  • Methods of treatment and diagnosis of arthritis of the fingers

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    Arthritis is an inflammatory disease that affects joints. Arthritis affects all joints, but more often it touches the fingers. As a result, articular cartilages become thinner, ligaments and joint capsules change.

    All these changes lead to deformation of the joints. Arthritis is more common in women than in men. According to statistics, every seventh person on Earth suffers from this disease.

    Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic progressive joint disease that occurs during psoriasis. The disease occurs in both men and women.

    The reasons for the development are still unknown, unfortunately. But usually it is provoked by infectious diseases and stressful conditions.

    Signs of psoriatic arthritis

    Psoriatic arthritis can develop both for a long and short time. Symptoms of this disease include:

    • swelling and joint pain on the hands and knee joints;
    • red scaly patches on the skin;
    • formation of pigmentation on hands and feet;
    • formation of scars in the form of pockmarks;
    • questionable spots.
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    Other things, which the competent doctor knows about, are attributed to the signs of psoriatic arthritis.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    Diagnosis, of course, is done by an experienced doctor. It is not necessary to resort to consultation of people with little understanding in this or the Internet. The doctor will ask you about the symptoms and carry out an examination.

    Arthritis has dozens of subspecies, so for an accurate diagnosis it will be necessary: ​​

    1. to undergo an X-ray examination;
    2. hand over a blood and joint fluid test.

    If the patient shows obvious signs of psoriasis, the doctor will immediately diagnose without the appointment of an additional study.

    Treatment of psoriatic arthritis

    The diagnosis is made, but do not panic. Every disease can be cured one way or another. The first thing that needs to be done in case of symptomatic manifestations is to consult a doctor.

    Based on the surveys, he will prescribe medications. The main task of treating the psoriatic form is to reduce the inflammatory processes. Timely treatment of arthritis is an important step.

    Although this disease is considered moderate, it is important to prevent further erosion of the joints and loss of their functional activity in a timely manner. Treatment is carried out with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by a doctor.

    Another method of treatment is the use of corticosteroids. These are strong anti-inflammatory drugs taken with acute pain. Most often used in neglected cases.

    Often, the attending physician offers a series of exercises that soften the course of the disease and relieve the stiffness of the joints. Normal charging can speed up the healing process. Always listen to the opinion of a specialist, because only he knows how to treat psoriatic arthritis.

    Treatment of the disease folk remedies

    Of course, there are not many who want to resort to the treatment of arthritis with drugs. Adherents of treatment with folk methods are becoming more and more. Fortunately, there are quite a few methods of treating this disease with folk methods.

    Here are some of them:

    1. cranberry tea - 2 teaspoons pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. Chilled broth to drink during the day in small sips;
    2. dandelions - 6 grams of dry dandelions pour water and boil for 10 minutes. After half an hour you can take 1 tablespoon three times a day;
    3. spruce branches - freshly cut branches to insist on boiling water and immerse in a cooled decoction of the hands or feet;
    4. flax seeds - heat the dry seeds and wrap them in a tissue pouch that should be applied to a sore spot;
    5. pharmacy chamomile - 300 inflorescences pour boiling water, insist for two hours. The resulting broth is added to the bath.

    Diet for psoriatic arthritis

    To slow the progression of the disease and preserve the functional capacity of the joints, doctors recommend to maintain a diet that will facilitate the course of the disease in the patient.

    Nutrition with psoriatic arthritis will not cause the patient to feel hunger and constant desire, because it does not imply the exclusion of a large number of foods from the diet. Especially, such a temporary diet

    It is recommended to use the following products:

    • milk and vegetable food with a minimum content of animal fats;
    • vegetables, fruits and berries in any form.

    In the treatment it is necessary to completely eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages in order to protect yourself from the onset of an exacerbation.

    Nutrition during the course of the disease can be prescribed individually by the doctor. If there were no wishes on his part, you can use the Internet, which holds a huge storehouse of information on this topic, and users share their personal experiences.

    Now you know the necessary information about psoriatic arthritis, how it can be cured and how to protect yourself in the future from suffering. Take care of yourself and be well.

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