  • Meals from six months to one year

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    By 6 months, a healthy child has already basically adjusted the regimen and digestion. Most of the children by this age are accustomed to lure - juices, egg yolk, cottage cheese. So six months of life for a baby is quite a serious milestone. Right now you can diversify the menu, observing the main principle - caution and the gradual introduction of new types of food.

    If the child receives artificial feeding, it can be transferred from special milk mixtures to whole pasteurized or sterilized milk. If it is breastfed, milk porridge or whole pasteurized milk is gradually added to the diet. Do not give the baby fresh milk. Before each feeding, it is still necessary to sterilize the bottle.

    How to teach a child to eat ordinary food. It often happens that a child, having tried a new product, whether it's milk porridge, cottage cheese, carrots or meat, does not immediately take it. To make him quickly accustomed to it, you can gradually mix it with a familiar, better-loved dish. Very carefully should increase the additives of the new ingredient, and after a week or two it will be possible to offer a new dish as an independent. In such cases, every mother, watching the child, for his reaction, determines what to add and how much.

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    In 6 months the child can be offered vegetable soup. Fresh potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage and other vegetables should be thoroughly washed with running water, cleaned, finely chopped and boiled under a lid on low heat until softening completely. Dense pieces must be carefully mashed, then add salt, add a bit of semolina, stirring constantly so that no lumps form, and butter. Cover and warm on low heat for 7-10 minutes. Such a soup can be given in daytime feeding. Vegetable purees and soups are especially useful for weakened children.

    If it is not possible to make fresh fruit or vegetable puree, it is reasonable to use canned, which is quite a lot on sale.

    Their assortment is very wide - these are zucchini, pumpkin, green peas, apricots, apples, peaches, pears. Ready mashed potatoes contain many nutrients - mineral salts, vitamins.

    You can try the most different and pick up the child exactly what he likes.

    Very dry dry fruit and vegetable mixes designed especially for baby food are very convenient and useful. They are easy to prepare, and the stored packaging can be stored in the refrigerator longer than canned mashed potatoes.

    Before consuming canned and dried fruit and vegetable purees, you should carefully read the label, firstly, do not use products with expired shelf life, and secondly, do not make mistakes with the choice of a particular product, because they are prepared taking into account the specific agechild.

    When buying canned vegetable and fruit purees, pay attention to the expiration date!

    Keep the jar of mashed potatoes in the refrigerator for no more than a day!

    In the intervals between eating as a snack, the child is offered food that he can keep in his hands - a carrot or a piece of apple.

    Solid food. As a child grows up, he drinks less and less milk and consumes more and more solid food. At this time, we must not forget about drinking. When switching to a new, more dense food, the child needs more drinking, so that the stomach can cope with it. You can give the baby slabovazvarenny tea, broth of wild rose, fruit and berry juices.

    The daily portion of milk or milk formula at 6 months is approximately 850-900 ml and gives the child the necessary protein and almost all the necessary energy. Gradual weaning from the breast or from the bottle leads to a decrease in the daily portion of milk.

    If a child receives two bottles of milk every day, he will be provided with calcium, a high-grade protein and B vitamins, but he will not have enough iron and vitamins A, C, D.Therefore, take care that these nutrients he received in sufficient quantities from other products, for example: iron is a part of special children's cereals, and special children's multivitamins will be recommended by a doctor.

    If you are late with the transition to solid food, the baby can become so used to milk or yogurt that it will be long to reject any food that needs to be chewed.

    Among the dishes of the so-called common table, very few are suitable for the baby, since they contain, as a rule, a lot of table salt and spices. Perhaps during this period it will be necessary to prepare for the whole family what is suitable for the child as well: vegetable soups, cereals, mashed potatoes, mashed meatballs, etc. If you gradually offer inconclusive and unsalted dishes to your child, you will quickly find out what he likes, withthan his stomach manages, and with what is not. In one day, the baby's diet is replenished with only one new dish and in a very small dose. If a baby experiences an upset stomach or an allergic reaction, it will be clear what caused the disease.

    By the half-year anniversary the baby will already try many vegetable and fruit lures, and it will be time to start eating the second complementary foods. This is most likely to be milk porridge. Very delicate soft spaghetti is very good, oatmeal is useful, as well as buckwheat and rice. Children, as well as adults, usually like mixed porridges from different groats. In addition, they are very useful. In them you can add carefully crushed vegetables and fruits: apricots, apples, prunes, etc. Perfectly combine porridges with pumpkin, carrots, apples, bananas, etc. Wash and peeled vegetables or fruits( except banana) cut into slices, poura little water and cook on low heat until softened. Then add a little sugar and rinsed and rinsed croup( semolina, oatmeal, rice, etc.) and cook until ready. Hot porridge is wipe through a sieve, add hot milk, heat on low heat and season with butter.

    Croup first boil on water and only then add milk. When the groats are boiled, wipe it through a sieve and pour hot milk. Then put on the fire for a few minutes, add sugar or sugar syrup, butter, a little salt, if the child has allergic skin manifestations, cook cereals not on milk, but on vegetable broth. For one serving of cereal, you need 10-12 grams of cereals, 60-75 ml of water, 100 ml of milk, 3-5 ml of sugar syrup, 3 g of butter.

    Many mothers prefer to cook cereals not from whole grains, but from ground, for example from oatmeal. Such cereals are faster to cook, they have a gentle consistency and are well absorbed by the child. If there is no finished flour, you can grind the rump in a coffee grinder. This porridge is cooked for 5 minutes, stirring constantly so that no lumps form, and fill it with sugar, milk, butter, like ordinary baby porridge.

    Special ready-made porridges are ideal for baby food, they are enriched with iron, minerals and vitamins, besides, their energy and nutritional value is very high. Trouble with such porridges very little - you just have to dilute them with milk. It is very important that the availability of ready-to-eat foods - canned or in dry form - helps the mother to alleviate the trouble in the kitchen and pay more attention to communicating with the baby. But to completely transfer the child to such food is not worth it. After all, even ideally made, for example, apple puree is inferior in its nutritional value to a fresh apple.

    All cereals begin to give the baby a little - 1-2 teaspoons, gradually( for 1-2 weeks) bring the volume to 140-150 g. Do not get involved in sugar, sweetening porridge and other food. The abundance of sugar in the dish only reduces appetite.

    Each feeding should deliver both the child and the mother pleasure. A child who breaks away, trying to avoid another spoonful of cereal, is nervous and annoying his wet nurse. Problems can be avoided if you treat it calmly and do not impose unwanted food on your baby. If he clearly does not like something - it's okay, so without it he will still be fine. Let him eat what he likes best. You can not allow food to become an onerous duty. Therefore, in no case do not force the child to eat. When the baby is full and does not want to eat up a portion without the remainder, it is better to stop feeding and do not hold it at the table in the hope that it will eat a little more.

    By 1 year the child feels confident enough and strives for independence and independence. He is no longer satisfied with the passive role during feeding, and he prefers to eat from a cup that he even tries to keep himself.

    From the bottle the baby is given only milk before bedtime, when the child is tired, or on the road, on a journey. If after a transition to a cup, try to suddenly give the child juice or water again from the bottle, he will almost certainly protest.

    But the kid still can not cope with food, and it should be fed by adults. The child, undoubtedly, gives pleasure to sit with everyone at a common table. You can let him take his hands, for example, bread and send it to his mouth.

    As soon as the child can take a spoon in his hands, he should be allowed to do this, even if at first he will only wave it. A little time will pass, and it will start to fall like a spoon into a plate, bring it to your mouth and lick it. And after another 2-3 weeks, he really starts, at first rather awkwardly, from a spoon. At this time the adult feeds the child from the second spoon for real. Thus, we must carefully accustom the baby to accuracy in food, encouraging any kind of luck with a gentle word.

    To create a good mood at the dinner table, surround the child with beautiful things. The utensils from which he eats should not be accidental. A bright cup, a plate, a saucer, a comfortable spoon, elegant breastplates and napkins, bought specially for the child, all this will make the atmosphere during the feeding of festive and cheerful. Children's dishes should be kept separate from the rest. And it will be superfluous to be reminded of the need to keep cleanliness in the kitchen and in the apartment in general.

    Sometimes too exemplary mothers experience that their child does not eat well. They forget that all babies are determined to survive. They will never starve themselves. Every person, small and adult, has a decrease in appetite. Maybe this is due to a new nutritious dish, or maybe there is simply no appetite - this happens to both children and adults. The main thing is not to molest the baby with the "extra spoon", even his favorite dish - this is the right way to spoiling, whims and other unpleasant moments. In addition, from an overabundance of food he may start vomiting. It is necessary to make sure that the child is healthy( check the temperature, etc.), and do not overfeed it. That the child does not overeat and does not gain excess weight( and such a problem also exists), one should not give him more food than is required. If he does not have enough servings that fit his age, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

    From the 6th month of life the child can be transferred to a 5-time feeding regime at intervals of 4 hours.

    By the 7th month of life, the following foods are added to the baby's diet: cauliflower, potatoes, low-fat meat broth and carefully ground low-fat meat( starting from 7-8 months), beans, beetroot, broccoli, celery, scraped apple,banana, mashed boiled carrots, puree from carrots and potatoes, rice broth. You can offer the child bread, carefully soaked in milk. At 7 months, you can give the baby a low-fat meat broth( without spices), best of veal, lean beef or chicken, starting with 1-2 teaspoons. After 2 weeks, the child can be given up to 20-30 ml of broth.

    6.00 breast milk or milk formula,

    10.00 150 g vegetable mash or milk porridge, 1/2 egg yolk and 3 tablespoons fruit puree,

    14.00 1 tablespoon of curd, breast milk or milk formula, 40 ml of fruit juice,

    18.00 pectoralmilk or milk formula, 40 ml of rosehip or juice broth,

    22.00 breast milk or milk formula.

    Sometimes when taking meat broths there are manifestations of exudative diathesis, in this case, the broth is excluded from the diet. How to be further, the pediatrist will recommend.

    Meat broths give in the daytime feeding before vegetable purees. To the broth the child can be given a small cracker made of white bread.

    Meat broth for the baby is cooked only from lean meat;It is not recommended to use bones for broth - in such broth there will be a lot of fat.

    Thoroughly washed meat finely cut or pass through a meat grinder and cook over low heat for up to 2 hours. Add salt at the end of cooking. Instead of spices, it's better to add a little fresh greens - dill, parsley or celery. Finished broth strain through a sieve and once more bring to a boil.100 ml of broth will need 50-60 grams of low-fat meat, 200-220 ml of water, a little carrots, salt and greens.

    After the child has got used to meat broths, it is possible to give it little by little lean meat: veal, young beef, chicken. Particularly useful meat is weakened children suffering from rickets or anemia. Meat is given exclusively in crushed and grated form. It is added to all vegetable dishes.

    It is useful sometimes to give the baby and the liver( preferably veal or beef) in the form of puree. The liver is boiled and wiped through a sieve, diluted with broth or milk, a little podsalivayut and served with vegetable mashed potatoes.

    Small metal jars of 75-100 g of canned meat are very convenient. The label should indicate the expiration date and age of the child for which they are calculated. Canned food should be heated before use and can be mixed with mashed potatoes to make an "adult dish".At one time the child does not eat the whole jar. The remaining meat should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day not in a tin can, but in a porcelain or glass dish with a lid.

    The first portions of meat should be very small - no more than a coffee spoon. The next day, if there were no undesirable consequences, you can slightly increase the dose, and by 9-10 months it can be 50-60 g.

    Thoroughly rinse the meat pulp, clean it of fat and films, cut into pieces, pour water and cook onslow fire for 2 hours. Finished meat 2 times scroll through the meat grinder and wipe through a sieve. The resulting stuffing dilute the broth or hot milk to the consistency of gruel. After that, a little salt( no spices are needed) and bring to a boil.

    6.00 breast milk or milk formula( kefir),

    10.00 120-140 g of vegetable puree and 1/2 yolk, 30 g of curd, 40 ml of fruit juice,

    14.00 20-30 ml of vegetable soup with meat broth, 10-30 g of meat puree, breast milk, 40 ml of fruit juice or rosehip broth,

    18.00 150 grams of milk porridge( oatmeal, buckwheat, rice), 25-30 grams of scraped apple or fruit puree,

    22.00 breast milk or milk formula(kefir).

    At this age, children are already happy to eat steam cutlets. Minced meat is twice passed through a meat grinder.

    Meat dishes give the child a day-time feeding with vegetable purees. And it is necessary to change different kinds of meat - veal, chicken, turkey, young beef, liver. When the baby is 1 year old, a pulp of lean pork can be added in small pieces. At this age, a portion of meat can be 70-80 g. But up to one and a half years( and even longer) you can not give your child any sausages, including sausages and sausages. The quality of the meat from which they are made, is difficult to control, in addition, they contain a lot of spices and fat, and all this does not contribute to children's digestion.

    During a break between feedings, you can give a piece of peeled apple, white cracker or unsweetened biscuits - at this time and even earlier the baby needs a load on the gums and teeth. And it is better to give it to the baby in his hand, so that he himself brings it to his mouth and gnaws, developing chewing muscles and getting joy from it.

    Gradually, fruit, vegetable and meat dishes are replaced with milk. Breast milk in the diet of an 8-month-old baby should take about a third of the volume of food. But in the morning and in the evening it is best to continue to breastfeed, so that the child receives the necessary antibodies that help strengthen immunity. If possible, breastfeeding should be continued until 1 year.

    Particular attention should be paid to the variety of nutrition of the child. It is necessary to make maximum use of all types of vegetables, and not to cook out of habit only mashed potatoes, forgetting about cauliflower, green peas, celery, zucchini and pumpkin, fresh greens. Kashi, too, must be cooked from different types of cereals, alternating and mixing them.

    In 10 months you can enter in the diet low-fat boiled fish, rubbed( of course, carefully removing all the bones) or in the form of steam cutlets. For baby food, cod, pollock.

    The feeding regimen changes with the cessation of lactation. The child grows up and in the 10-11 months already sleeps longer in the morning. Therefore, the time of the first feeding is gradually approaching 8 hours, and the breaks between the feedings are 4 hours. The number of feedings does not change.

    At this age, children are given a piece of bread to the meat broth and vegetable purée, in the evening you can offer a bit of light cheese. During the day, if the baby is healthy and does not have a digestive disorder, you can gradually give him "adult dishes", ie, meals that the whole family eats.

    Weaning. Breast milk is an ideal food for a child, and if you gradually transfer it to whole milk, it will receive less ideal food than before. Therefore, you should maximize the variety of complementary foods and add to the diet of multivitamins, which will appoint a doctor. After six months, it's possible to give the baby milk not from a bottle, but from a cup. It is necessary to remove the baby from sucking very carefully, because he can refuse milk altogether, as he is accustomed to sucking it.

    Babies who are breastfed, of course, are best able to eat mother's milk until they are ready to fully switch to feeding milk from a cup. The decision to stop breastfeeding depends on how much the child has become accustomed to the breast, and from lactation in the mother. Often the baby in 7-8 months chooses a cup and refuses the breast. One should heed the recommendations of nutritionists who advise giving the children not whole milk, but dairy products, because they are easier to digest and assimilate.

    In order to gradually wean the baby from breast and reduce the allocation of milk, we must give milk from a cup instead of daytime breastfeeding. If, moreover, give the baby and solid food( the breasts give the baby after it), then soon he will give up his breast. Night feeding by a breast sometimes remains till 1 year.

    Unlearning from the bottle. Parents decide for themselves when to transfer their child from feeding from a bottle to feeding from a cup. One has to reckon with the fact that sucking gives the baby pleasure and this is a reliable way for him to calm down and relax, especially before going to bed.

    But on the other hand, if you do not accustom your baby to the cup in time, his attachment to the bottle will become difficult to overcome, especially after 8-9 months, and it may happen that he will demand a bottle for a very long time. And if the bottle is weaned gradually( until the child is 9-12 months old), it will be easier for him to cope with this loss. At 6-7 months for lunch, a baby can be given a dishwasher and a cup of milk or juice instead of milk from a bottle.

    To 1 year of a life of the child one of two remained( better morning) feeding by thoracal milk replace with a prikormom, and after that the lactation gradually stops. At night it is useful to give the baby kefir or acidophilus, which are quickly and easily absorbed by the child's body.