  • Useful and medicinal properties of beet juice

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    For women, it is especially useful if you drink at least 0.5 liters a day( mixed with carrot juice).

    Only beet juice with the use of one wine glass at a time can cause a cleansing reaction, namely: slight dizziness or nausea. Experience has shown that at first it is better to drink a mixture where carrot juice prevails, and then gradually increase the amount of beet juice until the body has better transferred its purifying beneficial effect. Usually enough from 1 to 1.5 cups of beet juice 2 times a day.

    During the menstrual disorder, beet juice is very useful, especially if during this period the juice is drunk in small portions, no more than one wine glass( 50-100 ml) two or three times a day.

    During the menopause, this procedure gives a much greater permanent effect than the degenerative effect of the drug from synthetic hormones.

    The most positive feature is that the beet contains more than 50% sodium and only 5% calcium. This ratio is valuable for maintaining the solubility of calcium, when due to the use of boiled food in the body, inorganic calcium accumulated in the blood vessels, for example, with the expansion of veins, or their hardening, or thickening of the blood, causing high blood pressure and other types of cardiac dysfunction.

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    The content in red calcium beet provides a general nutrition for all the physiological functions of the body, and the chlorine content is an excellent organic cleanser for the liver, kidneys and gallbladder, stimulating also the activity of lymph throughout the body.

    A mixture of carrot and beet juice is the best natural builder of blood cells, especially red blood balls.

    It stimulates the formation of erythrocytes, improves memory, especially when atherosclerosis, dilates the blood vessels. In hypertensive disease, it is one of the best natural remedies. It is indispensable for anemia, improves well-being. It strengthens the nervous system with neurosis and insomnia.

    Juice is best left for a few hours in the refrigerator, remove the foam and use in a mixture with carrots in a ratio of 1: 4.Hungarian scientists believe that it is fresh juice that can improve the condition of malignant tumors. They advise to drink it no more than 100 ml per day. Juice can be obtained both from root crops, and from the young leaves.