  • At the traffic light school flashers

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    For the game "At the traffic light school Flashlights".The multi-storey house is made of paper, cardboard. Various versions of toy stands are shown: the car has forked wheels, at the bus, traffic lights - stands made of thick paper, cardboard.

    Purpose. Strengthen and expand the views of children about the features and designation of cargo, passenger, special motor vehicles;teach them the rules of the road;to familiarize with some road signs, the traffic light, the policeman-regulator. Educate attention, care, discipline.

    Characters. Leading, traffic lights, flashers, drivers, pedestrians, a policeman, a rabbit, a hare, Dr. Aibolit.

    Preparing for the game. Plane images of cars, a policeman with a moving baton can be glued on the flannelograph for the game - modeling on the flannel, or you can glue the stands to them and arrange a table theater

    or make attributes in the form of medallions.

    To make such equipment with children is easy, if you use the manuals "Come and Go" by LI Filippova and N. V. Chemodurova "School of Light-and-Light Sciences".

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    Material. For the theater of toys - a traffic light in which children can close and open the light signal, road signs( "Beware of children," "Watch out for the car," "Street crossing only for the green traffic light," "When you go, be careful," "The passage is closed", "Underground crossing").

    Buses, trolleybuses, trams, cars, trucks, special purpose( for example, "fire", "ambulance", "Bread", etc.).

    Sound recording of vigorous, cheerful music with increasing tempo, sound of the braking machine, horn signal, police whistle, ambulance siren.

    The course of the game. On the flannelograph( on the table, on the floor) there are the carriageway of the street, the pedestrian crossing, the sidewalk. Spending the first game, take all the roles for yourself. Turn on the record of cheerful music and start driving on the street: let cars go, passers-by rush, parents bring children to kindergartens. Nobody observes the rules of the movement, creating fuss and jostling. Following the growing pace of music, traffic on the street is accelerating. Forgetting about caution, cars collide, passers-by hit each other, a policeman( put on a policeman's cap) whistles, calling everyone to order. But it's too late! A misfortune has happened. Loudly signaling, the ambulance arrives.

    The presenter puts on a bezel with the ears of the hare. Zaychikha. Aw, ai!

    My bunny got under the tram! My bunny, my boyfriend Took under the tram! He ran along the path, And he cut his legs, And now he's sick and lame, Little my zainka!

    K. Chukovsky

    Moderator( removing the bezel).Children, who will help the bunny?(Listens to the answers of the guys and expressively looks at Aibolit, who came to the ambulance.)

    Aibolit. No problem! Bring him here! I'll give him new legs, He'll run again along the path.

    K. Chukovsky Aibolit takes the hare in an ambulance.

    Lead. It is necessary to obey without any dispute

    traffic lights,

    We need the traffic rules

    Perform without objection.

    It will be confirmed to all of you by

    Good doctor Aibolit.

    ( Bells in the bell.)

    S. Yakovlev

    Everyone is welcome to the traffic light school. The children sit down two at a table. Before them flannelegraph or table for modeling traffic accidents, the appropriate toys or flat characters.

    Lesson 1

    Traffic light. Guys, now I will ask you a few tasks.

    Who will help me?

    Assistants will lay out my task on a flannel or on a table.

    And you solve it.

    Outside assistants( 2-3 children, depending on the number of characters and figures in the task).

    Traffic light. So, listen carefully: they walked along the sidewalk( names the names of their assistants). ..

    The helpers arrange the characters on the table or flannelograph.

    Traffic light. Look carefully, did they go right?

    ( The answer depends on how the figurines are located, on the right side of the sidewalk or on the left.)

    And here is my task: suddenly pedestrians see a sign( gives one of the helpers a sign with the sign "Beware of the car", helps to attach it to the sidewalk).

    If you see such a sign, what will you do?(. Replies children) That's right, you have to be careful and cautious - to pause, look to the right or to the left, do not you done whether or not there leaves from the gateway machine.

    Assistants simulate the situation and sit down in their seats.

    Traffic light. Now one more task, but first we need to choose new assistants. Who wants to be my helper?(Leaves 2-3 children.) You helpers stand at the intersection of the street, and I, kind and cheerful light, check if the guys understand my signals good.

    To help you The way to pass dangerous, Burning day and night - Green, yellow, red.

    Our house is a traffic light, We are three siblings, We shine for a long time On the road to all the guys.

    A. North

    this time I will be silent, and you are in my eyes( points to red light circles) guess - how to behave during the transition. Who forgot, consult with a friend who sits nearby.

    A traffic light shows a red light for pedestrians. Assistants are allowed on the carriageway of the car.

    Traffic light. Who wants to take the guys across the road?(Exhibited together with his assistants sign - "Go only for the green light».)

    Say, guys, why can not we go through a red light?(After listening to the answers of the children, sums it up.)

    The strictest is the red light.

    If it is on,


    There is no further road,

    The way for all is closed!

    A. North

    The presenter puts the traffic light-locket on the child and slowly asks him to turn on the yellow light. When the light comes on, the presenter gestures for the children to walk through the transition, thereby creating a problem situation. The further development of the game depends on the behavior of children. If none of them stop the movement, the game continues like this.

    Lead. What will we do with our assistants?

    With cars?

    With pedestrians?

    Looks like they do not know the rules of the road.

    So that you can safely pass,

    Listen to our advice:

    Wait! You'll see soon yellow

    In the middle of the light!

    A. North

    Guys, what should I do when the traffic light shows yellow light?

    This is the last task of a traffic light.(Children's answers.)

    Helper models the situation. A traffic light-child shows a green light.

    Lead. Who is now moving, who is standing?(The question is asked as assistants rearrange the characters.)

    And behind him the green light will flash


    will say it: "Let not boldly go on a journey!»

    A. North

    Ring the bell announcing the change, wishing to continue to play their own, coming upnew tasks to each other.

    The second game is played on another day. Its content is enriched with new tasks.

    All roles are borne by the educator. Children assistants simulate situations on the flannelograph or table.

    The bell rings the children at the traffic light school. One of the girls - the hare is bringing a healthy bunny already to teach him the rules of behavior on the street.

    Lesson 2

    Leader( in a cap and with a baton of a policeman).


    sentry stood on our bridge,

    quickly stretched out his hand,

    deftly flicked his wand.

    Ya. Pishumov

    On the motion of the staff assistants stop the cars at the crossing.

    Lead. Did you see? Did you see?

    All machines immediately stood up!

    Together stood up in three rows And do not go anywhere!

    Ya Pishumov

    After a while, the motion is restored.

    Lead. How do we now move to the other side of the street?

    There are so many cars around!

    Who knows, guys?(After listening to the answers of the children, they show them a sign - "Pedestrian crossing.")

    What does this sign mean?

    That's right, it means that in this place the road can be crossed.(Sets the sign.)

    Assistants set the figures near the transition.

    Lead. And how to pass along the roadway of the street?(Listens to the answers of the children.)

    Now I'll tell you a rule that will help you cross the street.

    Remember it well.

    Here it is: "Before you get off the sidewalk, you need to look first to the left: do not cars go?

    If cars are far away, you can go out on the roadway( assistants move the figures to the middle of the road), and after reaching the middle, you should always look to the right and if cars do not, cross the road. "

    Helpers using the figures show how this is done.

    Lead. Do not worry people -

    Across the street goes.

    And stands on the pavement,

    Like a wizard, a sentry.

    All machines to one

    Obey it.

    Y. Pishumov

    And now my task: "Where you need to cross the street, if. .." Assistants put up a sign "Pedestrian crossing closed."

    Preconceive several situations that are easy to depict with figures on a flannelograph or on a table. Here, for example, on the other side of a busy street is a kiosk with ice cream or a machine with sparkling water, a children's playground with swings, carousels. .. And maybe across the road you and the guys will see your favorite dog, which is lost. Draw the children, pamper them, make them think how to act in this or that case, how to approach the dog, if the zebra crossing is quite far from it, and the dog is just about to be led off by another person? What if the ice cream ends, and you have not crossed the street yet? The presenter, as it were, reads the child's thoughts: "Oh, how you want to drink! And here's the soda machine! "

    However, none of these situations can be an excuse for the wrong street transition. For each individual case, invite two children who would show how to cross the street, and explained the rule: "You can cross the road only by pedestrian crossing to the green traffic light signal."

    "I understand that you were in a hurry, that you wanted to drink, caress the dog, but you should always observe the rule," - tell the child who did not cope with the assignment.

    The ringing bell will tell the children that the traffic light school is over for today,

    In the third game, the role of the policeman is performed by the child, and all the rest - the educator.

    Leader, gesturing to invite the militiaman to take the post, begins to read A. Duysenbiev's poem "Militiaman".

    Lead. My dad is the first to stand up - Militia guard, My dad used to go on the deserted pavement first.

    Children with the help of figures of passengers and pedestrians simulate traffic on the street. The leader and the policeman regulate it.

    Lead. The neighbors turn

    In the morning, out of the gate,

    In the passengers - those who ride,

    In the pedestrians - who goes.

    Even small children -

    "Passenger" and "pedestrian".Suddenly, on the roadway of the road is a boy( a doll) - a traffic offender. The policeman finds out in it his son.

    The policeman. Hey, comrade with a backpack, You're a stranger to us! Where are you walking? You're wrong, Pay for it fine.

    Participants laugh at the game: who will pay the fine if the dad is a policeman?

    Boy. And I stand before the pope, Low head downhill, And, frowning, pays dad Fine for myself for me. All. Red light, Green light, Better dad In the world there!

    The bell rings, again inviting the guys to the traffic light school, because.not everyone knows the rules of traffic.

    Lesson 3

    Enjoy the bunny's recovery with the children, take him in your arms and ask the little rabbit girl if he already knows how to cross the street when exiting the tram. Let your assistants put two trams on a flannel or a table, heading in different directions, and depict this situation. From the rear door of the tram, which is closer to us, a bear cub comes out and tries, crossing the tram from behind, cross the road. Ask the guys: does the bear do the right thing? If children find it difficult to answer, slowly start moving the second tram as if it had moved forward after stopping. This situation, perhaps, will tell the guys that trams can not be traversed from behind. Strengthen it, after talking as if for the injured rabbit: "Oh, oh, I was just so I ran when I got under the tram. Stop it, teddy bear! When the tram is standing, it can not be walked around from behind. "-" Children, yes, he does not hear, "you say already for yourself," let's all remind him that only a tram is left behind. "The guys pick up your call, and you show them and set a warning sign "Danger".

    Ask the children to come up with a task for the rabbits and bears. Let, for example, your assistants reinforce the silhouettes of cars and buses( in the foreground) on the flannelograph, from which the bear and the hare leave. They try to bypass the bus in front."Who invented the task?" - ask the guys. If you do not have one, state the question yourself: "How should I avoid the bus?"

    Not always children can solve this problem, so let the assistants move the beast forward, and you block their path with the car in the background. Maybe the children themselves will guess that in this case it is impossible to do as when leaving the tram. Most likely, they will lead a rabbit and a bear, bypassing the bus from behind. Detain them and say the rule: "You can get behind the trolleybus or bus, but only if there is a passage and the green light is on."

    At the end of the game, the assistants and the presenter exhibit the road signs known to the children.

    Lead. The city in which we live with you, You can rightfully compare with the alphabet. Here it is, the alphabet, over the pavement. The signs are hung over their heads. The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads The city gives us all the time a lesson. Remember the alphabet of the city always, So that there will be no trouble with you.

    Ya. Pishumov

    Each pair of children selects their own sign and explains its meaning. If you have time, ask the children to come up with one or two tasks on their own. Give each pair silhouettes of characters, toys or pictures. The guys, having discussed the plot, create a task-situation on the table, flannelograph. Their peers, solving the problem, tell what happened on the street, what the event may end, how to protect yourself from unpleasant accidents.

    Sample Situations

    1. Boys play with the ball near the road.

    2. Girls play badminton on the edge of the roadway.

    3. The boys play the ball on the sports ground.

    4. Neznayka climbs over the road fence next to the underground passage.

    5. Mishka crosses the road away from the pedestrian crossing.

    6. People stand on the edge of the sidewalk before crossing.

    7. A boy enthralls his friend to escape through the transition to a red light.

    8. A car leaves the gateway, pedestrians on the sidewalk.

    For such tasks, you can use pictures from the compilation of posters according to the rules of the road.