  • Treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint by available methods

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    Osteoarthritis is the wear and tear of bone and cartilage tissues. Since the composition of a person is many, as many different types of arthrosis can be identified. But I would like to focus on arthrosis of the shoulder, because most of the actions and loads have all the same on the upper limbs of man.

    There are several degrees of difficulty in the development of arthrosis. The first, and the most sparing, stands out with pain in the shoulder joint and certain restrictions in the movement of the hands. The second is more complicated - the pains are aggravated, and continue even in the resting state of the limbs, and is accompanied by characteristic crunches in the joints caused by salt deposits.

    In addition to this, the movements become even more limited. With the third degree of arthrosis, the movements are even more restricted, and the wear of the interosseous cartilage is fatal. And, finally, the fourth degree of arthrosis of the shoulder. Patients do not leave painful sensations, cartilage is worn out, and bone tissues begin to grow together. It is observed, mainly, in the elderly.

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    Arthrosis of the shoulder joint is pain in the shoulder area, scapula and lower part of the clavicle after physical exertion, as well as injuries of the upper limb belt. If you identify any pain during falling, bruising, or any other physical damage to your shoulder, you should consult your doctor, as this may entail a series of complications, such as posttraumatic arthrosis of the shoulder joint, and many others.

    In addition to the name of arthrosis in medicine, there are other definitions of the disease, such as osteoarthritis, as well as deforming arthrosis or osteoarthritis. But the most important for people who have arthrosis of the shoulder joint is treatment.

    Treatment of this disease is completely diverse, ranging from traditional medicine to surgical intervention. Let's consider in more details in what cases and what exactly it is necessary to do.

    For arthrosis of the first degree

    For deforming arthrosis of the first degree shoulder joint, a complex of medicines aimed at restoring cartilaginous tissues and a set of exercises are usually prescribed. And in principle, the use of LPC for arthrosis of the shoulder joint, like any other arthrosis is simply inevitable.

    If to speak about medicines, then basically, various chondroprotectors are used in combination with various bioadditives, vitamins and minerals. And if you return to physical exercises, then the exercises are usually associated with the load on the shoulder joint - lifting the shoulders, swinging their arms with their arms to the sides in a sitting position, circular rotation of the shoulders and so on.

    For arthrosis of the second degree arm

    How to treat arthrosis of the shoulder joint of the second degree? It's very simple - the same method as in the first degree. But besides this, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed together with anesthetics about various pain medications.

    Apart from this gymnastics for recovery are more gentle, not implying strong loads on the shoulder composition to avoid complications. Categorically forbid any physical stress on the upper limb of the limbs, such as, for example, lifting weights.

    With arthrosis of the third degree

    Usually, the condition of the patient in the third stage of the disease is extremely complicated, and the treatment of deforming arthrosis of the shoulder joint in this case requires exclusively surgical intervention. At the same cartilage of the joint is withdrawn, replaced by a special prosthesis to maintain the motor functions of the limb.

    The fourth degree

    But what can be the treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint of the fourth degree, if already at the third operation is necessary? Usually, this pathology develops in elderly people and is characterized by complete wear of the cartilaginous tissue, and the fusion of bone tissue.

    In such cases, the help of a highly qualified doctor in this field is needed, which, to date, is not so much, and can only be found in large cities. To avoid the development of the disease to such an extent should consult a doctor at the first manifestations of the disease.

    How to determine if you have arthrosis?

    But what are the symptoms of arthrosis of the shoulder joint? Of course, firstly, it is the presence of pain after prolonged physical exertion on the upper limbs, as well as pain in the area of ​​the scapula or the lower part of the clavicles. In addition to the symptoms can be attributed and characteristic crunching in the joints during their movement.

    Also it should be noted and the limited movement of the hands, for example, if you simply can not raise your hands above shoulder level, then there is already a suspicion of arthrosis. In addition to the aforementioned symptoms, one can also refer to prolonged pain even during the absence of any movements or actions by hands.

    After consulting with the doctors you will be told that with arthrosis of the shoulder joints gymnastics are simply necessary. But do not forget about the loads - they should be minimal. It should also be noted that the treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint diet, as such, does not imply - everything is strictly individual, and depends on age and professional needs.

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