It is difficult to find an inexpensive and effective syrup that can save you from a cough in just a few days.

    Residual symptoms after bronchitis may last several weeks, even when the disease is over, and there are no harmful microorganisms in the sputum. Despite the fact that the symptoms of cough are often similar, it needs to be treated in different ways.

    The bulk of medicinal syrups from cough is divided into two main groups: antitussive and expectorant syrups.

    Expectorant cough syrup is necessary in case of sputum formation, when phlegm needs to be diluted. If you do not cough cure, phlegm will interfere with normal wakefulness and sleep, will get stuck in the bronchi.

    An antitussive syrup from a cough is required when treatment of dry and unproductive cough is necessary. Such a cough does not bring any effect to our body, if this kind of cough is not treated, it may be the appearance of such complications as pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum.
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    Coughing is not necessary to treat asthmatics, smokers, patients with mild forms of colds. Thus, sputum is discharged and the bronchial trunk is cleaned.

    Choosing a cough syrup: inexpensive and effective

    Only after the appointment of a doctor, you can use cough medicines with a combined effect - expectorant, thinning, decongestant.

    A brief list of syrups of different action:

    • Mucolytic( expectorating) syrups - Ascoril, Pertussin, Ambroxol, Syrup Althea, Ambrobene, Herbion.
    • Means for suppressing cough - Sinecod, Glycodine.
    • Combined medications - Kodelak neo, Broncholitin.
    The main principles of cough treatment: anti-inflammatory drugs used to prevent sputum from sputtering. It will also require increased drinking and body temperature control.

    Licorice root syrup

    Inexpensive, natural remedy, tested by time and people. The soft effect of licorice root works effectively, but this medication alone does not work particularly effectively. The best option is joint use with other drugs to restore normal function of the bronchi and lungs. In order to improve the therapeutic effect, you should take more fluid with this form of medication.

    The benefits of this remedy are: low toxicity to the liver and kidneys, affordable price. The disadvantages of the drug is low efficiency, especially in severe types of diseases. Price From 17,00 руб.up to 32,00 rubles.

    Plantain syrup

    An anti-inflammatory cough syrup is an anti-inflammatory cough syrup. This means of accumulative effects, from natural preparations. Well suited for use in childhood. Syrup perfectly cures an ineffective cough, if necessary, the dose of the drug can be increased for better effect.

    A pleasant taste, the syrup turns dry cough into wet, removes inflammation, fits smokers well, helps with lower respiratory tract damage. Disadvantages of syrup - not suitable for babies up to 2 years old, has a sugar content. Price From 220,00 руб.up to 280.00 rubles.

    Alcoholic cough syrup

    Contains an extract of the root of the alteyka. It is an expectorant with a plant composition. Negative consequences may be an allergy, an increase in dry cough.

    Suitable for the therapy of inflammatory chronic and acute diseases of the respiratory system - pneumonia, emphysema, bronchitis. All those diseases, which are accompanied by sputum discharge, are relevant for the treatment of altiteka. Price From 90,00 руб.up to 100,00 rubles.


    This product mixed basil oil and alkaloid glaucine, ephedrine. Perfectly helps, however, without the appointment of a doctor, the drug should not be abused. With its help, the center of cough is suppressed, the edema goes away, the bronchial tree expands and there is a slight soothing. In its lineup, this is one of the best syrups regarding the speed of relief.

    Since the drug is quite toxic, it is necessary to strictly comply with the dosage. Highly effective, used in various cases, treats, affecting the cause of the disease. Possible drug dependence after taking, there are also side effects. You can not buy this medicine to treat children under 3 years old. Price From 80.00 rub.up to 110,00 rubles. Sold by prescription.

    On what criteria to choose cough medicine for children: Dr. Komarovsky.

    Cough syrup Gedelix

    A wonderful product of natural origin. Good effect on the body, helping to cope with the disease much faster. There is no alcohol, no sugars in Gedelix, a drug can be given even to small children. There are no special contraindications in it. Improves dry cough, helps to sputum, due to the content in the Gedelix extract of ivy, there is an anti-inflammatory effect.

    The effectiveness of the drug is highest in the first three days of admission, the spasmolytic effect of the syrup appears for 10 hours. Analog - Prospan syrup.

    Gedelix is ​​suitable for almost everyone. Since it is highly effective, it provides an abundant separation of wet mucus, sometimes this may be undesirable. Therefore, you should prescribe the remedy only after consulting a doctor. Price from 318,00 руб.up to 377.00 rubles.

    Doctor Mom - syrup from cough

    It is an excellent remedy for plant components. It has mucolytic, expectorant, secretory, secretory, anti-inflammatory and softening effect.

    Excellent for diseases such as laryngitis, dry cough, ligament fatigue. The effect on the body is cumulative, the effect of treatment is gradual. Suitable for anyone who does not want to take synthetic drugs. The effectiveness of the drug is high, it is effective even with pneumonia, if additional bacterial therapy is performed.

    This is a natural remedy, proven its effectiveness, works well with the removal of symptoms of the disease, it is suitable even for young children, the cost is higher than average. Price Fromup to 158,00 rubles.

    Cough syrup Lazolvan

    Synthetic preparation, ambroxol in tablets with flavoring fillers. This drug is well suited for the treatment of acute bronchitis, there are side effects. Special components of the drug regulate the composition of sputum, improve the production of sputum, dilute it. In addition, due to the use of the drug, bronchi are strengthened, the inflammatory process is reduced.

    Effective rapid action tool, well suited for children. The cost is average, many patients did not like the bitter aftertaste. Price from 150,00 руб.up to 285,00 rubles.

    Cough syrup Ambrobene

    Ambrobene is one of the most commonly prescribed syrups, having expectorant and mucolytic properties. It is a very effective cough medicine, the active substance is ambroxol. Ambrobene in the form of a syrup contains sorbitol liquid, raspberry flavor, purified water, propylene glycol and saccharin. Sold in bottles of dark glass of 100 ml, they are attached a measuring cup.

    Indications for use:

    • dry cough with colds;
    • lung disease( chronic and obstructive);
    • bronchitis is chronic and acute;
    • pneumonia;
    • bronchiectatic disease.
    Syrup is prescribed to adults in the first 2-3 days of 10 ml 3 times a day;then 10 ml 2 times or 5 ml 3 times a day. Children under 2 years( except for newborns and premature babies) are prescribed 2.5 ml 2 times a day;from 2 to 5 years - 2.5 ml 3 times a day;from 5 to 12 years - 5 ml 2-3 times a day. The price from 120 rbl.


    Syrup contains homeopathic ingredients. Has bronchodilator, mucolytic, anti-allergic effect.

    Increases immunity. It is prescribed for bronchitis, allergic, infectious types of cough, asthma and obstructive bronchitis.


    Before giving preference to this or any other remedy, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. In some cases, it is important to use inhalation in the home.

    Many syrups have contraindications, so do not rush to use them, especially give them to children.

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