  • Enjoying motherhood

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    Being a mother is one of the most important roles in a woman's life, which you probably could not even imagine until the baby was born. Although the child will take up most of your time and energy, you still need to give time to yourself.

    The appearance of the child is a round-the-clock responsibility, which at first can be somewhat shocking. Many young mothers in the first weeks after childbirth begin to feel that they are losing their individuality and are merely an appendage of a tiny but exceptionally demanding being. However, it is important to give time to yourself and your spouse. So enjoy all the joys of motherhood, but do not let motherly duties fill your whole life - remember that you are also a living person.

    You will probably want to spend a few days after birth in your new family, without visits from your mother, father or any of your relatives. You and your spouse are the main judges of what is happening in your family, so decide for yourself whether you need visitors, who they will be, how long they will be and how they can help. And if you discuss these questions with relatives and friends, express your thoughts and clarify the situation, the probability of a decrease will be reduced.

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    Your relatives and friends will want to help you immediately after giving birth, and you will find their enthusiasm somewhat redundant. Let them fulfill some of the responsibilities for caring for the child, but remember that you do not have to "pretend to be the kindly hostess of the house" because you need to rest as much as possible. Let during the first few days your mother or friend come for an hour or two to help with homework - washing, cleaning, cooking. Or hire a nurse.

    Do not customize the life of a child under your schedule, it will be much easier and easier for you to adapt to yourself, at least in the first few weeks of your life. In order not to get tired, sleep when the child is sleeping.


    Having determined what helps you to relax, do not forget those methods that were used during pregnancy, such as massage, meditation or deep breathing. You can change such techniques so that they help you now - use a different mantra that matches your current sensations, for example "calmness" or "energy."

    Regular exercise helps to relax faster. But do not do it actively before going to bed, it can prevent falling asleep. The forces will still be required for you to care for your child, so choose an exercise program that does not require much energy. Use the time to concentrate on yourself and your feelings.

    Postpartum Depression( CDD) If you have an OBD, you should seek help in the interests of your child. There have been many studies that have examined the impact of the DWP on children. In short, the mothers simply lose interest to children. Some children try to attract attention by constant crying and embittered by all available means. More serious is the establishment of a trusting relationship between the mother and the child, which leads the to behavioral deviations in the child later in life. It is believed that there is also a link between the TAC and a low IQ, it is believed that it affects boys more than girls.

    Build relationships

    Another way to relax is to get to know people. Your time and energy will be limited, so this period is not the best time for making new acquaintances, but you can restore relationships with old friends. Try not to do too much, concentrate on the relationship itself, not on the activity. This can mean more frequent phone calls, writing letters or inviting old friends to sit in a cafe and chat. The joy of communication will help to overcome the stress time.

    You probably prefer that the child does not stay with the nanny for a long time, but when he grows up and the feeding becomes less frequent, for you and the spouse it will be nice to leave the house for short periods of time. Find ways to allocate time for entertainment between periods of feeding, for example, go to a cafe or stroll around the park, and with a nanny you can communicate by mobile phone.


    Postpartum melancholia, also called "child melancholy", and postpartum depression( PDP) are not the same;the first is the


    is normal and short-term, the second can be psychologically debilitating with consequences for both the mother and the child. It is very important to see the difference between them.

    Up to 85% of mothers suffer postpartum melancholia, and many experts consider this condition to be common. Symptoms are mood changes, irritability, anxiety, embarrassment, crying attacks and appetite disorders that appear one or two days after birth and last 10-14 days. Although it is not known exactly what causes postpartum melancholia, it is believed that the rapid change in the hormonal level and the lack of a normal sleep regimen are to blame for this, which also speaks in favor of sleep whenever possible and the use of various relaxation techniques. When a child grows up a bit and has a more fixed mode of feeding, he will start drinking more and sleeping a little longer.

    Recognition of postpartum depression

    In 10-20% of cases, postpartum melancholy passes into postpartum depression. More than half of these cases occur in the first six weeks after childbirth, and their peak falls on the tenth week. The common symptoms of the TWP are loss of interest in routine activities, difficulty in concentrating and making decisions, feelings of self-worthlessness or guilt, constant thoughts about death or suicide, significant loss or gain of weight, changes in appetite or sleep, excessive anxiety about a child's health.

    The CDD is often defined by health nurses or general practitioners, when young mothers turn to them for advice about the child, and not about themselves. Do not hesitate to tell your doctor that you feel depressed, because this can happen again later, and in the long run affect the child's development and behavior. Specialized care can be provided by the mother and child's offices at psychiatric clinics, or you can call a counselor at home.

    What is the cause of the DTD?

    There are several theories about postpartum depression. The change in the hormonal

    level after pregnancy is one of the most important causes of the disease. Although no one considered the biological basis of the depressive state, during pregnancy, women may undergo changes in the thyroid gland that, as a result of the treatment, provoke depression. Your doctor may suggest testing your thyroid if he suspects a CD.Women are at greater risk of depression if there is a DDT in the family, if it was observed in previous pregnancies or you were stressed from external causes, for example because of financial problems or lack of family support. Such important information you should tell your doctor, since the detection of symptoms allows you to start treatment at an earlier stage and shorten the duration of the disease.

    Ways of treating

    It can be difficult for you to tell your doctor or even someone else about your feelings, as there is an opinion that young mothers should be happy. But do not be embarrassed, the DDT is a disease, so you should let the doctor know about it. He will advise you or prescribe medications, besides, you can fight the disease yourself, for example by performing simple physical exercises or by using the tips below. If you are breastfeeding, take care that you have been prescribed safe drugs for the baby. Sometimes consultations and drug treatment are carried out separately, but they are often recommended for their joint application.