  • How to determine what the bronchi are aching: symptoms of the disease

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    Diseases of the respiratory system are common nowadays. A variety of disorders of the respiratory process, the appearance of cough and sputum may be symptoms of a particular disease or complications of the viral inflammatory process in the body.

    When the respiratory organs are affected, there is often a feeling of heaviness or pain in the chest. But sometimes pains in the bronchi appear without any other symptoms and external manifestations of the exacerbation of the disease. What can be the cause of such a malaise?

    Such a different pain in the bronchi

    The question of whether bronchi or lungs can hurt, has no unambiguous answer. In the bronchial region, there really are nerve endings, but if they were lined with the entire inner surface of this organ, people would experience terrible sensations in a banal cough.

    Also, nerve endings are present in the trachea, the sensitive one is also the pleura - external lung protection. Therefore, before studying bronchial diseases and diagnosing pain in this organ, think about whether you know enough anatomy well enough?

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    It is necessary to trust the opinion of a qualified and experienced specialist, as well as the results of a survey( instrumental and laboratory) - they will help establish the true cause of the appearance of pain in the bronchi.

    Before calling a doctor, you should try to analyze your feelings as accurately as possible. How severe is the pain? How does it manifest itself?

    Does it give back, side, or neighboring organs? Does it arise at rest or only with physical exertion? Also, it is necessary to trace the connection between the process of breathing and pain sensations.

    Severe pain can be a symptom of viral diseases. In this case, the pain can be localized in the area of ​​the bronchi, lungs or occupy all the stagnant space. If the pain changes during movement, it is unlikely a tumor of the bronchi.

    Sensations of this nature may indicate diseases of the spine and musculature - osteochondrosis, severe scoliosis, herniated intervertebral discs.

    Pain in the bronchi during inspiration and exhalation indicates an inflammatory process or the appearance of tumors of various types.

    Similar feelings are typical for chest injuries, rib fractures and spine problems, but in this case, patients usually remember the circumstances under which pain first appeared. If the bronchi are coughing up with a cough, the reason is likely to be a viral illness.

    Physiologically unpleasant sensations in this case are easily explained by overstrain of the intercostal muscles from too strong and frequent attacks of cough - in this case patients often note the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

    Symptoms of the most dangerous diseases you need to know in person

    In order to understand the cause, you need to evaluate the totality of existing symptoms and analyze the type of pain. The increase in body temperature, general weakness and rapid fatigue indicate an inflammatory process.

    Characteristic is also the appearance of a cough, dry or with sputum discharge. Often formed pus - the cause of this condition is excessive sputum formation and problems with its timely withdrawal, which are complicated by infection in the secret of the bronchial tree.

    With limited pneumonia( bronchopneumonia), pain in the bronchi and chest can also occur. Similarly to this disease, pneumonia with signs of the inflammatory process, wheezing and other complications in breathing - croupous pneumonia.

    Often there is a general intoxication of the body. Since with the defeat of the respiratory system of this type is significantly hampered by the introduction of oxygen into the body, local manifestations of cyanosis are possible - blue lips and nasolabial triangles, discoloration of the nails.

    When coughing, bronchial pain can also be indicative of cancer of the respiratory system. Depending on the spread of the tumor, pain can occur in the region of the heart, abdomen or neck.

    In the absence of timely treatment, the tumor can spread in the direction of the spine or ribs, especially acute pain sensations when the neoplasm of nerve trunks is squeezed.

    To recognize the cancer of the bronchi or lungs yourself can be by the presence of blood in the sputum. For an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo an examination using modern medical equipment.

    What if I have bronchi?

    If repeated pain occurs in the chest area, you should consult your doctor, describe in detail the symptoms and the nature of the pain. More often all other symptoms are treated according to the nature of their appearance.

    Antibiotics are used to combat virus infections, they are knocked down by fever reducing agents.
    If the burning sensation in the bronchi appears along with a cough, you can take care of yourself of facilitating sputum discharge.

    For this purpose, any expectorant is suitable, it is also necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed, you can hold inhalations, put warm compresses.

    Inflammation often occurs after cleaning the bronchi from mucus and removing swelling. As an auxiliary means can be used breathing exercises for bronchial tubes and a special therapeutic diet, as well as a sparing regimen.

    For an early recovery it is important to find out why the bronchi are aching. Do not forget that bronchitis and other chronic diseases of the respiratory tract can have an allergic cause. In this case, contact with the allergen should be minimized.

    If, after examinations, bronchial inflammation is not detected, and pain is present, it should be excluded or confirmed the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and muscles.

    However, some bronchial diseases are insidious and specific studies, such as sputum analysis, may be needed to diagnose them.

    If the bronchi are sore and the cause can not be established, one should learn more about the options for diagnosing diseases of the respiratory system and choose the appropriate method.

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