  • Whose mat is better?

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    Features of the game and its educational value. This game develops in children visual perception of the shape of planar figures - a circle, an oval, a square, a rectangle and a triangle. The process of distinguishing figures occurs in the situation of game communication, which contains elements of the competition( with an adult and with a peer).Perception of form in the game is carried out in the process of drawing a figure from its parts. The whole figure( rug) is made in this way: the child must fill the corresponding grooves with geometric figures. Before him there are two tasks: 1) to select necessary details for making up your carpet and fill them with grooves;2) make your mat beautiful in color, as it will be evaluated by an adult and children.

    The competition itself( whose mat is better?) Is not yet so attractive for children of three to four years;kids can not yet compare their achievements with the achievements of others. However, the process of folding a figure from multi-colored parts, ie, making up a rug, captivates them, prompts for active actions and gives the game meaning to the solution of a constructive task.

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    Solving this problem, kids learn to overcome the characteristic for them fragmentary perception and create a holistic visual image of the shape of the object. At the same time, an aesthetic attitude to the result of their actions also develops( after all, the rug must turn out to be beautiful).When compiling different rugs in children, there is an increased interest in such tasks, and satisfaction arises from one's own activity.

    In the process of such a subject play, kids learn to communicate with each other, use common materials, give in to each other, consult, offer the necessary details, evaluate the results( mats) and enjoy the success of their peers.

    Game material. A set of the following items: 1. Tablets, in the center of which there are relief depressions of a certain geometric shape( circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle).2. Geometric figures, which fill the groove on each tablet. The shape of these figures corresponds to the shape of the depressions( for example, the triangle groove is filled with small triangles, square with small squares, two options are used to fill the circle and the oval: sectors and rings with a small circle or oval in the center).

    For the game with the kids, the following options are available for filling the depressions: 1) the whole figure;2) a figure divided in half;3) a figure divided into four parts.

    Description of the game and the techniques of its conduct. The game can be conducted individually or with a small group of children( six to eight people).If it involves several children, each pair is invited to sit at a separate table. Babies receive tablets with identical grooves and details of this form in a special box. The educator proposes to select the necessary parts of the figure, put them into the recess of the tablet in such a way that a whole figure of the same color turns out. After the children have coped with this task, that is, they make up a one-color mat, the teacher suggests turning the details of the figure to the other side to decorate the rug.

    The teacher before the game explains to the children that they can perform the task either together or separately, as they themselves want. But every child can decorate his rug the way he likes.

    Having finished compiling and decorating rugs and admiring them together, all pairs of children, making up mats of different shapes, gather around the caretaker and examine what happened. They appreciate the correctness of filling the form and beauty of the rug. All together decide whose rug is better.

    After that, the children exchange tablets and each pair puts the details of the laid out figures in the box, releasing the recess, and hands over to the other pair a box of material. Children sit down and begin to spread and decorate new mats.

    The teacher on the job shows how you can make a particular figure of two, four and other number of parts, offers children to carefully consider the shape of the groove and say for which shape the place is prepared here, or try to pick up details that can fill the groove. Thus, the educator, giving children an illustrative example of drawing a figure, activates spatial imagination and visual perception of form. He approaches each pair, asks questions to guide the selection of the necessary details, encourages mutual assistance, helps to resolve conflicts that often occur in children when using common material, encourages the initiative of children, good taste in the selection of flowers, makes sure that different versions of making rugs of thisshape( using all the parts available in the box).

    Rules of the game.

    1. In the beginning, you need to make shapes of the same color, and then decorate the rug( turn the individual parts on the reverse side, where they are painted with other colors).

    2. Use all variants of drawing a figure, which are possible from the proposed material, i.e., from two to four parts.

    3. You can not quarrel because of the material, you need to help each other. If desired, it is allowed to fold the mats either together or separately.

    4. Before exchanging material with other pairs, you need to empty the recess on the tablet and carefully pack all the material into the box.

    Tips for the educator. In case of difficulties in selecting the shape elements, you can advise the child to draw a finger around the shape of the groove and each part.