  • How to treat chronic bronchitis in children?

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    Many parents have the same question: why does a child often suffer from bronchitis? And it does not surprise anyone: the children get sick almost without ceasing - the acute respiratory disease gently flows into the sore throat, it - into the otitis, then follows the bronchitis, and the bronchitis - again in the acute respiratory disease.

    There is a strong feeling that, like a squirrel in a wheel, you run around in circles - compresses and pills, potions and warming. ..

    Known as bronchitis is the respiratory system. This is one of the most common and recognizable diseases caused by a bacterial or viral infection. It occurs in acute or chronic forms.

    Symptoms of chronic bronchitis in children

    Chronic inflammatory - a defeat of the bronchi with repeated, systematic exacerbations and is a chronic bronchitis. In children, this disease often passes without obstruction. Against the background of ARVI episodes of it repeat 2-3 times a year and have a duration of 3-4 weeks.

    Chronic bronchitis in children produces a protracted character. Cough in the first days of the disease occurs with phlegm in the mornings and shortness of breath. They gradually begin to disturb and throughout the day, increasing with cold and wet weather.

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    Cough over the years becomes painful, nauseating and permanent. To determine the degree of activity of chronic bronchitis, sputum examination is carried out: macroscopic, cytological and biochemical.

    When exacerbation of chronic bronchitis in the blood, an increase in ESR, moderate leukocytosis, neutrophilia with a shift of the leukocyte formula to the left is found. And in the period of remission, and with an exacerbation, the pulmonary picture of the chest organs on the radiographs is strengthened.

    Characteristic symptoms of chronic bronchitis in children are:

    • a prolonged dry or wet cough depends on the period: remission or exacerbation;
    • sputum mucopurulent;
    • in the lungs - without clear localization, bubble( medium or large) wheezing;
    • fever is unstable, low;
    • persistent rales, increases with exacerbation, for 3 months or more;
    • elimination of malformations: congenital, genetically determined diseases.

    Frequent bronchitis in a child, of course, leads to a weakening of its immunity. But after all, chronic bronchitis in children appears rarely as an independent disease. It is a sign of almost all chronic lung diseases, and hereditary diseases, and developmental malformations, among others.

    It is believed that frequent acute respiratory infections with deep damage to the epithelium of the bronchial mucosa lead to the development of the disease. And parents, if the child is constantly ill with bronchitis, refer to ARVI as a trifle, which does not require special attention. And as a consequence - long-term treatment, but already from another and chronic illness.

    The outcome of a chronic inflammatory process in the bronchi is sclerosis of the peribronchial and bronchial walls, atrophy of the cartilage of the bronchi and glands, muscles and elastic fibers. And also there is either narrowing or widening of the lumen of the bronchus with the formation of bronchiectasises.

    Chronic bronchitis in children is simple and obstructive, and by spreading - local and diffuse( penetrating).Chronic obstructive bronchitis in children is the most severe manifestation of the disease, which captures considerable space.

    It differs in excess in the bronchial tree of mucus, the granulation tissue grows, polyps, sclerosis and atrophy of the muscular layer are formed. These processes can be localized or spread along the most favored path.

    Methods of fighting the disease

    The treatment of chronic bronchitis in children should start as soon as possible. And this should be an individualized and continuous course. External causative factors are eliminated and high-calorie and vitaminized diets are prescribed.

    It is necessary to take ascorbic and nicotinic acids, vitamins of group B. Immunoregulatory agents are also needed: levamisole, aloe extract, methyluracil. All treatments, appointments are made, of course, by a pediatrician. He can also include in the complex therapy of chronic bronchitis prostaglandins, histamine inhibitors, acetylcholine.

    To improve the bronchial patency use expectorant, mucolytic and bronchodilators. Antibiotics and sulfonamides are used to suppress the activity of the infection. All drugs are selected taking into account the individual sensitivity of sputum microflora and are administered either inward, or parenterally, or intratracheally.

    Inhalations from garlic and onion juice are effective: to mix in proportion one part of the juice to three parts of a solution of 0.25% novocaine or isotonic sodium chloride solution immediately before the procedure. Take them 2 times a day, 10 days in a row. It should, and think over the motor mode of the child, optimize it taking into account the age of the baby.

    Strictly following the prescriptions of the doctor, having a positive attitude towards recovery, parents will help to defeat this illness to their child and return him to a happy and healthy life.

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