  • External application of mud

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    Mud treatment is used as an independent method, as well as in combination with other methods of balneotherapy. In combination with physiotherapy, massage, sun, clay, metal therapy and other types of non-traditional medicine, mud treatment helps improve the condition of the sick person.

    In mud therapy use a variety of techniques - rubbing, wraps, lotions, baths. The application technique is most often used.

    Mud applications promote the improvement of metabolism, affect the nerve endings of the skin and cellular elements, increase the number of leukocytes. Local applications are applied to a greater extent, in which therapeutic muds are imposed not on the whole body, but on some part of it: hands - gloves, hands and forearms - high gloves, foot and ankle joints - socks,the lower part of the body - "trousers", neck and shoulders - "collar".Mud applications are also prescribed for a number of diseases of the ear, throat and nose. Treatment with mud applications is made taking into account the general condition of the patient's body and skin. When applying mud application in contact with the skin, a thin layer of curative mud comes into contact with it, directly in contact with it. Mud applications have not only thermal effects, but also mechanical, chemical, radioactive. Thanks to this, the trophic properties of the skin are actively improved and manifestations of inflammation intensively decrease.

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    The mud temperature should be in the range of 37-46 ° С, the duration of the procedure is from 15 to 20 minutes, only rarely in 30 minutes. After the mud application requires a half hour rest. The procedures are performed every other day, the course of treatment is from 12 to 18 procedures.

    Mud baths. Mud treatment has a positive effect on the entire body. The therapeutic effect of mud baths depends on the temperature regime. Thus, baths with a temperature of 40-44 ° C have a resolving effect, and a temperature of 35-37 ° C is a calming and regulating state of the nervous system. Sapropel baths help with osteoporosis. The duration of such procedures is from 10 to 20 minutes. The course of treatment - from 12 to 18 procedures.

    Mud baths for hands and feet. Favorable effect is provided by local mud baths for hands and feet. For this, dry mud is often used. To prepare a bath, a bag of dry mud should be soaked in a basin or bucket. After that, the water along with the package containing dirt should be heated to 40.5 ° C.Take a local mud bath should be effortless, while rubbing the submerged parts of hands and feet with mud from the package. The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 20 minutes.

    Mud packs should be placed on diseased parts of the body( for example, elbows, knees, etc.) or on the entire surface of the body. The dried mud should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 7.

    The heated package with medical mud should be put on a sore spot, covered tightly with oilcloth or polyethylene film, and on top - with a blanket. The duration of the entire procedure is from 20 to 30 minutes, with a frequency every other day. After the procedure, the mud is washed off with warm water. The course of mud mud is usually not more than 1 month. After the mud treatment session, the package should be put in the same water, it can be applied up to 5 times.

    Mud masks are often used in medical cosmetology. They are used in the treatment of acne, they help with aging skin, keloid scars, burn marks and cellulite. Cosmetic mask has a drying and degreasing effect on the skin. Under its influence,

    vessels expand, blood and lymph circulation, metabolism, tissue respiration improve, oxidation-reduction processes are accelerated. As a result, a healthy complexion returns, the skin becomes supple and velvety. The therapeutic mud normalizes the tone of facial muscles, smooths wrinkles, softens and dissolves scars. Due to the absorption properties of dirt, the facial skin is cleansed, its bactericidal activity is increased.

    Before applying the mask, the face skin should be steamed and peeled, and the hair washed. Dirt should be heated to a temperature of 36-38 º C, apply a brush 1-3 mm on the skin. After 15-30 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. The procedure is carried out daily or every other day. The course of treatment - up to 12 sessions.

    Mask of clay is useful not only for the skin of the face, it positively affects the hair roots, strengthens them and promotes more active growth. Such masks are indicated for seborrhea, alopecia.

    It is not recommended to apply cosmetic mud masks for dermatitis, mycoses, pinkheads, hemangiomas, hypertrichosis and neoplasms.

    Mud cushions are one of the ways to treat periodontitis. Possessing a high absorption capacity, therapeutic mud extracts pus, which in this disease accumulates in the dentogingival pockets. Biologically active elements contained in curative mud, improve metabolic processes in the gums, have a local bactericidal effect.