
How to properly water an orchid - correct watering of orchids

  • How to properly water an orchid - correct watering of orchids

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    Orchid is an unusually beautiful and delicate plant. And very reverent attitude to its appearance, so the owners of this wonderful flower should respect his whims, the most important of which is the correct watering.

    General rules for watering

    To grow a strong and healthy plant, it must be watered, adhering to certain rules, as this is the most important in the care of orchids, and non-compliance with them is fraught with diseases, up to the death of the flower. Although the rules for watering orchids are simple, but their non-compliance, or non-acceptance of nuances will not give you the opportunity to fully enjoy the beauty of this plant.

    In order to make the plant feel comfortable, it should not be watered too much, it can lead to decay of the root system. Lack of water also leads to plant disease.

    The main and main rule of watering is not to water "by the hour".The next regular watering of orchids should be done only after the substrate and roots dry completely, that is, only on this basis, therefore, the earth must be periodically checked for moisture. And during what period this happens, depends on the mass of factors - temperature and humidity in the room, pot size and lighting. So, the exact same frequency of watering plants grown in different conditions, as well as the answer to the question of how often to water the orchid simply does not exist.

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    For a plant like an orchid, water is not just a source of food, it is the source of life, because, thus, the flower regulates its temperature and the general state. Orchids growing free, "drink" rainwater, it's good that this is the clear water of the rainforest, and not the one that falls in the form of rain in the cities, since the composition of the water also greatly affects the condition of the flower.

    Water quality for irrigation

    Water intended for irrigation of orchids should be soft or, in extreme cases, have moderate rigidity, it is very important for watering which water to water orchids. If the house does not have a special device for measuring water hardness, you can orientate by the amount of scale in the kettle and the speed of its appearance( for reference, in St. Petersburg water is mild, in Moscow - moderately hard).

    To soften the water, it is added oxalic acid( it is sold in flower shops and chemicals).In cold unboiled water( from the tap) add the acid powder( 1/8 tsp of powder to 5 liters of water), allow to settle for 24 hours and carefully, without stirring( so as not to precipitate), pour into a separate container. To water at the same time and acidified, then for this time, along with acid put in water a small bag of canvas fabric with peat. If you water the orchid with distilled water, then the plant will not have enough salts present in ordinary water, so you need to mix it with water( about 1: 1) for watering.

    If there is a special filter for water purification, then it is possible to water the plant with water passed through it, and not to fool yourself with oxalic acid, the filter not only significantly reduces rigidity, but also cleans water from harmful bacteria, fungi and heavy metals.

    Acidity of water is no less important indicator for watering orchids, check it with litmus paper, optimum acidity is pH 5. Increase it in the easiest way by adding a few drops of lemon juice. The most suitable water temperature for watering an orchid is from +35 to +40 degrees, and for saturation before watering with oxygen, it is recommended to simply pour it several times from one vessel to another.

    Watering methods

    "Hot shower"

    Specialists know that the most useful for this flower is the kind of watering, it's watering it with a "hot shower", which reminds plants of native natural warm tropical rain. In such cases, these plants are more active blossom, increase the thick and dense foliage of a good green color, since correctly watering an orchid means keeping it in natural conditions. With such watering, pests that fall on leaves or flowers are destroyed. But, so you can water the orchids only with soft running water, if the water from the tap has high rigidity, then the orchids are satisfied with "artificial rain" in the bath, sprinkling with pre-prepared water from the watering can( if the water is soft enough, then showered directly from the shower through the nozzlejet of medium power).Watered in several ways, waiting for the water to soak, as the whole substrate should be, after which, the flower is left in the bath on the stand, letting excess water drain off. And how many times to water the orchid with this method also depends on the drying speed of the substrate.

    After an hour, the orchid is "wiped", wiping with a soft rag or sponge leaflets and young sprouts and gently removing all the accumulated water in the axils of the leaves. Some kinds of orchids( Phalaenopsis, Wanda) are wiped especially carefully by the core, otherwise it may rot, and the plant will die.

    Very often after watering a hot shower on the leaves, whitish stains may appear - it is the salts that come out on the leaves from the water, so you can not leave the plant. Leaves must be wiped with beer or lemon juice, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.


    The second method of watering the orchids is called "immersion", and carrying out such irrigation is completely consistent with the name of the method. The plant, together with the pot, is immersed in water( the time of immersion depends on the size of the pot and plant, from an approximate calculation - a 12 x 12 centimeter pot is immersed for 30 seconds and as much water then flows), after which, give excess water to drain in the air. This type of irrigation can be used only after making sure that all plants are healthy, and in the substrates there are no fungi or mold. In addition, such watering of orchids during flowering is simply impossible.

    Watering the

    watering can Beforehand, the dewatered and prepared water is poured into the watering can and carefully and carefully watered the plants, trying to make the jet as thin as possible, and not getting into the sinus sheets. As soon as the water starts to flow from below, watering can be stopped and wait a few minutes for the excess water that has not absorbed into the substrate to pour out, after which this procedure is repeated several times. At the end of watering, all the remaining water in the pan is poured out. To water this way orchids need in the morning.


    Spraying orchids by spraying experts do not advise, but in any case, only those plants that are planted in soil blocks, not in pots with a substrate, can be sprayed, because the roots dry out quickly and they need constant watering. Do this, also, in the morning by a spray gun.

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