  • To help the child's tea

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    For children it is recommended to prepare 1%, 3%, 5% decoctions and infusions. These concentrations are chosen individually in each case and depend on the child's age, the nature and period of the disease, the pharmacological activity of the medicinal raw materials. For children under 3 years, prepare 1-3% decoction and infusion, and older children - 3-5% concentration.

    In the acute period of the disease, higher concentrations are prescribed, and with a preventive purpose, low concentrations. From the same raw material, you can prepare a different volume of decoction and infusion. The daily dose of raw materials, recommended in accordance with the child's age, is important here. For example, the daily dose of cowberry leaves for a child of 10 years is 3 g. From the same amount, you can prepare 1% and 3% decoction( 3 g per 300 ml or 100 ml of water).The daily dose of the prepared broth is distributed evenly for 3-4 doses.

    A large amount of liquid in decoction and infusion is used to treat children with acute respiratory diseases( especially with a pronounced temperature response), as well as for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, the gastrointestinal tract. The liquid is limited in case of lesions of the cardiovascular system, glomerulonephritis. When a child does not like to drink and the nature of the disease there is no need to increase the volume of liquid, prepare concentrated broths and designate them in a smaller volume.

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    The question of dosage of various medicinal forms from plants remains difficult. For ready-made official preparations, the dosage is indicated in the relevant manuals. When calculating the dose of medicinal raw materials, you can use the recommendations of Bulgarian phytotherapeutists: adults - 1 dose, children from 7 to 14 years -1 / 2doses of adults, from 4 to 7 years - 1/3;from 3 to 4 years - 1 / 6- 1/4 dose;2 years-1 / 8-1 / 10 of the adult dose.

    The daily dose of medicinal raw materials for adults is indicated on the package of medicinal raw materials, which is purchased at the pharmacy. It can be refined in the reference literature or in the pharmacopoeia and is usually from 6 to 10 g.

    For children NL Men'shikov, AI Chistyakova recommend preparing infusions and decoctions in the following daily dose of dry medicinal raw materials: up to 1 year -1/2 teaspoon, 1 teaspoon, 1 teaspoon, 3 to 6 years - 1 dessert spoon, 6 to 10 years - 1 tablespoon, over 10 years and adults - 1-2 tablespoonsraw materials. To determine the dry weight of the raw material, you can take into account that a tablespoon( without top) of flowers, leaves, grass corresponds to an average of 4-5 grams, and roots, bark, fruit - 6-8 g.

    At the end of the book a weight value table is givensome medicinal herbs. Preparing the medicine, you need to be careful and accurate dosage, so as not to harm the patient.