  • Vorobushki and cars

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    Features of the game and its educational value. This game teaches kids to control their behavior. The task of children is to play games in time, which are determined by the role. The game situation provides for alternation of actions of two kinds - active movements and their braking, which requires certain efforts from preschool children. The tension is removed with the active imagination of the child in the performance of the role assumed. Thus, the game also contributes to the development of the imagination. Unlike other games, there are no passive roles: each mentally continues to fulfill its role even when it does not make active movements.

    Description games and techniques for its conduct. During the walk, the educator draws children's attention to how the sparrows fly, how they jump, how they fly in different directions, when cars are passing by or people are approaching. He offers to kids to play in sparrows and cars.

    Adult outlines on the ground a place where sparrows can fly and jump. The space should be large enough. At the edges of the site, he draws circles, triangles, etc. These are the houses for the sparrows, in which you can hide when the car drives. The teacher explains that in his little house sparrows have nothing to fear, you can look in the window and, once the car has gone, again fly out for grains and worms.

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    The teacher agrees with the guys that in the beginning he will be a car, and shows how the car will sound and drive. Having made these movements, the adult says: "It's quiet in the yard, there's nobody!"Fly, sparrows! "Children run out to the middle of the site, portraying flying and jumping birds. Suddenly, a beep is heard, and the car appears again on the landing. Vorobushki are hiding in their houses.

    To give the children a breather, the car passes two more times from end to end on the site, then returns to the parking lot and says: "Fly, sparrows!" So repeated several times.

    After that, select several children who will represent cars. Now the teacher only manages the game: he gives signals to the cars and to the sparrows. For example, a buzzer indicates that cars are going now, and the words "Fly, sparrows!" Will be a signal for sparrows. When the game is repeated, the roles may change.

    Rules of the game.

    1. Cars and sparrows act only on their own signal and return to their places on time.

    2. It is prohibited for sparrows to come across cars, and cars do not leave on time for the road.

    Tips for the educator. To wait for your exit was not painful for children, you can enter into the game a number of additional actions of a calm nature: for example, sparrows are cleaned!feathers, chirp, and cars are refueling with gasoline.

    On how you will play the role of the car, the further course of the game depends. It is necessary to create a situation in which children-sparrows will understand why they should hide in houses, that is, show the relationship between actors.

    It is important to monitor compliance. If one of the children violates them( for example, a sparrow flies off on time), he leaves the game for one round( because the car has pushed his paw).