  • Prevention of atherosclerosis

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    Prevention of atherosclerosis is a very difficult and complex process that requires a strong will from a person, strong self-discipline and great moral effort. The development of the disease largely depends on the social conditions, the environment, the habits and inclinations of the person himself. Conditions of work, life, the environment of a person - all this leaves its imprint on the development of the disease and can both slow down and accelerate its development. Particular attention in the prevention of atherosclerosis should be given to the following factors:

    1. Proper nutrition.

    2. Sports and physical exercises.

    3. Proper selection of herbs used for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

    4. Ability to escape from stressful situations or at least to weaken their action.

    connection of nutrition with the degree of progression of atherosclerosis has been said enough. But in the prevention of atherosclerosis, in addition to nutrition, the overall physical preparation of each person is very important. Even the ancients knew about this.2-3 thousand years ago, physical exercises enjoyed great success in the whole of the then civilized world. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, considered physical exercises, walks, jogging, horseback riding as an excellent remedy and prescribing them to his patients for a particular illness. He himself was engaged in gymnastic exercises, running and lived 85 years.

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    Asklepiad, who lived in Virginia about 2 thousand years ago, was generally skeptical about drugs, and the first place in the treatment of any disease put physical methods of treatment and prevention.

    Galen, like Asclepic, gave primary importance to the treatment of diseases to physical methods of treatment, which he also referred to as horseback riding, digging, grapes, marching, hunting and fishing.

    Currently, official medicine is paying increasing attention to non-traditional physical methods of treatment, which are gay ancillary and consolidate the success of medical treatment.

    These methods include various types of physical training: therapeutic gymnastics and physiotherapy exercises, swimming and swimming, exercising on simulators, sports and fitness games, skating, skiing, running, long distance running and much more.