  • Scheme of the described games

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    In the practice of preschool education, the selection of games is often insufficiently thought out and even random. Meanwhile, the choice of the game for the teacher is a serious and responsible business. The game should give the child the opportunity to put into practice what he already knows and encourage him to learn a new one. In addition, when choosing a game, you can not limit it to only its subject content( availability of knowledge and skills), and a preliminary analysis of the character of the game is also required.

    Description of each game is outlined as follows:

    1. Features of the game and its educational value.

    2. Play material.

    3. Description of the game and methods of its conduct.

    4. Rules of the game.

    5. Tips for the educator.

    We tried to trace the internal connection of each game with the previous and the subsequent, to show what experience has already been accumulated by the child in each game and what new step in his development he is doing. The games are systematized into sections on teaching tasks. In each section they are presented in a sequence dictated by the laws of child development. The choice of the sections is also not accidental. We took into account the educational significance of each group of tasks as an important condition for achieving pedagogical goals.

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    The first crucial condition for the normal mental development of the child and the basis of his well-being in the kindergarten are his friendly and open relationships with his peers and educator, the ability to cooperate - joint activities. And although the type of attitude to other people by the age of three is already developing, at this age, its correction is still possible. Therefore, in the younger preschool years, when a child enters a kindergarten, it is very important to educate him for an active-positive, benevolent attitude toward an adult. A three-year-old child also needs to communicate with peers. To introduce the child to the children's collective, to teach him to communicate and be friends is the most important task of the educator. After all, depending on how the child's relationship with the educator and with other children develop, his mood, well-being, as well as successes in cognitive and personal development, depend.

    Therefore, in the first section of the game are aimed at the formation of friendly relations between children in joint activities and the rapprochement of children and the educator. In it mobile games-entertainments and round dances are presented. Using the movement as a means of gaming communication and building games in a certain order, we got unique stages of gaming partnership.

    In addition, it is known that movement not only develops the child physically, but also activates his mental activity. In the first section, when describing each game, it is revealed, as it happens in practice.

    Games of the second section are aimed at the development of humane, moral relations between children and strong-willed personality qualities, which are expressed in actions and actions: helping another, helping out of trouble, delivering pleasant things, etc. However, the fulfillment of these actions and deeds requires strong-willed efforts, the ability to overcome obstacles, to control oneself. Games, arranged in order of complication of the rules, require the child to become more aware, determined, organized, which is the prerequisite for his participation in subsequent games aimed at cognitive and mental development.

    Thus, the games of the first and second sections create the necessary emotional, moral and volitional background for other games.

    A significant part of the games( the third - the sixth section) is devoted to the sensory education, which is relevant for preschool age. Especially important is the upbringing in the younger preschool years, when the child still does not distinguish and does not realize the distinctive qualities of the surrounding objects. The offered games create conditions for the development of a purposeful perception of the external attributes of objects. Playing, the child learns various methods of visual, auditory and tactile examination, helping to distinguish and distinguish the qualities of objects, compare them by these qualities and denote the corresponding word. Thus, sensory standards arise, that is, generally accepted ideas about the external qualities of objects. The development of sensorics is the sensory basis for all the abilities of the child( cognitive, aesthetic, creative, etc.), for a full, conscious perception of the surrounding reality.

    The last three sections are devoted to games that develop basic cognitive processes - attention, memory, thinking and speech.

    Usually in the practice of preschool education such games are poorly represented. Meanwhile, they open up wide opportunities for the development of cognitive processes, since in games the child does not just fulfill the requirements of an adult, as happens in the classroom, but actively operates. In games, a necessary link is created between practical and mental actions, which leads to the development of the child.

    Of course, any game contributes to the development of attention, memory, thinking. For example, highlighting and comparing significant features of objects in sensory games, the child makes rather complicated mental operations. Before him, a certain mental task is posed( to be attentive, to memorize something, to convey his thought in words, etc.), and rational methods of solving it are suggested. These techniques are based on establishing a connection between different cognitive processes, which ensures their effectiveness. For example, to better remember a few objects, you need to establish a semantic connection between them.

    Cognitive actions aimed at solving the teaching problem are proposed taking into account the age possibilities of three-four-year old children and do not tire them.

    In games for attention, the child performs such actions, which form the focus and stability of attention. The task of "being attentive" becomes understandable and relevant for the child.

    In games that develop memory, younger preschoolers learn to establish a connection between objects( remember to remember later).This relationship is determined by the rules of the game and the game actions. For example, to remember where the characters live, the child must remember the labels on the same houses.

    In the games for the development of thinking, a specially created situation and the proposed actions help the child learn to transmit his thought through movement and connected speech.

    Rational methods of cognitive activity, shown to the child by adults, increase its effectiveness not only in the game, but also in the classroom.

    Games are located in each section in order of increasing complexity of the learning task and rules. The game situations become more complicated, gradually approaching the educational ones.

    In every game there are two beginnings: one carries entertainment, the other requires seriousness, mobilization efforts. The ratio of these two beginnings( the predominance of entertainment or seriousness) determines the nature of the game situation, or the kind of game. We developed four types of developing games: games-fun, games with a role, games-tasks and games-competitions.

    The most entertaining beginning is presented in games-games. The younger preschooler always strives for something unusual, gay. Positive emotions reliably protect children from mental overload, because what is entertaining never tires. Joyful experiences bring the child games-fun, in which there is no dry didacticism and edification. The teaching task of this game usually entrains the child and does not require special efforts. For example, a kid is offered to dance with a doll, and then choose whom to give it to, or along with everyone to swing in a dance, or to run and jump over the rhymed text. Game actions are always connected with the movement and do not burden the guys with sitting in one place. In the first section of the game-fun make up the majority. The following sections, as a rule, begin with such games.

    The second kind of games, in which entertaining also prevails, are games with a role. Psychological research has shown that the child, acting in accordance with the role, uses his abilities more fully and copes with many tasks much more easily. Acting on behalf of cautious sparrows, brave mice or amicable geese, the boys learn discreetly for themselves. In addition, games with a role activate and develop the imagination of children, prepare for a creative independent game, which is especially important in the younger preschool years, when the story-role game is just being formed. Imagination here becomes a support for the solution of the task.

    In games-games and games with a role, the learning task is only a condition for the realization of the game plan. In the following form games - games-tasks, it is the very essence of the game, its meaning. The game design here relies on the child's interest in mental activity. The solution of the proposed task becomes a condition for the children's playful communication and a means by which they can win recognition and respect of their peers. Game-problems are placed in the last sections devoted to the development of perception and other cognitive processes. The game situations here are various: they are various assignments( for example, to find an object with the given properties on presentation), and a child lotto( color, geometric), and guessing and guessing of puzzles, etc. Games-tasks require the child to purposeful active mentalactivity, ability to mobilize, concentrate, to find the right decision.

    The fourth type of games is competition. The motivation is to compare yourself with others. However, as shown by psychological and pedagogical studies, this motif is still insufficiently developed in children of three to four years. Therefore, in the collection of such games a little. Games-competitions can have a negative impact on an insecure, timid, passive child. Therefore, in the games we offer( "Empty space", "Who will reach the flag before?", "Finger") contain only elements of the competition that do not hurt the baby. Elements of the competition are used in many games. They prepare the children for a proper assessment of their capabilities and achievements.

    The listed types of games not only rely on the interests of younger preschoolers, but also develop them. Fun games-fun are replaced by role-playing games, which, in turn, lead the child to participate in games-tasks, which is a preparation for future educational activity. But the development game only becomes if it is of interest to children. And only the educator can make it interesting.

    First of all, the teacher needs to choose the right game for his group, taking into account the level of development of most children. In each section, the desired sequence of games that develop certain abilities and qualities is proposed. Since the first two sections are a psychological entry and preparation of children for more complex games, we advise starting with them. However, this does not mean that children need to be introduced to all the games in these sections before they start new ones. After playing with the kids in two or three games, you can go to the initial games of other sections, in particular, to touch. For the successful mental development of children and their preparation for training it is useful to introduce the pupils in parallel to the first games of the seventh section.

    As most educational games are short in time and simple in their organization, they can be successfully conducted not only in class, but also in their free time: on a walk, in the afternoon. But if the game is completely unfamiliar to children and requires them to have a rather high mental strain, it should certainly be conducted in the morning, in the hours reserved for classes. At this time, children are more productive and better learn new things.

    The main methodological principle in the use of games is their repeated repetition, which is a necessary condition for the developing effect. Pupils take in different ways and at different rates and learn new things. Systematically participating in a particular game, children begin to understand its content, it is better to use the conditions created by the game for mastering and applying new experiences.

    When describing each game, the methods of holding it for the first time and the nature of its repetitions on the same day are given. In the councils, the educator is told how to conduct this game repeatedly and how, taking into account the difficulties of children, to implement an individual approach and complicate the teaching task. In the future the teacher can widely use his pedagogical experience and vary the methods of the game.

    It is very important not only to choose the right game, but also to conduct it well. Pre-educator must prepare the necessary play material, carefully read and comprehend the recommendations given in the book, understand the psychological characteristics of the game and its educational significance. It is necessary to imagine the entire course of the game mentally: how to interest children, how to explain to them the rules and actions, who to choose for the first roles, how to prevent possible difficulties.

    During the game, all its participants: those who perform responsible roles, and those who only follow the actions of partners, waiting for their turn, must be active. This is a necessary condition for the development and educational success of the game.