  • Phalaenopsis

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    The genus includes about 40 plant species with surprisingly beautiful flowers of tender color. All species are of Asian origin. This, for example:

    Phalaenopsis pleasant


    Homeland - Indonesia.

    Leaves are ovate-elongated, up to 30 cm long and 12 cm wide. Tsvetonos up to 70 cm tall, usually 6 to 15 flowers. Flowers 6-8 cm in diameter, white or slightly yellowish. The lip is light, with red strokes. Blooms in November and January.

    Phalaenopsis Sander


    Motherland - Philippines.

    General structure, as in the previous species, but the flowers are lilac-pink. Blooms in late winter and spring.

    Phalenopsis Schiller


    Motherland - Philippines.

    The leaves are elongated, up to 30 cm in length and 10-12 cm in width. On the dark green plate on top there is a pattern of gray spots. Tsvetonos up to 1 m in height, branching, multiflorous. Flowers about 5 cm in diameter, lilac or pink. The lip is reddish. Blossoms in February-May.

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    Courtship. Phalaenopsis - very decorative orchids, which is associated with a long flowering and the original form of bright flowers. The main requirements for growing in room conditions are to maintain a constant temperature of about 20 ° C.It is best to grow in indoor florariums. Do not tolerate direct sunlight, preferable penumbra near the north-eastern windows. In the darkest months of the year( November and December), artificial illumination with phyto-lamps is necessary. The power of the lamps must be calculated so that 1 cm2 of the surface is 0.5 W( at a distance of 50-60 cm).When artificial lighting is important to maintain a constant temperature and prevent overheating and dry air. These orchids do not have an expressed period of rest. Overdrying, as well as waterlogging, lead to the appearance of necrotic spots and the dropping of leaves. Nutrient mixtures should be very loose. You can grow in small containers with good drainage, boxes or in a block culture. Suitable standard mixtures: 1) pine bark, sphagnum and dry ground beech leaves( in a ratio of 2: 2: 1);2) roots of the royal fern( osmunda), pine bark, sphagnum, crushed dry beech leaves( 3: 2: 2: 1);3) the roots of the fern of the centipede( polypodium), sphagnum, and the leaves that have perished( 2: 2: 2).