  • Kalina

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    In Russia there are only 8 species of wild rose from 200, growing on the ground. The greatest value of them is Kalina vulgaris, as only it has medicinal properties. In our gardens, there are usually two types: ordinary and decorative, called Buldeneg. The latter blooms white with sterile( not giving berries) flowers, collected in spherical inflorescences. Blossoms for a long time, more than a month. He prefers a sunny place, then the flowering is more magnificent. Kalina ordinary is also exceptionally decorative not only at the moment of flowering in June, when the bush is literally covered with beautiful, large, snow-white inflorescences. Her dark green trim leaves are beautiful all summer long. And in the beginning of autumn, when the clusters of large, translucent, bright red berries ripen, the eyes can not be torn from the bushes. Until late autumn they hang among scarlet leaves. And let them hang to the first frosts, then the bitterness will leave bitterness. Collect the harvest of viburnum clusters and store in the refrigerator at a temperature below zero all winter. Kalina vulgaris is a shade-tolerant plant. This makes it irreplaceable for landscaping of those places on a site where the sun practically does not get( from the north side of buildings, places shaded by large trees).

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    Genus of Viburnum( Viburnum) .Natural climatic conditions: subtropics. Evergreen shrub.

    Kalina is an ever-flowering( viburnum Tinus). Homeland - Mediterranean, sprout shoots, young - reddish color;The leaves are lanceolate-oval, glistening on top, on the underside along the veins of the hairs. Flowers in capitate inflorescences, whitish-pink. Blossoms in good conditions almost all year round.

    Kalina wrinkled and polystyrene. Homeland - China, shoots erect, leaves oblong-ovoid, pointed at the tip, can reach up to 20 cm in length, dark green on top, yellowish on the underside, hairy, have a distinctive distinctive feature: strong wrinkling, short petioles. Flowers in paniculate inflorescences, yellowish white. Requirement for moisture: without special features, medium-heavy irrigation. Spraying is necessary in summer.

    Temperature regime: in summer - the usual temperature, in winter it is desirable not higher than 13 ° С.

    Among the ordinary calines there is one more - viburnum fragrant( Kalina Farreri) , the flowers of which have a wonderful, delicate aroma. It can bloom twice a year, in spring and in late summer. A branch of such a viburnum can be placed in January in the water, it will dissolve and fill the room with its unique aroma.

    Light mode: photophilous plant. In the shade, they do not bloom. Soil requirement: the optimum substrate is a mixture of turf, humus and leafy land with sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1, preferably with the addition of a peat. Fertilizers and fertilizers without special features( see general recommendations) and on indications. For plants that have not been transplanted for a long time, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is mandatory.

    Reproduction: semi-lignified apical cuttings.

    Features of : Regular pruning and pinching are desirable. If desired, the crown can be given any original shape: pyramidal, spherical, etc.

    Features of growing

    What does a viburnum like? Good, fertile soils, although reconciled with scanty soils, only grow and develop it will be slow on them, and abundant flowering on such soil will not wait. Loves kalina moisture, so it is good to plant along the ditch or along the banks of reservoirs. It will strengthen the coast, and it will be enough moisture, because it has a fairly deep root system. It grows well in the sun, but prefers partial shade, although it can, as mentioned above, grow in the shade.

    What does viburnum dislike? Acidic soils, preferring weakly acidic, sandy and podzolic, marshy.


    Mineral fertilizing can be made every three years - 1 tbsp.spoon of AVA fertilizer, which is embedded in the top layer of the soil along the perimeter of the crown. Or annually feed the Azofa at the beginning of the season - 3 tbsp. Spoons on a bucket of water in the watering. It is necessary to introduce every year in the spring any organic fertilizer( a bucket of pereprevshego compost or manure).

    Kalina is well cut, so it can be used to create green fences, as well as to create all sorts of decorative compositions.

    There are also cultural forms of viburnum vulgaris. Especially sweet and large-bodied varieties were created in the Urals and Siberia: the Ural Sweet, Sverdlovsk Semi-sweet, Altai. Naturally, in seed reproduction seedlings do not inherit parental properties, so varietal viburnum should be propagated vegetatively.

    Reproduction of

    Faster and easier to propagate kalinu by dividing the bush, root offsprings, layers. In this case, the bushes come into fruiting for 2-4-th year. To obtain root offspring( vertical layers), the bush of the viburnum hills in the spring to a height of approximately 15 cm. Over the summer, the adventitious roots appear on the burrowed part.

    In early autumn, the stems with roots are cut and transplanted immediately to the site, into the planting pits with a size of 40 x 40 x 40 cm, filled with good organic. In addition, you can make 1 tbsp.spoon of mineral fertilizer AVA.In order to obtain the layers in spring, lower branches are bent to the ground and are buried. It must be ensured that the soil is permanently moist at the site of the prikopki. Dug them in the fall and immediately planted in place.

    When propagating with green or lignified cuttings, the viburnum will blossom for the 3-5th year. Cut in early June last year's growths( lignified cuttings) or in late July cut the cuttings ends( green cuttings) on the cuttings. The thickness and length of the cuttings should be with a pencil. The upper cut is made straight, the lower cut is oblique. Slanting cut into a layer of sand, poured over a layer of fertile soil. They put the film shelter. You should make a cherry tree in the shade and constantly watch that the air and soil in it are wet. The next fall young seedlings can be planted in place.

    Seeds of a viburnum breeds for a long time, blossoms only for 6-7th year, so this method of reproduction is used rarely. Freshly harvested seeds should be freed from the pulp, washed, mixed with wet sand in a ratio of 1: 3 and put in a room at a temperature of about 20 degrees for 2-3 months. Take care that the sand does not dry out. Then the crops are placed in the refrigerator for another three months. In April, they are sown in the ground and the place is marked, since the shoots will appear only after a year. The fact is that in the first summer after sowing only the roots grow, and the above-ground part will appear only in the second year. And only after the third year seedlings can be seated in a "schoolchild".For the winter all three years the place of sowing and shoots cover a layer of peat in 10-12 cm and cover with lapnika. Seeds of Kalina have poor germination( only about 15%), so they must be sown thickened.

    It is possible to sow immediately after picking berries, before frosts, to a prepared place in open ground, freed from weeds by making a mixture of peat( 1 bucket), sand( half a bucket) and ash( liter pot).Seeds should be embedded in the soil to a depth of 2 - 3 cm. Cover the winter with lapnika. And wait for the emergence of sprouting two years.


    It should be said that in the shade of the viburnum, pests are less likely to attack. There are not many of them, but aphids and leaf-litter can greatly damage plants both in the beginning of summer and at the time of flowering and ripening of berries, which naturally depresses plants, and deprives us of most of the crop. Therefore, the viburnum must be treated several times during the summer with preparations against pests or with infusions of plants with a strong odor in order to disorient pests.

    In the early spring, you can use the drug "spark - total protection" or carbophos. But in the midst of flowering, chemical preparations can not be used, so it is enough to make a spray with infusion of garlic( 300 g of garlic or garlic greens, chop, pour 10 liters of water, strain), onion and garlic peel( 200 g of husk pour 10 liters of water and insist under the lid 4days, strain).You can use pine needles, fill 10 liters of water with 250 grams of needles per day. Potato tops or stepsons of tomatoes, tansy, wormwood also fit( 400 g of green mass of any of these plants must be ground, pour 10 liters of water, insure under the lid for 4 hours, strain).It should be said that the prepared solutions must be used immediately.

    You can prepare for future use the product from citrus peels. Collected in winter and dried on the battery crust in the spring, pour water. Then soften the crusts through a meat grinder, 1 kg of this mass, pour 3 liters of hot water, cover and let it brew for 5 days. Then filter the infusion, pour into bottles, close the stoppers and store in a dark, cool place. As necessary, take 100 ml of infusion per 10 liters of water and spray the plants. Infusion of citrus peels is effective not only against aphids on the viburnum or other plants, but also against all sucking insects and mites.