  • Causes of allergies

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    Allergy refers to a change in the body's response to the effects of microbes or foreign proteins on substances of a different nature, called allergens. Allergies are caused by specific changes in the human immune system, its inadequate response to the ingestion of various substances. Allergy is often called a disease of civilization, because it is associated primarily with the deterioration of the ecological situation.

    Symptoms: The most unpleasant thing about allergy is that it can have a wide variety of symptoms, also similar to the symptoms of other diseases. Symptoms of allergies, such as nasal congestion, sneezing, runny nose and cough, may well be caused by a cold. Itching and puffiness of the eyelids, lacrimation can be caused by both allergy and conjunctivitis. Sudden headache and dizziness can be caused by food poisoning. Another allergy "awards" us with itching of the skin and eruptions on it, suddenly developing edemas of the face and difficulty breathing until the attacks of bronchial asthma.

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    What's going on? We list the most common manifestations of allergy.

    1. Skin rash. The names can be heard completely different, but more often it will be hives or dermatitis. As a rule, skin allergic reactions are characterized by reddening of individual skin areas and severe itching. They can pour out pimples and vesicles, blisters develop. Skin rash is manifested both in direct contact with allergens, most often of chemical origin( for example, with powder when washing clothes), and in reactions to food allergens( the appearance of rash within half an hour after eating) and medications.

    2. "Hay Fever" is an allergic disease caused in people with increased sensitivity to pollen of certain colors. The main symptoms: conjunctivitis, nasal congestion, sneezing, a severe runny nose, frequent asthmatic shortness of breath, in some cases - a significant increase in body temperature, usually still not higher than 39 ° C.Often "hay fever" is a seasonal disease and passes as soon as the flowering time of the plant that causes allergies is coming to an end."Hay fever", in addition to the symptoms already described, can give a skin rash and cause a malfunction of the nervous system. Then there may be headache and dizziness, general weakness, lower blood pressure, chills, sweating, insomnia, increased fatigue.

    3. Quincke Edema. This is the so-called periodically occurring limited swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue or mucous membrane caused by an allergen. Quincke's edema can develop as an allergic reaction to food and medicine.

    4. Bronchial asthma. Often asthmatic attacks occur due to convulsive constriction of the bronchi or swelling of their mucous membrane. Symptoms of asthma are suffocation, wheezing, dry, paroxysmal cough. Provoke an attack of allergic bronchial asthma can pollen of plants, house dust, wool and fluff of animals and birds, food for aquarium fish, and more. The problem of allergic asthma, which is also called atopic( which means that an attack can begin because of a nonspecific irritant, that is, an allergen), is that a sudden change in air temperature, atmospheric pressure or humidity can become a provocateur of an attack, as well as sharp odors. The attack can be smelled of oil or acrylic paint, lacquer or acetone, cologne and perfume. Then the attack develops quickly and suddenly with intense physical exertion or with the inhalation of the listed odors, which can be during repair or in crowded places. Read more about asthma in the section on asthma.5. Anaphylactic shock is caused most often by an allergy to medications, insect bites, certain foods. Like the shock of traumatic and psychic origin, it is characterized by a state of severe weakness and general oppression of the body, caused primarily by a violation of the central nervous and cardiovascular system. Symptoms of shock are a drop in blood pressure, a quickening of the pulse, a drop in temperature, and a transition to shallow breathing. Often shock is accompanied by loss of consciousness. What to do? If you observe in yourself obvious allergic reactions, try to minimize possible contact with allergens. So, if you took a cat or dog into the house and you had a runny nose and conjunctivitis, it is better to give the animal in good hands and not start other animals. In addition, if you find yourself reacting to the fur and fluff of animals and birds, you better get synthetic blankets and pillows, as woolen duvets and pillows from down or feathers will promote the development and strengthening of allergies. The "plus" of the sintepon is also in the fact that such blankets and pillows are easily washed in the washing machine. Wool carpets and even carpet are also undesirable in the house, since its villi can cause allergies.

    Most allergy sufferers react to house dust. Unfortunately, the dust quickly accumulates in our apartments. But if you wipe the furniture surfaces with a damp sponge and vacuum the rooms 2 times a week, you will significantly reduce the dust content in the house. After the vacuum cleaner, it is desirable to wipe the floors with a damp cloth. Ideally, if you have a vacuum cleaner with a water filter, because in this case the dust settles into the water, rather than splits into microparticles after passing the filter and does not get back to your apartment.

    The easiest way to deal with food allergy: you just need to install those products that our body gives an allergic reaction, and stop using them. The most common allergens are found in milk, fish, crabs, meat of animals and birds, cereals( primarily wheat and millet, rye and corn, rice and buckwheat), legumes, vegetables and fruits, and nuts. Often, allergic reactions are caused by exotic fruits and citrus fruits, and hazelnuts are recognized as the most allergic of nuts.

    Recipes. Traditional medicine recommends allergic people:

    • there is not too salty lard;

    • Drink an infusion of celery root( 2 tablespoons of roots to grind and press for 2 hours in a glass of cold water) a third cup three times daily before meals;

    • drink infusion of nettle leaves( a tablespoon of nettle to persist for 1.5-2 hours in a glass of boiling water) half a cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals;

    • drink infusion of pomegranate crusts( a tablespoon of crushed dry crusts of pomegranate into a glass of boiling water, insist for an hour) on a tablespoon before each meal;

    • Drink phytotea from chamomile( 1/3 cup before meals) or infusion of inflorescences( a tablespoon of raw material to insist half an hour in a glass of boiling water) on a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals;

    • Take a shower at room temperature 2-3 times a day.

    Prevention of allergies is considered a long stay outside the city, best of all - rest by the sea for at least a month every year. Very useful sea bathing. The more time you spend walking and staying in the open air, the better. Sport and tourism also help to train the body for resistance to external influences.

    Doctors are unanimous in that one of the main allergic reactions is certain disruptions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, a person develops dysbacteriosis due to taking antibiotics and other medicines or increases the permeability of the walls of the intestine as with peptic ulcer. Then the large protein molecules-allergens( which normally digest to constituent amino acids and lose their allergenic properties) get into the blood, and the human body

    begins to respond to the intrusion of intruders by various and sometimes excessive reactions from simple urticaria, itching and runny nose to severe swelling of Quinckeand shock. Within a day a person encounters about 120 food allergens, most often without any harm to health. When overeating, when there are many allergens, with poor digestion or inflammation of the intestine, dysbacteriosis or the presence of parasites in the gastrointestinal tract, which release toxic products for human life, the risk of allergy is very high. In short, everything starts with a gastrointestinal pathology or poor liver function, if it does not perform its purificatory function after suffering hepatitis, cholecystitis or giardiasis.

    Giardiasis is the defeat of the liver by the protozoa, which often occurs without obvious symptoms, although there may be various digestive disorders and pain in the right side. But over time, the protective function of the liver decreases, which worsens the blood composition and leads to slagging of the whole organism.

    The cause of the allergy may be renal failure, when the kidneys fail to cope with their excretory function.

    In infancy, an allergy often develops with too early discontinuation of breastfeeding and the transition to artificial feeding. It can be joined by enzyme deficiency, just a small child did not have time to form and adjust the mechanism of assimilation of adult food, and he is already beginning to give a variety of complementary foods. Physicians admit that it is practically difficult and impossible to detect such an enzymatic deficiency. All of them together( albeit absolutely independently of each other) add that much more often than the notorious enzyme deficiency that almost always goes by itself, the cause of allergies, or rather, pseudoallergies of the child - as well as in adults, is a banal dysbiosis.

    It's all about the constant self-poisoning of the body by the mass of harmful substances produced by pathogenic bacteria, which is blocked by the intestine. It is these bacteria that release histamine, which causes a variety of inflammatory symptoms. Who from children and adults has never caught a cold in your life? And which of them did not prescribe antibiotics? After such treatment, dysbacteriosis to both the child and the adult is almost guaranteed. But it is revealed elementary - with the help of analysis of feces( crop of feces).And it is treated very simply - with the help of intestinal antiseptics of a new generation and selectively destroying harmful flora while preserving useful or bifidopreparations in capsules. Usually bifidobacteria are almost completely digested in the stomach, their super-usefulness is nothing more than an advertising trick. Of course, they play a positive role in maintaining a healthy flora in the intestines, but with bacteriosis they can hardly cope.

    Unfortunately, heredity, genetic structure is one of the most important factors in the possible development of allergies. If one of the parents suffered from hay fever, asthma, eczema, food allergy, the likelihood of the occurrence of similar or other allergic reactions in the child is very high.

    The cause of allergies in a child may be the failure of his mother's diet during pregnancy. Doctors advise women expecting a child to refrain from classic allergens( chocolate, citrus, coffee), so that the fruit does not "pick up" from the mother of antibodies and the baby subsequently had no problems. But not all mothers are able to sacrifice their interests and habits for the sake of the child's health for nine months. Therefore, if the mother during the pregnancy often drank coffee, ate eggs and oranges, the child shows an allergy to these foods. If they were treated for any disease, then the antibodies to this medicine( for example, antibiotics) are transmitted to the fetus. Therefore, women are advised to be as cautious as possible, do not overcool, do not drink or smoke, otherwise the child, except for allergies, will have a whole bunch of diseases, up to the most serious( heart, central nervous system and various developmental defects).The next possible cause of allergies in a child and an adult is fungi. They act as an infectious allergen and also like to settle in the intestines, releasing a lot of toxic substances. They are also easy to identify using an analysis of dysbiosis.

    Fungi are dangerous when they are in the intestines, when they only decorate the nails with

    or get into dandruff. All this leads to an increase in the overall

    sensitivity of the

    organism to various substances.

    The last reason that causes allergies is a bad allergic environment around us. The water we drink, the air we breathe, the foods that we eat every day the soil we walk on - everything is oversaturated with chemicals. In addition to residues of fertilizers, the products contain various food additives, preservatives, taste improvers. There is nothing to talk about household chemicals or about the harmful effects of chemically active substances in various industries. It is not uncommon for professional hairdressers to apply to compositions they use, for workers in rubber, chemical factories and factories producing fertilizers or washing powders or tires. A lot of allergy sufferers in the Donbas, Kuzbass and other coal regions in big and small cities with enterprises polluting water bodies and air with industrial emissions.

    In Saratov, even cockroaches left the city due to poor environmental conditions. Much depends on your eating habits. So, poor in vitamins, microelements and vegetable fiber with a high content of semi-finished products and