  • Musculoskeletal system

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    Sauna( sauna) is of great importance in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The main operating factors in the bath are heat and humidity. Undoubtedly, the main one is heat, the transmission of which to the body depends on the position of the body( standing, sitting or lying down).With the vertical position of the body, the transfer of heat to the legs will be significantly less than to the head, since the air temperature in the steam room rises from the floor to the ceiling of the steam room. Air is a good insulator, so the speed of its flow and humidity is important. On the surface of the body is formed the so-called protective air envelope. Of great importance are the condition of the subcutaneous fat of the soaring, joints, skin, as well as the state of blood supply, skin ulceration, joint fibrosis, veno- and lymphostasis, the influence of certain deformations and violations of the volume of movements in the joints.

    • It is established that the main amount of heat is accumulated by the body in the first phase of stay in the steam room, and therefore 5-10 minutes is quite enough to manifest a positive effect in inflammatory diseases of the joints and arthrosis.

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    Despite the fact that the heat from the skin surface evaporates fairly quickly, the skin temperature remains still higher than the body temperature of the internal organs. Therefore, some of the heat is transferred from the skin to the internal organs. This leads to changes in metabolic processes in the body of regulatory hormonal mechanisms, immune influences.

    Persons suffering from rheumatism are very sensitive to changes in microclimatic conditions, which must be taken into account when taking bath procedures. First of all, patients with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system need to use the shower, starting from the neck downwards, for cooling. Rheumatics can not take bath procedures in full. When cooled, they can cause unwanted reactions due to increased sensitivity to cold, so cooling after the steam room should be done carefully. Special care when taking bath procedures should be observed by patients taking corticosteroids( including intra-articular administration), since in such patients the reactivity of the adrenal gland is reduced. Such patients can visit the bath not earlier than 3-4 weeks after the end of taking these drugs( in order to avoid unwanted reactions, including life-threatening ones).

    In patients with rheumatism, swelling of the subcutaneous fat layer of the legs is relatively common, which is probably due to a decrease in the circulation of the interlayer

    of the fine liquid. Therefore, the rheumatologist must develop for himself an individual plan of stay in the bath, taking into account the state of the organism and the severity of the disease.

    Contrasting temperature effects on the body in the sauna bath usually contribute to better adaptation, the appearance of physiological metabolic shifts, restoration of vegetative balance. As for the changes in metabolic processes occurring in the bath, it was noted that the level of growth hormone, for example, rises to 163%.The bath promotes the development of protective reactions in various biological systems. However, such reactions are reduced in patients with adrenal insufficiency. After visiting the bath, the level of the histamine increases, which has a positive effect on the course of the extra-articular form of rheumatism.

    According to the scientists of rheumatologists, the positive effect of baths on patients with pathology of the musculoskeletal system is beyond doubt, therefore it can be used as a preventive method for certain diseases. However, the bath is an additional procedure in the complex treatment of patients with pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

    The bath is recommended as a therapeutic method for non-inflammatory diseases, half of which is the extraarticular form of rheumatism, that is, soft tissue rheumatism. First of all, it is the pathology of the tendons, ligaments and fascia that provide the statics of the musculoskeletal system. Dynamic part is made up of muscles that have good blood circulation, high energy demand and metabolism. When passing through

    dimensional loads in them there are significant morphological changes, which were previously considered as muscle rheumatism. We have now come to the conclusion that this is an independent form of pathogens arising as a result of hypoxia due to inadequate blood circulation of the muscles during exercise. It is clear that the best remedy for this disease is to improve the blood circulation of muscles, and not the use of antirheumatic drugs. In this regard, the bath is very useful, which by heating, eliminating hypoxia and improving blood flow helps reduce morphological changes, especially if the process has not gone far and completely reversible.

    Tendons and fascia under excessive loads also undergo morphological changes as a result of hypoxia. The matter is complicated by the fact that their tissue is poorly supplied with blood vessels and metabolic processes are slowly occurring in it. This leads to the fact that the tendons and fascia do not withstand overload. Given the nature of such processes, it becomes clear that the bath is a good method of treating affected tendons and fasciae.

    The bath is useful as a treatment for osteoarthrosis of the femoral and knee joints. It is also an important method of therapy for discopathy, in which osteoarthritis of adjacent vertebrae develops and venous blood flow is disrupted.

    A sauna( sauna) can be prescribed practically at all stages of gout, and a large amount of liquid should be taken. This avoids overloading the kidneys and forming stones. Increased blood flow when visiting the bath can increase the secretion of uric acid.

    Hit and can give a quick and pronounced positive effect on infectious and parainfection arthritis, myopathies and fatigue of muscles in viral diseases. The pronounced positive effect of the bath gives and with Bekhterev's disease, with progressive polyarthritis, developing with inflammatory diseases of the joints and spine, during remission or stabilization of the inflammatory process under the influence of medications.

    In traumatology, if the bones and large joints are damaged with a hemorrhage, the bath is contraindicated, since it can cause deterioration. In such cases, the bath is prescribed in complex therapy in the rehabilitation stage. Under the influence of the bath reduces swelling, muscle tension, improves blood supply, reduces spasms, less persistent residual phenomena are observed. When visiting the bath, mental relaxation is also achieved, unpleasant experiences associated with trauma are eliminated, rest is restored.

    Indications for the appointment of a sauna( sauna) for diseases of the musculoskeletal system: impaired posture, increased muscle tone( reflex or emotional stress), al-gonostrophic syndrome after exacerbation of the disease, extra-articular rheumatism( pathology of muscles, ligaments, fascia)injuries of joints and soft tissues of the musculoskeletal system, after injuries and surgical interventions( 3-4 months after operations);a generalized osteoarthrosis, deforming arthrosis, humeropathy periarthritis, rheumatism one year after the acute stage( without biochemical signs of

    of mild and organic disorders, mainly from the heart), rheumatoid arthritis in remission, Bechterew's disease without signs of inflammatory activity, psoriatic arthritis, gouty arthritisafter exacerbation, metabolic osteopenia, osteoporosis due to the formation of contractures, osteomalacia.

    Contraindications: acute diseases of the musculoskeletal system, acute rheumatic diseases with signs of process activity and disproteinemia, acute compressive radicular syndromes and discopathies in spondylitis, active corticosteroid therapy, acute injuries.