  • Ointment from herpes on the lips: choose the best means

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    Today, the nature of the herpes disease, characterized by rashes on the mucous membrane and skin, is definitely established.

    It turns out that the virus origin of the disease is fraught with a certain danger.

    Transmitted by contact and by air, and after infection, herpes practically becomes incurable. Settled in the body, the virus at an unfavorable moment begins to intensify.

    In winter, herpes appears on the lips, which is painful and not particularly attractive. Normal occurrence of a rash is considered 1-2 times a year, then you should not worry and treat immunity. Consider ointments treating herpes

    How to get rid of herpes on the lips

    Treatment methods include antiviral tactics aimed at destroying the virus inside the body and external impact on the affected skin areas.

    Tablets act at the cellular level, destroying the virus, but patients prefer not to consume chemicals and are more popular with external ointment treatments. This makes sense, since the ointments act exactly on the sore spot, affect the virus itself and stop the spreading process.
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    The risk of contamination of other people is practically reduced to zero, since ointments from herpes isolate the mucous membrane affected by the virus, preventing its spread.

    Ointments are very popular among patients for the reason that apart from antiviral effects, they are able to restore sore spots. The main advantage of ointments is the ease of use and high efficiency of

    . Also read how to treat herpes on lips with folk remedies.

    Ointments from herpes on the lip

    The main task of the active component of ointments for the treatment of herpes on the lips is the suppression of the reproduction of viruses and the restoration of tissues after its destructive effect. The composition of ointments includes antiviral ingredients and herbal ingredients that soften and restore the skin.

    The moisturizing agent is propylene glycol, and the recovery function is performed by plant extracts and fat components. The advantage of ointments can be called the inadmissibility of allergy, since the effect is point, only on the sore spot.

    The healing effect comes almost immediately, it is manifested by relief of the condition, reduction of itching and pain syndrome. If the ointment is applied immediately if you suspect a herpes, you can avoid further development of the ailment, namely the appearance of bubbles and ulcers after their destruction.

    List of the most topical ointments against herpes:

    • Zovirax;
    • Vivorax;
    • Acyclovir - Acry;
    • Acyclovir;
    • Fenistil Pencivir;
    • Panavir;
    • Troxevasin.
    Each ointment has its own characteristics, and it is better to choose the most famous ones that have proved themselves from the best side.


    Analogue of Acyclovir, the principle of action of the drug is based on the obstacle to the reproduction of the virus. Auxiliary moisturizer with a healing effect propylene glycol plays an important recovery role.

    This ointment was initially oriented on the treatment of the eye virus and conjunctivitis, now it is widely used in the fight against herpes on the lips. The British company guarantees quality and high results. When the first symptoms of herpes appear, the ointment creates an excellent barrier, viruses do not penetrate into healthy tissues. At this stage, the development of the disease stops. Symptoms no longer appear, and gradual improvement occurs.

    Ointment is applied uniformly on the entire surface of the affected area 4-5 times during the day with an equal time interval. Circular movements gently apply it on the infected area, after which carefully wash their hands. First, there is a slight burning and tingling sensation, after 3-4 procedures there is relief.

    Zovirax has no side effect, but it is undesirable that it gets on the tongue or in food. It is known that the remedy is very effective, but not all strains of herpes are sensitive to it. Therefore, if no improvement appeared on the second day of treatment, then another antiviral ointment should be used.


    The drug from the Indian company "Pharmaceuticals" guarantees a high result and no side effect due to the fact that the active ingredient acyclovir is in a bound state. Sometimes there is a burning sensation and a slight itch when using the ointment, however, the discomfort quickly passes and the patient's condition improves.

    Contraindication to use is pregnancy, since the active substance can penetrate the placenta and affect the fetus. Vivorax is applied to the lips 4 times a day every four hours. Approximately 3 days after the start of treatment, the tissues are partially restored.

    Acyclovir - Acry

    The drug, manufactured by a Russian pharmaceutical company, is made on the basis of Spanish ingredients. The composition is close to acyclovir, according to the method of application, the ointment is similar to other antiviral drugs. The main requirement is observance of caution to prevent getting into the manhole, mouth and tongue.

    Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, because active ingredients are able to penetrate the fetus or breast milk.


    This is an acyclovir-based drug with the addition of Vaseline. It is Vaseline that performs the restorative function, normalizes the process of regeneration of diseased tissues. The effect does not come immediately, while there are no relapses for a long time.

    Ointment has earned its credibility due to its low cost and good quality indicators. If at the initial stages of the disease to apply acyclovir, the effect will be high enough, and the result is stable.

    Fenistil Pencivir

    The drug reduces the number of rashes or excludes them at all when used at the initial stage of the disease.

    Effective enough Fenistil Ptstsivir based on Famvir's medication. It is prescribed for adolescents over 12 years of age, but not recommended for pregnant women and for breastfeeding.

    Ointment from herpes on the lips Panavir

    The peculiarity of the drug "Panavir" is an exceptional natural basis. The gel is made on the basis of stretching their potato shoots. Auxiliary substances-glycerol, lanthanum, ethanol, macrogol improve the absorption of components and the effectiveness of the action of the active substance.

    This drug completely excludes the allergic process, it can be recommended for treatment of children over 12 years and pregnant women in late pregnancy. Breastfeeding women should stop breastfeeding during treatment, as the panavir component penetrates into the milk during lactation.

    Ointment is used in the same way as other antiviral drugs. Apply to a sore spot every 4 hours several times a day.


    Ointment is more suitable for restoring the skin after herpes. The damaged areas after the transferred herpes need protection from an additional infection. Troxevasin is suitable for the treatment of herpes at the stage when erosion occurs.

    Scabs are formed on the wound and tissue is restored.

    The process of recovery is accelerated when the patient opens the vials with a needle by himself, the liquid is removed, and the wounds heal quickly. The main thing is to be careful not to transfer the virus to healthy skin.

    Often in addition to ointments with recurrent herpes immunomodulating agents are used - preparations of interferon, immonuglobulin. Also prescribe general strengthening procedures and hardening.

    The choice of ointment depends on the patient's desire and the indications of the disease. Before starting treatment, you need to read the instructions to properly apply and achieve a quick recovery.

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