  • Phone

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    Based on the poem by K-Chukovsky


    Objective. Teach children to join the collective dramatization of the work in a timely manner;express the state of the character with the help of facial expressions, voice, intonation;understand the humor of the work;cultivate interest, care for animals.

    Characters. Lead, elephant, crocodile, rabbit, monkey, bear, heron, pig, kangaroo, rhinoceros, ghazal, behemoth.

    Preparing for the game. Showing the filmstrip "Phone"( author K. Chukovsky, artist B. Kalaushin).Discussion with the children of characters characters, which can not help but cause a smile, laughter.

    Material. Two telephones: one at the tutor, the second - fairy-tale - in the forest at the beast. Colorful depiction of characters( on large medallions, either on aprons or on rims for the head).A huge "chocolate bar", gloves, books, galoshes, swings-carousels.

    The course of the game. The first reading of the fairy tale with elements of children's dramatization is not carried out completely, but by selecting fragments with the most famous children characters. They can be, for example, an elephant, a rabbit, a bear, a monkey.

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    To fulfill the roles of the beast, select those children who know the verses well and are able to read them expressively. The role of the leader take on yourself.

    Place a few guys near the fabulous phone, and sit yourself among the rest of the children. Before you on the table is also a phone. Consider it with the children, invite them to call. But the phones are silent. Suddenly a bell rings( with , , do not know how to do this).Take off the tube, suggest listening to the children. Can not hear anything."Probably, someone can not reach us," you say( if you want, you can repeat the intriguing situation). - It seems to me that they are calling from the forest, on a fabulous phone. Let's wait, perhaps, something serious has happened and we will be called back. "

    Your task is to bring to the child all the charm, humor of K-Chukovsky's poems. Therefore, by expressively reading them, do not give up-from the text. But do not demand this from the kids. They can express the request of animals in their own words. As though asking again, repeat the request with the poetry of the author. Avoid urge, demands of intonational expressiveness like: "Not so, say plaintively;listen, as I said. "Such direct methods interrupt the game, destroy the illusion of a fairy-tale image.

    Depending on which of the characters called, use the appropriate part of the poem to maintain a conversation with him. When answering a request, do not forget about those who are near you. As though not hearing or not understanding of the request, give also to children to listen, having asked beasts still and again to repeat the request. Now the game involved all the guys, and even those who do not know the text. Children can hear it for the first time from you, and learn it in repeated games.

    Let's see how these recommendations can be implemented with a specific text.

    Presenter( surprised and happy).My phone rang( he answers the phone).

    Who says?(Without hearing the answer, he offers to listen to the children.)

    All. Who is speaking?(Perplexed.)

    Leader. Elephant?

    Elephant. Elephant.

    Lead. Where from?

    Elephant. From the camel.

    Everything. What do you need?

    The presenter( guessing).Chocolate?

    Elephant( pleading).Chocolate.

    Everything. For whom?(Listening.) For my son? And, for your son?

    Elephant( nodding affirmatively).For my son.

    Lead. And how much to send? .(He repeats the question, he answers the question and looks at the guys in confusion.) Sends the request of the elephant.)

    Five poods

    Or six( shakes his head, expressing surprise):

    He can not eat more,

    He has it( points to the elephant)still small!(He outlines the large contours of the "baby" with his hands, causing laughter in children.)

    The presenter hangs up. Children laugh fun. Go to the fabulous phone rabbit.

    They are worried, snatching a pipe from each other.

    One of them manages to dial the number.

    The master is making a phone call.

    Lead. And then the bunnies phoned.

    Everything. What do you need?

    Zaichat. Can I send gloves?

    the Lead( to children).Will we send?

    Everything. We will send!

    Lead. And then the monkey called.(He looks questioningly at the children, as if asking: what more could be needed?)

    Monkeys. Please send the books!

    Presenter( for children).Will we send?

    Everything. We will send!

    A bear approaches the fairy-tale phone and dials a number.

    Again, the caller is ringing.

    Presenter. And then the bear called

    . Yes, how he started, how he started to roar!(Gestures the bear to roar.) When he growls, continues.)

    Wait, bear, do not roar( helplessly hands up, causing sympathy in children),

    Explain what you want? The bear continues to roar.

    Presenter. But he only "mu" yes "mu",

    And why, why -

    I do not understand! Everything( very strictly).Hang up, please, the receiver!

    For the first time, these three fragments are enough. Children, of course, will want to continue their telephone conversations.

    Let them in their own way play other fragments of the poem or come up with something new.

    If you will prompt individual stanzas of the poem during the independent play of the children, they will soon begin to use them themselves.

    The second game with elements of dramatization of these three fragments will be more lively and more active and independent children, if you use it in new fragments of the poem and increase the number of characters, say, enter a crocodile, kangaroos. Prepare for them everything you need( you can make caricature images of characters).Distribute the roles of animals among those who have not yet participated in the staging, with the help of counters.

    And now, finally, everything is ready for the game. Children are already looking forward to the call with joy. The beasts crowd at the phone - everyone wants to call first! In the end, the crocodile does it. The call is heard from the host. But since the first person can call and someone else, the presenter quickly orientates and reads the corresponding passage.

    I lead and Iy. And then I called Crocodile

    And with tears I asked. ..

    The host shows the image of the galoshes, and the crocodile asks how to send him galoshes.

    Lead. Listen, children( Send someone a pipe.)

    Crocodile( with the help of the presenter).My darling, good.

    Send me galoshes,

    And me, yine, and Totosha.

    Moderator( surprised).

    Wait, do not you

    Last week

    I sent two pairs of

    Excellent galoshes?

    Crocodile( with the help of children and presenter).

    Ah, the ones you sent

    Last week,

    We've already eaten

    for a long time. We're waiting for you,

    When will you send again

    To our supper Dozin

    New and sweet galoshes!

    Lead with the children are surprised by the gluttony of the crocodile, but still gives him a bunch of galoshes.

    The phone rings again.

    Leader. And again the bear. ..

    What? Save the walrus? !(To the children, confidentially.)

    Yesterday he swallowed a sea urchin!

    The phone is ringing.

    In the ride. And yesterday morning

    Kangaroo. ..

    Listen, children( holds the receiver to the guys).

    Kangaroo. Is not this apartment


    Presenter. I got angry and like zoru.

    No! This is someone else's apartment! !!

    Kangaroo. And where is Moydodyr?

    Leader. I can not tell you. ..

    Call the number one hundred and twenty-five.

    And such rubbish All day. ..

    Everything. Dinh-de-len,



    That seal will ring, then the deer.

    The presenter transmits the phone to the children for independent play.

    In the third game, use the entire poem.

    Roles of beasts let perform those who did not participate in previous games.

    Decide how to show the scene with a sinking hippopotamus.

    After a short preparation, pause.

    Children are waiting impatiently for the call.

    But the call is not audible.

    Then make a riddle to them: "I'll turn the magic circle - and my friend will hear me."(Phone.)

    At last the bell rang.

    You lift the receiver, hold it to your ear.

    Presenter. And recently two gazelles

    Called and sang. ..

    Leader and gazelle. Really

    In fact, the

    All the burned Carousels?

    Everything. Oh, are you mind, ghazals?

    No carousel burned,

    And the swing escaped!

    You b, gazelles, not galdeli,

    And next week

    Would have ridden and sat

    On a swing-carousel!

    Presenter. But did not listen to gazelles

    And still gadel. ..

    Gazelle. Really

    In fact,

    All the swings of


    Everything. What a stupid gazelle!

    The presenter shows the children how the dolls are swinging on the swing, the animals are spinning on the carousels.

    Presenter. I have not slept for three nights.

    I'm tired.

    I would fall asleep,

    Relax. ..

    But only I lay down - Call!(Call.) - Who's talking?

    Rhinoceros? What?

    The rhinoceros. The trouble! The trouble!

    Run here soon!

    Lead. What's the matter?

    Everything. Save!

    Lead. Whom? All. Behemoth!

    Our behemoth has failed in the swamp. ..

    Lead. Failed in the swamp? All. Yes!

    And neither there nor here!

    Lead and rhinoceros( to children).

    Oh, if you do not come, -

    He drowns, drowns in the swamp.

    Will die, disappear

    Behemoth! !!

    Lead and children. Okay! I'm running! I'm running!

    If I can, I'll help! All( pulling the hippopotamus).

    Oh, it's hard work -

    From the swamp to drag the hippopotamus!