  • Effective treatment of deforming arthrosis of the foot

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    Age changes in the human body occur in all systems: the circulatory, nervous, digestive, including bone.

    Bones become more fragile, joint pathologies appear most often in the limbs that experience increased stress and heaviness during life. Among the diseases that are associated with the legs is diagnosed and deforming arthrosis of the foot.

    Osteoarthritis leads to deformation of the joint. It is a disease of lower limb tissues common among older people. The main process of pathology is the destruction of cartilage. This causes inflammation of the soft tissues that surround the joint.

    Causes of the disease

    The most common causes of deforming arthrosis of the foot are strong pressure on certain joints. This is a professional disease of people who spend their working day standing up.

    Also affected are injuries and multiple micro-trauma, which are most common to athletes.

    Another factor leading to arthrosis is hypothermia and wearing an uncomfortable or squeezing foot of the shoe. Therefore, according to statistics, women most often fall ill with arthrosis of the foot joints.

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    They sacrifice their legs for the sake of fleeting beauty, and then pay with their health.

    Symptoms of arthrosis

    Usually deforming arthrosis of the foot manifests itself as such basic symptoms as distortion of the forms of the fingers of the lower extremities. This indicates that the process of damage to bones and cartilage has begun.

    With this development of the disease, soft tissues usually do not suffer, but in the course of the development of the disease at the cell level irreversible changes have already begun.

    In the area of ​​affected joints is diagnosed:

    • crunches;
    • redness;
    • slight swelling;
    • local temperature increase.

    Development of the disease in humans

    Physicians distinguish three stages of disease progression. Each of them means its severity. If during the first stage, the deforming foot arthrosis is little manifested, and the patient only notes slight pain with increased physical exertion, the second stage is characterized by pain sensations.

    In the third stage, deformity is noticeable, the pains become stronger, and are manifested even in a state of rest.

    Methods of treatment

    If symptoms are found, it is necessary to begin treatment of deforming arthrosis of the foot.

    On the first steel doctors recommend the following points:

    • wear comfortable orthopedic shoes,
    • intake of anti-inflammatory drugs,
    • massage.

    In more severe stages, when arthrosis of the small joints of the foot has developed, operative treatment is prescribed. Only the attending physician will select the appropriate treatment method on the basis of examination and analysis.

    Also important information for the medical specialist will give data on the nature of the deformation and the cause of the disease. Remember, no homeopath will restore your health, only a specialist knows how to cure arthrosis of the foot.

    Herbs and other even natural preparations can be used only by consulting with a doctor. For sure, he will not oppose an integrated approach. In this case, special attention should be given to therapeutic gymnastics and modern methods of physiotherapy.

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