  • Hyperthyroidism treated with folk remedies

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    Hyperthyroidism develops with excess formation of thyroid hormones( T3 and T4).Currently, there are three forms of thyrotoxicosis: diffuse toxic goiter( Graves 'disease, Graves' disease), toxic nodular goiter and autonomic adenoma of the thyroid gland.

    In diffuse toxic goiter in patients who did not receive antithyroid treatment, the concentration of T4, cT4, thyroglobulin was increased in the blood, the concentration of TSH was reduced. In these patients, the test with TTG is negative, which indicates a sharp suppression of thyrotropic function and a lack of reserves of TSH in this disease.

    At( many) nodal toxic goiter, T3-toxicosis is observed in 50% of patients( in diffuse toxic goiter - in 15%), therefore, a rise in T3 concentration is often detected in the blood. One of the causes of the violation of the ratio of T4 and T3 in the thyroid gland may be a deficiency of iodine, leading to compensatory synthesis of the most active hormone. Another cause of an isolated increase in T3 level may be an accelerated transition of T4 to T3 in peripheral tissues. Almost all patients with a severe clinical picture of the disease show an increase in the concentration of cT4 and a decrease in the concentration of TSH.

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    This disease is associated with excessive secretion of para-thyroid glands, as well as with tumor and inflammatory processes in them. Treatment consists in the use of drugs containing calcium.

    1. Requires: 100 g of white wine, 10 tablets of glycerophosphate.

    Method of preparation. In wine, dissolve the glycerophosphate tablets and let it brew for a day.

    How to use. Take 3 tbsp.l.after eating 3 times a day for 21 days.

    2. Required: 50 grams of red wine, 10 calcium gluconate tablets.

    Method of preparation. Grind the tablets to a powdery state and mix with wine.

    How to use. Take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day for 1 min before meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

    When hyperthyroidism will help you tincture of berries on vodka.

    Requires: 1/2 liter of vodka, 20 g of blueberry marsh and cowberry.

    Method of preparation. Grind the berries in a mortar and pour them with vodka, cover and insist for 6 days in a dark cool place. Strain.

    How to use. Take 1 tbsp.l.1 hour before meals or 2 hours after eating. The course of treatment - 1 month, break - 15 days, then repeat treatment - 15 days, again break. Full course - six months.

    Those who suffer from hyperthyroidism, you can advise the following vitamin balm.

    Requires: 250 grams of vodka, 20 g of rose hips and blueberries, 10 g of dandelion leaves.

    Method of preparation. Mix everything by pre-baking berries and chopping the leaves, pour vodka, close the lid and insist in a dark cool place for 7 days.

    How to use. Take 1 tsp, diluting it in 1 glass of water, 3 times a day. The course of treatment - 7 days, then a break for 7 days and repeat treatment - 7 days.

    When hyperthyroidism is useful to take tincture of ginseng.

    Requires: 250 grams of vodka, 10 g of dry ginseng grass, 1 tbsp.of linseed oil.

    Method of preparation. Crush dry ginseng in a mortar with a wooden pestle, mix with oil and pour with vodka. Insist in a jar with the lid closed for 7 days in a dark cool place, then strain through a gauze napkin.

    How to use. Take infusion 2-3 times a day for 1 tbsp.l., Drinking 1/2 cup of boiled water, 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment - 15 days, then a break for 10 days and repeat treatment - 10 days.

    For the treatment of all kinds of thyroid disorders, the following vodka tincture is useful.

    Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 10 g of blueberry leaves, 20 g of leaves of beans and chicory root, 1 bay leaf.

    Method of preparation. Thoroughly grind the collection in a mortar with a wooden pestle and pour with vodka, cover and insist in a dark cool place for 5 days. Then strain the tincture.

    How to use. Take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp.liter, drinking 1/2 cup of water. The course of treatment - 10 days, then a break for 5 days and repeat treatment - 10 days.