  • Land mixtures and fertilizers for indoor plants

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    Indoor plants are different in origin and growth conditions at home. For successful growth in room conditions, they need different composition of land mixtures, which are made up of sod, leaf and humus earth with various additives.

    The sod land is prepared from a meadow turf - the top layer of soil with wild cereals and leguminous plants. From the turf of clayey soil, a heavy soil is obtained from the turf of sandy and sandy loam soils. The pieces of sod are cut and folded into seams, sometimes interlining them with manure and mineral fertilizers. Burts 2-3 times per summer are shoveled and watered for better decay of the sod. In 2 years the sod land can be.use. Before use, it is screened through the screen. If the land needs a little, for amateur purposes, you can take it to a meadow or pasture, collecting the top layer from under the plants.

    For the preparation of leaf earth, fallen leaves are piled up in piles, watered with water or slurry, several times per summer shoveled. It turns out very loose, light and nutritious land, indispensable for indoor floriculture. Leafy land can be harvested in a forest or forest belt, where the mass of leaves pereprevaet annually. Oak and willow leaves, due to their large amount of tannins, are not suitable for the preparation of leafy earth.

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    Humidified earth gives well-reparted manure from greenhouses or manure, specially folded into burts for obtaining humus.

    Peatland is an old decomposed peat. It is very friable and hygroscopic. It is necessary for ferns, small seedlings.

    Coniferous earth is obtained when the needles are re-sprued in pine forests.

    In all land mixtures, sand is used as the baking powder. It is better to use river, white, naturally washed sand, coarse-grained. Red and carrot color must first be washed from salts and small silty particles.

    Since pot plants are provided with a very small volume of pot or box soil, which is more or less quickly used by their root system, special nutritional mixtures must be prepared for them, depending on the plant species.

    Transplant plants in fresh soil: young - every year, adults - in 2-4 years. In the period between transplantations, organic and mineral fertilizers are used as fertilizers. Composition of the feeding is usually the following:

    For ornamental-deciduous plants - mullein in a concentration of 1:10 or bird droppings 1:20;a mixture of mineral fertilizers: ammonium nitrate - 4, superphosphate - b, potassium chloride - 2 grams per 10 liters of water. Organic and mineral top dressings are made alternately, once a week.

    For flowering plants - a mixture of mineral fertilizers: ammonium nitrate - 1, superphosphate - 1.5, potassium chloride - 0.5 grams per 3 liters of water. Introduce in the growth period 2-3 times.

    Basic application rules, fertilizers:

    1. Fertilize often and with weak solutions.

    2. Do not fertilize weak, recently transplanted plants and plants that are in a rest period.

    3. Fertilizers are effective only in good light and normal temperature.

    4. Before dressing, the soil must be moist.

    5. Fertilizer solutions should not fall on leaves, stems.

    6. It is better to fertilize in the evening, on cloudy days.

    7. It is useful to water plants 2-3 times a year with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.