
How to overcome avitaminosis in the spring on your own?

  • How to overcome avitaminosis in the spring on your own?

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    Spring is the most romantic time, as it is at this time of year that everything wakes up, exacerbating feelings, and, unfortunately, causing spring avitaminosis, which is expressed in a feeling of constant fatigue and frustration. In itself, the disease is expressed in the complete absence of any vitamin in the body, so now it practically does not occur. Now anyone, even a very limited person in cash, is available products that are able to ensure the normal life of the body all year round and prevent avitaminosis in the spring, so all the ailments are manifested only because of the lack of certain vitamins.

    Why berries arise in spring

    There are several reasons why vitamin deficiency occurs in spring, and the most important factor is that all fruits and vegetables from which a person receives the bulk of the minerals lose a huge amount of their nutrients as a result of prolonged storage by spring.

    In some cases, the body is not able to absorb the incoming vitamins, in whole or in part, due to the presence of any diseases, which may include, for example, diseases of the digestive system, lack of enzymes, dysbiosis or parasitic diseases. Avitaminosis in the spring can occur in cases of taking medications, since some of the chemicals in their composition interfere with the absorption and assimilation of necessary vitamins.

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    People who need enhanced nutrition, for example, athletes, women during critical days, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and so on, are also prone to spring vitamin deficiency.

    Signs of spring vitamin deficiency

    Symptoms of the manifestation of a disease depend on the deficiency of what vitamin exists in the body. For example, a person can notice the appearance of avitaminosis on the hands in the form of peeling and dry skin, and this means a lack of vitamin A. In addition, eyesight, blush and tear of the eyes can deteriorate, appetite disappears, overall fatigue increases, and hair and nails become brittle.

    If a person experiences a shortage of B vitamins, the initial signs of spring nedomaganiya can be expressed in the occurrence of nausea and constipation. If you do not start timely treatment, then in the future there may be irritability, headaches and memory loss. The lack of vitamins of this group in the body of pregnant women can lead to a slowdown in the development of the fetus.

    Avitaminosis in adolescents and children, expressed in a lack of vitamin B3 or pantothenic acid, is expressed in a delay in their growth and a sharp increase in body weight. In this case, blood pressure may decrease, and the functions of the nervous and respiratory systems may be disrupted.

    At this time of year, people become not only irritable, some are deteriorating mental activity and there is drowsiness, which can be very difficult to cope with. All of this is also a sign of spring vitamin deficiency and is characteristic of a lack of B6.

    In the case of B12 deficiency, it is possible to develop diarrhea and various neurological syndromes.

    The lack of vitamin C contributes to reducing the body's resistance to viral infections, the permeability of the vessel walls, the gingival hemorrhage and pains in the lower limbs.

    Lack of nicotinic acid or vitamin PP leads to a disruption in the metabolism and other functions of the endocrine system.

    Almost the same signs relate to the definition of an ailment in children. The main symptom of the disease is avitaminosis in children on the hands and face, expressed in the occurrence of not only dryness and flaking, but also irritation. Therefore, small patients need even more attention than adults. In addition, it is very important for children to receive vitamin D and calcium in optimal amounts, since their deficiency provokes the development of such a disease as rickets.

    How to carry out prevention?

    The main and only way to prevent avitaminosis in the spring is to consume an increased amount of nutrients. And here there are two ways, one of which involves taking special preparations, and the other is eating foods that are rich in the necessary vitamins in this case. The latter case is applicable only when the body is healthy and is able to fully absorb the substances entering into it. In other cases, you will need the help of a doctor who will determine which minerals in spring vitamin deficiency should be consumed by a particular person.

    In spring, special attention should be paid to certain foods, increasing their consumption.

    • A large amount of vitamin A is found in the liver, animal oil, as well as vegetables and fruits, yellow and red.
    • Sour-milk products, cereals and peas are rich in vitamin B 1 .
    • Milk and dairy products, meat, offal, buckwheat and oatmeal, as well as legumes will help to fill the deficiency of vitamin B2.
    • Fish, chicken meat and beef, beans, nuts, as well as vegetables such as potatoes and sweet peppers will cope with a lack of vitamin B6.
    • Vitamin B12 deficiency can be replenished from fatty fish, meat and offal.
    • A large amount of vitamin C is found in black currant, rose hips, sea buckthorn, citrus, onion, green peas and apples. Strange as it may seem, another vegetable rich in this substance is potatoes.
    • Carry out prophylaxis of vitamin deficiency in children and to compensate for vitamin D deficiency will help eggs, cod liver, fatty fish and butter.
    • To support the endocrine system and fully provide the body with nicotinic acid it is possible with the help of dairy products, fish, meat and yeast.

    The way when the prevention of spring vitamin deficiency is carried out with the help of vitamin preparations is suitable only for those people whose organism, for one reason or another, can not metabolize vitamins from food. Despite the huge variety of such drugs sold in the pharmacy, one should not take them alone, as they all have side effects. In this case it is necessary to consult a doctor who will advise what to take with beriberi and in what doses. Self-medication can be dangerous, and cause harm no less than a lack of useful minerals.

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