
Ureaplasma of Parvum in Women: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

  • Ureaplasma of Parvum in Women: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

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    Ureaplasma Parvum is a conditionally pathogenic microorganism.

    This means that under normal immunity the disease( ureaplasmosis) does not develop.

    Otherwise, sensitive tissues become affected with the development of a pathological process.while ureaplasma of this type is found in women with a frequency of 10 to 50%.

    Symptoms of Ureaplasma parvum women

    Ureaplasma parvum is able to cause the development of these pathological processes in the body:

    • cystitis in women
    • cervicitis
    • urethritis
    • vaginitis
    • endometritis
    • adnexitis
    • miscarriage
    • developing pregnancy
    • ectopic pregnancy
    • post-partum and post-abortion infectious-inflammatory complications.
    Women can make the following complaints when developing a disease, suggesting infection with ureaplasms:

    1. 1) Presence of mucopurulent discharge from the vagina and urethra
    2. 2) Recurrent dark bloody discharge that occurs between the menstruation
    3. 3) Pain during intercourse, called dyspareunia
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    5. 4) Feeling of itching and burning that appear or increase during urination
    6. 5) Pain when urinating
    7. 6) Discortnye sensations in the lower abdomen or pain.
    Objectively, the physician can identify the following symptoms that confirm the inflammatory origin of the above complaints:

    • redness and edema in the urethral opening
    • , the presence of abnormal discharge from the urethra
    • reddening and swelling of the vaginal walls, as well as the cervix
    • , the presence of mucopurulent discharge thatthe abundant leucorrhoea or mucosal discharge from the cervical canal is determined in the posterior vault of the vagina
    • .
    However, based on both subjective and objective signs, it is not possible to expose the final diagnosis of ureaplasmosis. Therefore, additional research methods are required that identify the causative agent of the infectious disease of the genito-urinary tract.

    See also: ureaplasma in women

    Diagnosis of ureaplasma parvum

    All diagnostic procedures are principally divided into two main groups. The first involves clarifying the topography of the inflammatory process, and the second - clarifying the causal relationship with a particular microorganism.

    As part of the activities of the first group, the following studies are shown:

    • general clinical urine analysis
    • urine analysis according to Nechiporenko
    • microscopic examination of vaginal discharge and cervical canal
    • ultrasound of the pelvic organs
    • X-ray examination.
    Of all these analyzes, microscopy is the most informative. The material for her is the vaginal discharge, the cervical canal and the urethra. Using this study, the following data can be obtained:

    • leukocyte count
    • character of the prevailing microflora
    • the amount of epithelial cells
    • revealing pathogenic microorganisms - gonococci, trichomonads.
    If the number of leukocytes in the discharge from the urethra is 10 or more, then a diagnosis of urethritis is made. If the ratio between epithelial and leukocyte cells in the vaginal discharge is 1: 1, a diagnosis of colpitis( vaginitis) is made. Threshold value of the number of leukocytes in the cervical canal is 10, if there are more, then this indicates cervicitis.

    The research of the second group is shown in the following cases:

    • signs of the inflammatory process that are confirmed clinically and / or laboratory
    • infertile couples
    • women with a history of
    • having an ectopic pregnancy in an anamnesis
    • an undeveloped pregnancy, etc.
    In order to identify ureaplasma as the cause of the disease, it is recommended to perform the following diagnostic tests:

    1. 1) Polymerase chain reaction
    2. 2) Culture study - seeding the separated and determining the nature of the grown crops. This is more labor-intensive and long-term treatment in comparison with the first.
    Therefore, the polymerase chain reaction is considered as a "gold" standard for diagnosis of ureaplasmosis. Determination of the level of antibodies to ureaplasma of parvum is not diagnostic, so at present serological testing is not used.

    Otherwise, this leads to overdiagnosis of ureaplasmosis, which entails unreasonable use of pharmacological drugs.

    Treatment of ureaplasma parvum in women

    Treatment of diseases caused by ureaplasma of parvum, pursues the following goals:

    • arresting clinical manifestations of the pathological process
    • laboratory recovery
    • prevention of possible complications.
    The main place in the therapy of ureaplasmosis is the rational use of antibiotics, to which these microorganisms are sensitive.

    According to current recommendations, it is shown to use Josamycin and Doxycycline. The duration of treatment is 10 days, but in some cases it can be increased to 2 weeks. Pregnant women are recommended only Josamycin, which does not adversely affect the growing fetus, and the course of treatment also lasts 10 days.

    As a result of ongoing therapy, the doctor achieves complete relief of clinical and laboratory manifestations of the disease. In this case, it is not always possible to destroy ureaplasma parvum, but this is not regarded as an unsatisfactory result of treatment, since this microorganism is conditionally pathogenic.

    Conservative therapy of a sexual partner is carried out only if it has clinical or laboratory symptoms. In other cases, antibiotic therapy is not indicated. Usually, the treatment of sexual partners is carried out with those drugs that treat women.

    If despite the therapeutic measures to achieve recovery is not possible, the doctor chooses the following tactics:

    • conducting diagnostic tests that can identify other causative microorganisms
    • the use of another antibacterial drug
    • treatment should be increased to 2 weeks.

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